Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Winchester 1400 Shotgun Worth


've been silent.
've been in a state not recognized by the UN, self-censorship.

the fact is simple: I moved house and I have no internet. (If you want to donate .. even just someone to help me to scrub the key to close: p)
gladly send them to that country the various Italian providers but does not seem nice to come back after eight months and shoot judgments. better come back after 8 months and shoot shit.

I moved house, I said. Are built upon me, I did as I wanted, I am beaten .. but you know, one of the last post is right on the hole. Appro of the last post .. Decapitator continues its work, the link can continue to follow him.

Antef: done.
preface, as well.
thanked them write e non ho nulla a portata di mano per scrivere una dedica convincente. saltiamo qualche pagina bianca e.. tadanh!

8mesi. è successo di tutto. o quasi. anche nulla però.
quello che non è cambiato: continuo a lavorare dove ero.
tutto il resto un vortice.

è cambiato il governo ma non è cambiato un cazzo.
è venuto a trovarmi Stebe, mi hermanito , rimasto un po sconvolto da "noi italiani", lui gigante finnico che ha vissuto in cina, argentina e spagna è rimasto sconvolto dalla maleducazione italica. evvai! duro colpo alla mia autostima di caucasico sopratutto verso i "nuovi vicini" cinesi che a parte cucinare aglio con aglio e fare "ooooh" (ma non come vasco) so many teachers do not appear.
I bought the Roomba 530 : a vacuum cleaner that goes alone. This is fine, very well. clean house shaking non-existent. (If you were to buy after my message ... .. Dear iRobot owe me something, maybe an internet connection: p). I
svalicato several times running, my daughter was at sea, mountain, lake, hills, woods, dirt, rain and heat. I can say that he saw things more of a Hawaiian, not bad.
in Milan and then came the warm, wet fucking, accompanied by mosquitoes. When I die I hope to meet (a) God and I will explain why he decided to create them and, above all, what are they?

this was the slice of life to frame the subject.
Around me the vortex, a devastating Katrina.
people arriving, some departing, some who drove me and many refuse.
new experience, I am Captain. Oh yes now I lead boat (if I say I drive Stefano tilts berth, and finally opens his eyes) ... um ... Guido boats!
Experience old: I am no longer a diver. No, I am not as Marco Donati, I have stuck to the gills and do not live in the aquarium, I love the sea, the fish, but especially the water, I stay inside. Regrettably we can not do it, can no longer be a fish, I can not shut up.

nn so much that I wrote.
I wrote. Thoughts of a centrifuge, a blender of events. you need this milk shake, tell me what fun he had, according to you.

the immagne is hippo-hand