Above Cason di Lanza in the City of Paularo, step on the path that leads to the same name, near the Austrian border to Rattendorf, we encounter what is called the Cave of Attila. It 's a small crack in the rock that a stream, little more che un ruscello, s’è scavato nel calcare nel corso dei secoli. Una delle tante grotte che si incontrarono negli ambienti carsici, ma con un nome che la lega al grande condottiero degli Unni. Come mai? Cosa ha a che fare Attila con l’incantevole altopiano a cavallo tra l’Italia e l’Austria, tra Paularo e Pontebba?
Come si legge nella storia, Attila invase l’Italia nel 452 dopo Cristo, e dopo aver distrutto diverse città del nord, avrebbe distrutto anche Roma se papa Leone non l’avesse fermato al Po. Secondo alcuni ad incutere timore al barbaro sarebbe stato il crocefisso che il papa brandiva, alla stregua di una lancia. I soliti infedeli sostengono che in una mano teneva il crocefisso e nell’altra un nice bag of gold coins with which to redeem the Eternal City from a new bag. But disputes are of interest to historians ... What is certain, unfortunately, is that the first city to be destroyed by the new invader was Aquileia, and in some way related to this fact the legend of the cave with the step of Lanza.
From here, from this passage in fact, Attila decided to begin the invasion of Italy, because he knew there was hidden the sword of Mars, which would ensure victory in all battles and who took her. Jordanian historian to whom we owe most of the information on the life of the Hun leader, says that a shepherd grazing his flock was seen limping a sheep, and not understanding the cause of the injury, had followed the traces of blood left by the animal, finding the end of a sword on which the beast was tripped by burning grass. He then retrieved the weapon and receiving a gift brought to Attila. The latter, thinking he had found the sword of Mars, he was convinced that he was elected the absolute master of the world.
not know if it's believable story of a shepherd who finds it a magic sword, let alone know where the variant is credible for the fact that this would happen just in Lanza. I know for a fact however that here, on the plateau, according to an ancient oral tradition, now forgotten, Attila found the famous spear, as yet it is said in some legends of Friuli, was able to "impale many people at once." It was a magical spear that seemed to have an extension invisible. Allowed to pierce many soldiers in one fell swoop, but also to penetrate the rock and then to demolish buildings. Lanza's name clearly derived from a lance, is an indirect confirmation of the tradition and legend. And then you can confirm right here that Attila has found the magic spear. With equal certainty it can be assumed that he found the sword of Mars, and in fact did not become its own irresistible.
According to a reconstruction, not without difficulty, and after exhausting research, I somehow managed to put together, apparently determined that the situation was more or less this way. ..
It is clear that in time a magical being, who came perhaps from another planet, has forged for Guriùs working up here to extract the iron from the mines, two unique weapons, a sword and a spear capable of making those who used them invincible . But Guriùs were peaceful, they believed in arming the withdrawal rather than in that offense and did not know what to do with weapons of war. Unwilling, however, that weapons of mass destruction were used by others, held a council to decide what to do with it. Prevailed, the suggestion of the Druid who advised to purify, because their spell might not be known in the world and then hide them so no one could use them. We find an intelligent solution to purify them and hide them at the same time.
on the modern border between Italy and Austria, just behind the ridge that forces the drops of rain to take part in quite different ways: the one to fall into the Adriatic to the Danube while others end up in the Black Sea, was (and we still have it) a sort of small natural amphitheater, which emerges in a pool of water. It was a sacred spring for Gurius believed it had the power to restore peace in the spirit of those who drank it. The Druid proposed to immerse their arms, and then cover it all. L’acqua della pace avrebbe vinto per sempre la carica distruttiva delle armi. I Gurius rinunciavano alla loro pace per portare la pace nel mondo!...
Con una grande cerimonia alla quale partecipò tutto il popolo del Gurius, una notte di luna piena, di fronte al monte Zermula che brillava come fosse d’alabastro, deposero la spada e la lancia nella sorgente e poi, di giorno in giorno, le coprirono con tutto il materiale di risulta che andavano estraendo dalle miniere.
Quando abbandonarono l’altopiano, perché non c’era più ferro da estrarre, al posto dell’anfiteatro naturale, c’era una enorme montagna artificiale fatta con i sassi che avevano estratto. E sotto al grande cumulo c’erano le armi magical ... The fact should have remained a secret to those who are lost in the river of time, with the death last Guriut. But as he also said my grandfather, the secrets are like the smell of polenta, as you close your windows and taxes, it spreads out, and everybody knows that at home we eat polenta. In the same way throughout Europe spread the legend of the magical weapons of Guriuts, hidden plans of Lanza. However, despite continued research in the following centuries, no one could find them and could not even imagine the place where they could be hidden.
The news also came back to Attila, who, having decided to invade Italy took the opportunity to enter the House Lanza by step, looking for the magic weapon that would have made him invincible.
"If you have these weapons, I will find you!" He told his pace going up the valley of Gail. "If the fairies were so clever in hiding them, I'll be more clever in finding them." Indeed, when, just after the step, he saw himself in front of a huge mountain that seemed to sort the surrounding land as a result of a volcano, perceived that's what the fly was the hit of the cunning Guriuts.
"There are no volcanoes," she said to her. "It 's obvious that this is an artificial mountain. Dig. And, if it is not a fairy tale, we find the magic weapons !..."
then gave the order, all the soldiers of his immense army, to fill their helmets with small stones that had downloaded the Guriuts. The army began to move like a flood coming down on the lawns of Sweet Valley and then up to the step of Zermula and descend into the valley of Incarojo, passing the cemetery Celtic Minsincinis. As the army advanced, the mountains of Giurius, decreased. It was as if it were made of melting snow and you were the sunshine of spring. There were so many soldiers of the army, which soon appeared the amphitheater and the sacred spring where Guriuts had laid down their arms. The last steps, Attila wanted to attend in person. He was sure that would have been found le armi, e non voleva perdere il momento nel quale sarebbero riapparse…
In effetti, come si può vedere anche adesso, riemerse una sorgente, dalla quale aveva origine un piccolo ruscello che, dopo un percorso di pochi metri, si inabissava in una caverna. Dall’acqua della fonte, emerse la lancia là dove era stata deposta dal Druido dei Guriuts, ma della spada che avrebbe garantito l’invincibilità a chi la portava, non si trovò traccia. O meglio, si capiva benissimo che l’acqua miracolosa della pace, l’aveva sciolta. Si vedevano distintamente le tracce di ferro lasciate nella sorgente è nel ruscello che spariva nella grotta. Attila ordinò al suo scudiero nano di entrare nella grotta alla ricerca the sword. But they returned soon after telling that the cave was an elbow, but then broke off just a few meters, and water was lost in the rock to get somewhere ...
to anger the ferocious leader killed the dwarf with the spear piercing had just challenged. But the death of the dwarf did not cool off the disappointment of not having found the sword, which would make him invincible. You can imagine the expletives that has addressed the Gurius had destroyed for ever the sword of invincibility ...
still went down in Friuli, the bulk of his army, to give strong leading man who had sent on ahead and that for some months was trying in vain to conquer Aquileia.
"But what they should do the soldiers of the stones that have collected in the helmets?" Asked the generals when they were in the Friuli plain.
"Let's make plain in the hills that hid my spear," he said. "I want to climb to the top, from there to contemplate the burning of Aquileia, the first of many Italian cities we're going to loot." He pointed to a place in the plain between the rivers Cormor and Torre wanted to be called by the name of U-Din. It was the name of the squire who had just killed. Repenting of having killed in a fit of anger the dwarf who had cheered many evenings inventing the most fantastic legends, wanted which remains for ever his name. A name that would remember forever the wrath falls to the detriment of the person who feeds. The poor dwarf had no other fault than that of not having found a sword that you could not find because he had dissolved in the spring of peace.
While the bulk of the army, rising in the place indicated, he began to shape the artificial hill, reached the army Attila stationed around Aquileia. You just put the head by ordering a new attack on the city. With his magical spear demolished the north tower and poured them into the army breached the walls of the city, spilling over the surrounding countryside, a river that managed to make inroads into an embankment.
Let her have fun in the sack of the city, Attila rode back to the hill while his soldiers had formed, and climbed on top to enjoy the spectacle of the fire of the Roman city.
to legend, in the evening, is a dove out of the city of Aquileia, and has reached Attila, waiting on the artificial mound, to announce the start of the show. It can also be, if you want to believe the legends ... It is certain that he had given the order to proceed to fire at nightfall, he did not need ads to confirm that your order would be observed fact that night ... And the horizon of Friuli, in the south towards the sea, became a streak of fire. It seemed that the plain had given birth to a fiery dragon with a thousand tongues flapping between heaven and earth. Attila saw how that turned into a dragon and thought that the gods, making him rediscover the magic spear he had been given power over all mankind ...
But he had found the sword ... And so when he found himself before Pope Leo had the doubt that these were instead to have the sword of Mars, and decided to renounce the conquest of Rome. So I was able to reconstruct the facts. In truth Attila had begun to wait for the pope in provocative behavior, with one hand on lance planted in the ground and the other resting the hilt of the sword. But the pope, and showed no fear, he had planted in front of him with a similar attitude of defiance, pointing to a strange land throws that ended up with a hilt in the shape of the cross that led to the relief sculpture of a crucified man . The barbaric superstitious thought that he could also be a strange long sword, the sword of Mars, in fact, with the hilt adorned with the magical figure of a crucified God
... "this must be the weapon that makes it invincible," said the barbarian, impressed also by the imposing man who stood in front, which is no coincidence that he was nicknamed "the Great". Il papa per l’occasione s’era anche vestito con i paramenti sacri, portava un piviale ricamato d’oro ed aveva in testa una enorme mitria dorata e ornata di pietre preziose che gli conferivano l’immagine di una grande forza ed imponenza.
Come ho già detto, qualcuno sospetta che il papa avesse con se anche qualcosa d’altro per convincere il barbaro a rinunciare all’idea di conquistare Roma. Ma io ritengo sia stata proprio quella strano oggetto che il papa aveva piantato in terra a mo’ di lancia, a fargli cambiare idea. Attila non poteva sapere che si trattava soltanto di una croce astile…
A volte le convinzioni ci influenzano più della realtà…
Comunque, come siano andate le things between Attila and Pope Leo, is a truth that can only be of interest to historians. For carnici more interested in the truth that the castle where he sat, the Parliament of Friuli is built on ground meat. If this is not a symbolic figure to think about ... well, confirming that the meat has been rightly called the mother of Friuli !!!... To the inhabitants of
Paularo, and tourists who frequent the valley Incarojo may be interested to know more but the end who made the charge of the water molecules of the miraculous sword of iron Guriùts ... Who goes to plans Lanza, still comes across in the source which then filters into the cave of Attila, and can be seen without a shadow doubt, the residue left by water on the stones of the riverbed, as is actually water that carries iron. But to find the water ferruginous not need to climb up there ... The water, as has observed the dwarf of Attila, lost inside the cave, then filters through the rocks of Mount Zermula and comes out just below the hamlet of Ravinis, next to the cemetery of the Celts in Misincinis, E 'water that still has the ability to inspire peace, as was originally the source of the Guriuts and at the same time convey the strength that comes from the iron sword magic that continues to melt.
Who drinks one gets to use force in peace ...
It 's the power that men learn to use, not against others, but in peace with fellow human beings, with nature and with all creation, and to their own advantage and benefit. A force to be used to enhance their spirit of enterprise and freedom, which must be overridden only by the freedom of others. And 'the force in the past has made Paularo the cradle of many great entrepreneurs, starting with James Linussio.
For some 'time, (it's more than obvious!), The inhabitants of Paularo not drinking at the source of iron. They have settled very well today ... the water comes from a beautiful mask, in memory of 'home mythical water, but people have stopped drinking and then to absorb its magical powers, namely the ability to tune the force with peace ...
is to be hoped that young paularini, and youth who are in leave the valley, come back to make a habit to drink from this source, to make Paularo again a beacon from which emanates the desire of enterprise, and the ability to combine strength and generosity, a beacon light with which we once Carnia, as did James Linussio.
Come si legge nella storia, Attila invase l’Italia nel 452 dopo Cristo, e dopo aver distrutto diverse città del nord, avrebbe distrutto anche Roma se papa Leone non l’avesse fermato al Po. Secondo alcuni ad incutere timore al barbaro sarebbe stato il crocefisso che il papa brandiva, alla stregua di una lancia. I soliti infedeli sostengono che in una mano teneva il crocefisso e nell’altra un nice bag of gold coins with which to redeem the Eternal City from a new bag. But disputes are of interest to historians ... What is certain, unfortunately, is that the first city to be destroyed by the new invader was Aquileia, and in some way related to this fact the legend of the cave with the step of Lanza.
From here, from this passage in fact, Attila decided to begin the invasion of Italy, because he knew there was hidden the sword of Mars, which would ensure victory in all battles and who took her. Jordanian historian to whom we owe most of the information on the life of the Hun leader, says that a shepherd grazing his flock was seen limping a sheep, and not understanding the cause of the injury, had followed the traces of blood left by the animal, finding the end of a sword on which the beast was tripped by burning grass. He then retrieved the weapon and receiving a gift brought to Attila. The latter, thinking he had found the sword of Mars, he was convinced that he was elected the absolute master of the world.
not know if it's believable story of a shepherd who finds it a magic sword, let alone know where the variant is credible for the fact that this would happen just in Lanza. I know for a fact however that here, on the plateau, according to an ancient oral tradition, now forgotten, Attila found the famous spear, as yet it is said in some legends of Friuli, was able to "impale many people at once." It was a magical spear that seemed to have an extension invisible. Allowed to pierce many soldiers in one fell swoop, but also to penetrate the rock and then to demolish buildings. Lanza's name clearly derived from a lance, is an indirect confirmation of the tradition and legend. And then you can confirm right here that Attila has found the magic spear. With equal certainty it can be assumed that he found the sword of Mars, and in fact did not become its own irresistible.
According to a reconstruction, not without difficulty, and after exhausting research, I somehow managed to put together, apparently determined that the situation was more or less this way. ..
It is clear that in time a magical being, who came perhaps from another planet, has forged for Guriùs working up here to extract the iron from the mines, two unique weapons, a sword and a spear capable of making those who used them invincible . But Guriùs were peaceful, they believed in arming the withdrawal rather than in that offense and did not know what to do with weapons of war. Unwilling, however, that weapons of mass destruction were used by others, held a council to decide what to do with it. Prevailed, the suggestion of the Druid who advised to purify, because their spell might not be known in the world and then hide them so no one could use them. We find an intelligent solution to purify them and hide them at the same time.
on the modern border between Italy and Austria, just behind the ridge that forces the drops of rain to take part in quite different ways: the one to fall into the Adriatic to the Danube while others end up in the Black Sea, was (and we still have it) a sort of small natural amphitheater, which emerges in a pool of water. It was a sacred spring for Gurius believed it had the power to restore peace in the spirit of those who drank it. The Druid proposed to immerse their arms, and then cover it all. L’acqua della pace avrebbe vinto per sempre la carica distruttiva delle armi. I Gurius rinunciavano alla loro pace per portare la pace nel mondo!...
Con una grande cerimonia alla quale partecipò tutto il popolo del Gurius, una notte di luna piena, di fronte al monte Zermula che brillava come fosse d’alabastro, deposero la spada e la lancia nella sorgente e poi, di giorno in giorno, le coprirono con tutto il materiale di risulta che andavano estraendo dalle miniere.
Quando abbandonarono l’altopiano, perché non c’era più ferro da estrarre, al posto dell’anfiteatro naturale, c’era una enorme montagna artificiale fatta con i sassi che avevano estratto. E sotto al grande cumulo c’erano le armi magical ... The fact should have remained a secret to those who are lost in the river of time, with the death last Guriut. But as he also said my grandfather, the secrets are like the smell of polenta, as you close your windows and taxes, it spreads out, and everybody knows that at home we eat polenta. In the same way throughout Europe spread the legend of the magical weapons of Guriuts, hidden plans of Lanza. However, despite continued research in the following centuries, no one could find them and could not even imagine the place where they could be hidden.
The news also came back to Attila, who, having decided to invade Italy took the opportunity to enter the House Lanza by step, looking for the magic weapon that would have made him invincible.
"If you have these weapons, I will find you!" He told his pace going up the valley of Gail. "If the fairies were so clever in hiding them, I'll be more clever in finding them." Indeed, when, just after the step, he saw himself in front of a huge mountain that seemed to sort the surrounding land as a result of a volcano, perceived that's what the fly was the hit of the cunning Guriuts.
"There are no volcanoes," she said to her. "It 's obvious that this is an artificial mountain. Dig. And, if it is not a fairy tale, we find the magic weapons !..."
then gave the order, all the soldiers of his immense army, to fill their helmets with small stones that had downloaded the Guriuts. The army began to move like a flood coming down on the lawns of Sweet Valley and then up to the step of Zermula and descend into the valley of Incarojo, passing the cemetery Celtic Minsincinis. As the army advanced, the mountains of Giurius, decreased. It was as if it were made of melting snow and you were the sunshine of spring. There were so many soldiers of the army, which soon appeared the amphitheater and the sacred spring where Guriuts had laid down their arms. The last steps, Attila wanted to attend in person. He was sure that would have been found le armi, e non voleva perdere il momento nel quale sarebbero riapparse…
In effetti, come si può vedere anche adesso, riemerse una sorgente, dalla quale aveva origine un piccolo ruscello che, dopo un percorso di pochi metri, si inabissava in una caverna. Dall’acqua della fonte, emerse la lancia là dove era stata deposta dal Druido dei Guriuts, ma della spada che avrebbe garantito l’invincibilità a chi la portava, non si trovò traccia. O meglio, si capiva benissimo che l’acqua miracolosa della pace, l’aveva sciolta. Si vedevano distintamente le tracce di ferro lasciate nella sorgente è nel ruscello che spariva nella grotta. Attila ordinò al suo scudiero nano di entrare nella grotta alla ricerca the sword. But they returned soon after telling that the cave was an elbow, but then broke off just a few meters, and water was lost in the rock to get somewhere ...
to anger the ferocious leader killed the dwarf with the spear piercing had just challenged. But the death of the dwarf did not cool off the disappointment of not having found the sword, which would make him invincible. You can imagine the expletives that has addressed the Gurius had destroyed for ever the sword of invincibility ...
still went down in Friuli, the bulk of his army, to give strong leading man who had sent on ahead and that for some months was trying in vain to conquer Aquileia.
"But what they should do the soldiers of the stones that have collected in the helmets?" Asked the generals when they were in the Friuli plain.
"Let's make plain in the hills that hid my spear," he said. "I want to climb to the top, from there to contemplate the burning of Aquileia, the first of many Italian cities we're going to loot." He pointed to a place in the plain between the rivers Cormor and Torre wanted to be called by the name of U-Din. It was the name of the squire who had just killed. Repenting of having killed in a fit of anger the dwarf who had cheered many evenings inventing the most fantastic legends, wanted which remains for ever his name. A name that would remember forever the wrath falls to the detriment of the person who feeds. The poor dwarf had no other fault than that of not having found a sword that you could not find because he had dissolved in the spring of peace.
While the bulk of the army, rising in the place indicated, he began to shape the artificial hill, reached the army Attila stationed around Aquileia. You just put the head by ordering a new attack on the city. With his magical spear demolished the north tower and poured them into the army breached the walls of the city, spilling over the surrounding countryside, a river that managed to make inroads into an embankment.
Let her have fun in the sack of the city, Attila rode back to the hill while his soldiers had formed, and climbed on top to enjoy the spectacle of the fire of the Roman city.
to legend, in the evening, is a dove out of the city of Aquileia, and has reached Attila, waiting on the artificial mound, to announce the start of the show. It can also be, if you want to believe the legends ... It is certain that he had given the order to proceed to fire at nightfall, he did not need ads to confirm that your order would be observed fact that night ... And the horizon of Friuli, in the south towards the sea, became a streak of fire. It seemed that the plain had given birth to a fiery dragon with a thousand tongues flapping between heaven and earth. Attila saw how that turned into a dragon and thought that the gods, making him rediscover the magic spear he had been given power over all mankind ...
But he had found the sword ... And so when he found himself before Pope Leo had the doubt that these were instead to have the sword of Mars, and decided to renounce the conquest of Rome. So I was able to reconstruct the facts. In truth Attila had begun to wait for the pope in provocative behavior, with one hand on lance planted in the ground and the other resting the hilt of the sword. But the pope, and showed no fear, he had planted in front of him with a similar attitude of defiance, pointing to a strange land throws that ended up with a hilt in the shape of the cross that led to the relief sculpture of a crucified man . The barbaric superstitious thought that he could also be a strange long sword, the sword of Mars, in fact, with the hilt adorned with the magical figure of a crucified God
... "this must be the weapon that makes it invincible," said the barbarian, impressed also by the imposing man who stood in front, which is no coincidence that he was nicknamed "the Great". Il papa per l’occasione s’era anche vestito con i paramenti sacri, portava un piviale ricamato d’oro ed aveva in testa una enorme mitria dorata e ornata di pietre preziose che gli conferivano l’immagine di una grande forza ed imponenza.
Come ho già detto, qualcuno sospetta che il papa avesse con se anche qualcosa d’altro per convincere il barbaro a rinunciare all’idea di conquistare Roma. Ma io ritengo sia stata proprio quella strano oggetto che il papa aveva piantato in terra a mo’ di lancia, a fargli cambiare idea. Attila non poteva sapere che si trattava soltanto di una croce astile…
A volte le convinzioni ci influenzano più della realtà…
Comunque, come siano andate le things between Attila and Pope Leo, is a truth that can only be of interest to historians. For carnici more interested in the truth that the castle where he sat, the Parliament of Friuli is built on ground meat. If this is not a symbolic figure to think about ... well, confirming that the meat has been rightly called the mother of Friuli !!!... To the inhabitants of
Paularo, and tourists who frequent the valley Incarojo may be interested to know more but the end who made the charge of the water molecules of the miraculous sword of iron Guriùts ... Who goes to plans Lanza, still comes across in the source which then filters into the cave of Attila, and can be seen without a shadow doubt, the residue left by water on the stones of the riverbed, as is actually water that carries iron. But to find the water ferruginous not need to climb up there ... The water, as has observed the dwarf of Attila, lost inside the cave, then filters through the rocks of Mount Zermula and comes out just below the hamlet of Ravinis, next to the cemetery of the Celts in Misincinis, E 'water that still has the ability to inspire peace, as was originally the source of the Guriuts and at the same time convey the strength that comes from the iron sword magic that continues to melt.
Who drinks one gets to use force in peace ...
It 's the power that men learn to use, not against others, but in peace with fellow human beings, with nature and with all creation, and to their own advantage and benefit. A force to be used to enhance their spirit of enterprise and freedom, which must be overridden only by the freedom of others. And 'the force in the past has made Paularo the cradle of many great entrepreneurs, starting with James Linussio.
For some 'time, (it's more than obvious!), The inhabitants of Paularo not drinking at the source of iron. They have settled very well today ... the water comes from a beautiful mask, in memory of 'home mythical water, but people have stopped drinking and then to absorb its magical powers, namely the ability to tune the force with peace ...
is to be hoped that young paularini, and youth who are in leave the valley, come back to make a habit to drink from this source, to make Paularo again a beacon from which emanates the desire of enterprise, and the ability to combine strength and generosity, a beacon light with which we once Carnia, as did James Linussio.