Non è to blame the Bible. God forbid! But it could also be that the evolution of animal species to the birth of man, has taken place in all parts of the globe, the same way. I do not doubt that in the Middle East, after he ordered the earth to produce "living creatures after their kind", the day after God has created man in His own image. But we in Europe before the age of man, there was that of little men: the earth was populated by Sbilfs and water from Agana. A Tolmezzo Sbilf's lived on the slopes of Mount Strabut, (at that time who knows what it was called), but the Agan foot of the mountain waters of But, che a quel tempo passava molto più vicino alla montagna, proprio ove oggi c’è il centro storico del paese. Chi volesse una conferma di questo assunto, può salire fino a Precefìc e, addentrandosi nel pianoro a mezza costa dello Strabut, troverà nell’atmosfera che vi si respira, una evidente e incontrovertibile prova della presenza nel luogo dei piccoli uomini, nella notte dei tempi.
La differenza tra gli Sbilf e gli uomini, non era tanto o non era solo nella dimensione del corpo. Erano degli uomini in miniatura, ma avevano la testa se si vuole anche più grande di quella degli uomini d’oggi, perché nel loro cervello si era sviluppata una grandissima capacità di pensiero. Gli uomini devono mediare by word or by writing to the communication of their thought, the Sbilf communicate directly. The thought of those who wanted to communicate, he would immediately relate with the thought of the audience as if the waves of the radio waves were thought
In the evolution from small to other people was lost this particular communication skills. Stemmed from the large availability of Sbilf to communicate and relate positively with people like themselves. Making, with the evolution, the largest body mass, has become increasingly important to the self-consciousness, has become increasingly strong self-centeredness, diminishing the availability to others, and so the ability of thought in men was closed in itself, has become more capacity for reflection and communication. The primary objective is to become the man's body and has lost the ability to thought that was so that Sbilf were all poets. The remaining capacity, leaving only a few exceptional man to be able to understand and experience the beauty of nature, to enjoy immediate and instinctive emotion in the relationship with the beauty of creation.
not, however, that even the little guys did not have their problems! ... In particular, they tormented the inability to maintain over time the thought communicated. Not knowing the writing and not having other forms registration, could only communicate in real time and not deferred. As long as there was the invention of Gil and Tiz! ... These were two
Sbilf living in a cave at the foot of Strabut, just above the Museum Carnico. Between the entrance of the cave and the bed of the river passed a path frequented by dogs for a walk. "We should be able to invent something!" Tiz said one day to himself.
"In what way?" Asked Gil.
"See! The first pee and recognize those who come after. If we could make sure that the attack is thought to things like dog pee, we could so that those who follow can hear the thoughts of their predecessors. "
Gil was a guy that when you gave an input, the neurons went crazy in the big brain. By dint of thinking he was a fever, he is stoned all the values, the blood sugar went up to the stars, but in the end exhausted and worn out but still had the strength to say: "I found it!"
"What have you found?" Tiz's churches, which, by now almost convinced that it could not save his friend, was in despair at being, with his question, the cause of all that evil.
had found a way of linking the thinking to the point that he decided to call points of interest! They took it to score all Carnia with their patent, and invited the Agan a ripetere i percorsi segnati da loro, riascoltando i loro pensieri. Loro due di giorno, come due cani, segnavano un nuovo sentiero, ed alla sera le Agane in folla uscivano dal But, per ripercorrere il sentiero accompagnate e suggestionate dai pensieri poetici che gli sbilf avevano legato ai punti di interesse.
Si ripeteva così ogni sera una scena di incredibile bellezza. Le fate dell’acqua uscivano dalla corrente, mentre gli ultimi riverberi di porpora del sole si spegnevano ad ovest sui Monfalconi e trasportate dalla brezza della sera, come uno sciame di farfalle, salivano le valli di Carnia traducendo in musica con le loro voci armoniose i pensieri suggeriti dagli sbilf. Una scena che si ripete forse ancora e che, come ho già detto, solo the sensitivity of those exceptional men who are the poets, he can see ... it must be Carducci describes the scene in the poem "In the flesh": De la
But that breaks in and elle
roars laughing at the thunder, and in that vortex
'silver hair away
striscian d'Or.
This legend was told to me by a trustworthy person who lives near the place where there was the cave of the two Sbilf. But an indirect confirmation that it is not only a legend to me is the coincidence that at that place in an environment which attracts many of the cave, the men of Company Bodi, have thought about a project that uses modern technologies to propose the idea that had, in the same place, the two Sbilf. To
Sbilf that, as we have said, were not poets, nor anything it came no one remembers them, men of Bodi came to be a rather sudden wealth. So much so that they are immediately transferred to the brightest and most prestigious environments!
For the "common good" we can only hope that as Agan in the crowd followed the suggestions of Sbilf, there is now a crowd of tourists following the paths of Bodi Carnia spreading across the wealth and prosperity.
(Fable scrittali 1 March 2010 on transfer of Bodi all'Agemont with migliori auguri a Gil a Tiz e di riflesso a Stefano ed a tutti i collaboratori. Buon lavoro!)