ALMIRA Almira was a woman of about thirty, tall, thin, long, brown hair and green eyes like emeralds. He lived on an island of which he was sole owner and loved to be alone. He grew the 'vegetable garden, tended the animals and occasionally took the boat and went ashore to shop and sell their embroidery work, which until then had allowed her to live in dignity. He lived in solitude by choice, his parents had passed away some years before leaving this enchanted place. In this beautiful paradise we
was born and for the world would have left him. He loved the sea and his skin showed the hazelnut. The salt had softened her face and hair.
He had never felt alone until then, all the company she used was that of his animals.
He never demanded anything more from life. Not even love. She had always been convinced that his life would remain so forever.
But fate had a surprise for her Serbian
... That morning the sea was stormy and it happened when she felt restless inside. His mood was following the flow of the tides, the sea and you were one. But this morning was worse than usual.
Besides having a terrible cough that lasted for several days, he felt the fever. He tried to get out of bed and with difficulty reached the radio, which used only for emergencies. He had
medicines at home and the situation worsened by the hour. He called the coast guard
explaining the facts but was told it could not move because of rough seas.
there would be a doctor as soon as possible. He returned to lie down and began to rave for a high fever.
did not know how long it was in those conditions, perhaps hours, days. He no longer ate or drank, it was weak.
there stood a man tanned, dark hair, not physically beautiful and graceful, with thick glasses.
-I am the doctor, can you hear me? Da quanto tempo è in queste condizioni?
-Non lo so, non mi sento bene.
E perse i sensi.
Si risvegliò che era notte, l’uomo era ancora accanto a lei.
-Come si sente? Le chiese
-Mi sembra un po’ meglio, ho tanta fame.
-Le ho preparato una zuppa di cipolle, non c’era altro nella dispensa.
La mangiò avidamente ed iniziò subito a stare meglio.
Fecero così la loro conoscenza.
Scoprì che Albus era separato da alcuni anni e non aveva figli.
Si era trasferito in un paesino sulla costa per andare lontano dalla sua ex moglie che gli faceva continuamente dispetti.
Era bellissimo parlare con qualcuno, soprattutto con lui.. era un piacere che finora si era negata.
Albus si era fermato alcuni giorni finchè Almira non si era ripresa completamente.
-Non capisco Almira come fai a rimanere qui da sola e ti privi del piacere di stare in mezzo agli altri.
D’altro canto questo sembrava proprio un angolo di paradiso…
-Io adoro questa isoletta, ci sono nata e amo stare in solitudine. Comunque non sono proprio sola, ho i miei cani, i gatti, la mucca, i polli, le pecore, non avrei comunque tempo per socializzare.
Dentro di lei però sentiva che quello che stava dicendo non era vero, le mancava la compagnia di esseri umani e forse iniziava a provare qualcosa anche verso di lui.
Cercò di scacciare questi pensieri dalla sua mente ed iniziò a lavorare nell’orto.
Il mare era calmo, la tempesta si era placata ed il suo nuovo amico era pronto a partire.
-Perché non vieni con me? Potresti cercarti una casetta sulla costa.
-Innanzitutto io adoro rimanere qui, inoltre non ho soldi, vivo alla giornata e per me va bene così.
Dentro di lei sentiva che avrebbe voluto gridargli di rimanere, ma era troppo orgogliosa per farlo, trattenne le lacrime e lo salutò.
Il tempo scandiva molto lentamente, non era più spensierata come prima, il suo pensiero andava ad Albus… si era innamorata di quell’uomo, della sua semplicità, della sua dolcezza.
Decise di prendere la barca ed andare a scambiare i suoi ricami con delle sementi.
Mano a mano che si avvicinava the coast of his heart began to beat faster and faster.
was a feeling that he had never tried. When he had finished his negotiations Albus asked, the doctor and learned that the country had gone a few days ago. His ex-wife was ill and had to go to assist you. His disappointment was very strong and thought to have lost it forever. He decided to hole up on his island and never would leave. She would never let anyone hurt her, especially to a man!
The days went even slower and sad, and plunged into the darkest depression, until one day he sighted a small boat horizon.
Who could it be? When the figure
was the closest he realized that it was Albus.
Beside him were two suitcases.
froze. Almira-
Hello, can I come live with you?
He did not know what to say and gasped. Stuttering
-Sure, sure, but your wife?
-I'm sick of my ex-wife. He trimmed a lie, yet another, saying he was seriously ill, but it was all staged, as usual! Almira, I realized I could not live without you, I think of you at any time of day or night.
The smell of your skin, your hair, your sweetness .. please tell me that you feel something for me! The tears rolled down the
viso scarno.
L’amore era arrivato anche nella sua vita, finalmente.
Nonostante conducesse una vita in rigorosa solitudine, Dio aveva fatto in modo di farle incontrare comunque l’amore e ne era felice. Benedisse quella cattiva influenza.
Si baciarono ed iniziarono la loro vita insieme.
Vivevano di quello che producevano e ogni tanto andavano sulla terraferma per fare dei baratti. Erano sereni e felici, soprattutto quando arrivarono i loro sette figli.
Dovettero decidere di trasferirsi sulla costa, avrebbero tenuto l’isola per le loro vacanze.
Quando Albus le mostrò la villa sulla costa Almira rimase stupefatta: lui era ricco e non glielo aveva mai detto. Lì ci sarebbe stato posto per tutti, anche per animals.
Despite the wealth would continue to live in simplicity and modesty, they do not interested in money. END