Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sprinter Conversion Ohio

The eternal return of the trivial

" habit makes things bearable appalling"

The good old Nietzsche smirks looking at the squalid cyclicality of Italian politics. Time passes, the interweaving of morbid events and demeaning their (un) worthy protagonists is repeated sadly, come back with a bewildering circularity . La Trattoria Italy, in fact, never closes. They change only

ingredienti delle pietanze servite. Ieri Napoli luccicante entro un mese, oggi splendente entro 3 giorni. Ieri il lodo ordinario, oggi il lodo (in)costituzionale. Ieri l’ “ingrata” Veronica Lario, oggi la “rompicoglioni” Marcegaglia. Ieri l’ingenuo Scajola, oggi lo sbadato Fini. Ieri nel lettone di Putin , oggi nella vasca idromassaggio . Condite il tutto con una spruzzata di rutti-pernacchie-S.P.Q.R. di Bossi, capostipite di quel fiero popolo padano che,schiusesi le uova di trota, ha potuto ritrovare il proprio spirito celtico nel degno erede (nonchè figlio) del suo storico ed indomito leader, ed il piatto è finito, pronto per essere servito ad ogni elezione.

Ma il piatto del momento è il “caso Ruby” . “Cos’ha fatto di strano Berlusconi? L’Italia va a puttane, lui si adegua” potrebbero dire i maligni.
La questione, però, è più sottile e va ben al di là del facile (e spesso falso) moralismo vomitato in questi giorni dai politici, dai media e dalle immancabili organizzazioni cattoliche. I punti da chiarire dell’ennesimo sexy-scandalo (che di sexy, per la verità, ha ben poco) non riguardano nè il numero delle ragazze che hanno partecipato alla presunta orgia, nè la marca dei loro reggiseni né il nome del procacciatore di fanciulle.
Certo, Annamaria Casati Stampa roderebbe is the soul to imagine an entire room of the prestigious family residence used as Harem. The villa that Cesare Previti in 1974, the then pro-turore minor and orphan Annamaria, Berlusconi sold for 500 million lire : more or less the value of one of the pictures contained within the Pinacoteca (eh already, the ancient Benedictine monastery, in addition to a library of 10 thousand volumes, cut off land around the manor and the infamous "Grooming" Vittorio Mangano also has a prestigious art gallery). But - you could tell - about his business.

The "Ruby case" leads however a galla alcune questioni fondamentali , delle quali i vari giornali e telegiornali sembrano, incredibilmente, disinteressarsi. Semplici domande alle quali un Primo Ministro dovrebbe dare delle risposte.

Domande che chiariscano, prima di tutto, le circostanze che portano il capo di un Governo ad:

  • accogliere nella propria abitazione una minorenne avvezza ai furti , a scappare dalle case famiglia a cui le autorità la affidano in seguito alle sue “ragazzate”, a sviluppare una rete di conoscenze nell’industria della notte;
  • regalarle gioielli somme in denaro , che variano, a seconda delle sources, seven to one hundred and fifty thousand euro, including a brand-new Audi ;
  • give their mobile number and that of his boss to escort her and other young girls with unspecified occupations
  • scramble in an attempt to prevent the arrest , lying on the identity of the girl (she is the granddaughter of Egyptian President Mubarak ) and exerting undue pressure on police ;
  • entrust the custody of the girl Nicole Minetti , dental hygienists and dancer television being elected as regional advisor in Lombardy, which, however, declare that they have never hosted Ruby.

Questions that, perhaps, clarify:

  • whether and how early September Giuliante Luke, director of the PDL Milan, Ruby pulled out from the offices of the police station to Central Station, where police officers had accompanied it undocumented but thousands of euro cash to follow;
  • if it's a coincidence that the same Giuliante, current Ruby lawyer, is also a lawyer and Lele Mora Roberto Formigoni as well as treasurer of the People of Freedom ;
  • whether the statements made by the authorities and Ruby quickly retracted in later interviews whether or not the result of a blackmail-extortion perpetrated by the same young against Berlusconi and, most importantly, if the Premier has made blackmailed by you or other girls. So far

Berlusconi, supported with a loud voice and with disregard for decency by his army of yes-men, has blathered more than the usual, pathetic joke of caring philanthropist.
should be so: the other peoples have the government they deserve, we make jokes.


Monday, October 18, 2010

Propylene Glycol For Sale

to Illegio. From the bluetooth

Following some archaeological excavation has shown that, going back in history, the country Illegio had a far greater importance than it has today. It was not as isolated now, but hovers in way of communication is very important. It was the road climbing from Imponzo for Love Incarojo entered the valley and then crossed the Alps to step down for Lanza in Carinthia.
A road that has become very important in the Middle Ages, perhaps a consequence of that for the passage of Monte Croce Carnico, but he must have had its importance in Roman times as an alternative to the climb is not easy to step , as can be inferred from the legend that came to me in the mind through a grandmother Giulia old woman in the country. For a woman of ninety years might seem more appropriate adjective for the old, but it is certainly the case of Julia grandmother who cares for the title of a grandfather, but the movement behaviors, and especially the mental clarity of a sixty . I met her coming from Imponzo at the end of what should become the first stage of "The journey of the churches of the flesh." I was impressed by the incipient autumn colors of the wood down from the ridge on which lags behind the Parish Church of St. Florian. The forest was green in summer, transformed into a color palette with endless shades ranging from red to yellow ocher, and even white. But here and there to surprise some green bush still resisted, remembering the summer. And Julia had seemed one of these trees are still green to challenge the autumn. Green as if time had not passed, with the freshness of the leaves in the wind s'agit, recalling the breezes of spring.
It is because I was struck by His prodigious memory capacity and readiness in bars and in the reasoning I am convinced that the legend even in its strangeness has a fund of historicity. To be honest and love of truth, I must say that I'm not sure even if I heard from her or if I was formed in the mind as a result of emotion and the suggestion that I caused his meeting.
I had hit the quickness and immediacy with which I had transcribed then recited the prayer to St. Florian.
faithful disciples of God or martyrdom, with blood have washed the robe of love, hope and divide with Christ's martyrdom, the cross and the victory of the kingdom of the Blest. St. Florian and St. Florido, St. Peter and St. Paul Illegio to intercede, pray every heart and nourished at the table of peace, help us to hope, teach us to start a family united by the sign of faith. To you be praise O Christ, and true living word that reveals the strength in the martyrdom of those who believe. Amen
I did not realize the combination of S. Florido patron saint of San Marino with Florian, but I had wanted to provoke it seeks an explanation, and at night I fell asleep thinking of her grandmother Julia and the strangeness of this juxtaposition between the two saints the only similarity of the name. In the meantime I had documented finding that in fact was granted to the Church of St. Florian to guard the remains of a Christian martyr buried in the cemetery of St. Priscilla in Rome, which by convention was given the name of Florida. I do not know if it was a dream or effect of this crossing of names and saints, or if re-emerged in the mind a memory linked to the words of Grandma Julia, the fact is (as my grandfather used to say) that in the morning I was clear in his mind the scene Grandma's telling, and mind his story in detail ...
was the year three hundred AD. So I was saying, and with a starting so classic and so decided, I do not think we can have doubts about the historicity of the story ...
Emperor Diocletian had prepared a draft reform of the Roman Empire to secure, with an organization able to allow the Empire di resistere alla pressione delle continue invasioni barbariche. Con il sistema noto con il nome di tetrarchia aveva diviso l’impero in due parti, quella orientale con capitale Nicomedia e quella occidentale con capitale Milano, con a capo due imperatori chiamati Augusti. Le due parti erano poi a loro volta suddivise e affidate in parte a due Cesari, che avrebbero dovuto essere i loro successori. Vespasiano si tenne l’oriente è insediò come imperatore d’occidente Massimiano. L’impero fu poi organizzato in Diocesi rette da Vicari a loro volta suddivise in Province guidate da Prèsidi, e il fatto assunse una grande importanza anche per i nostri territori, per la prima volta infatti sulle alpi carniche si stabilizzo un confine: quello which divided the province of Venezia et Histria from that of Pannonia inferior, but it was also the border between the two empires because the boundary between the Diocese Italiciana, part of the Western and the Diocese of Pannonia, part of the d ' East.
between the two empires was no evidence of reports, as between the dioceses and provinces, so it was that a veteran Florian Roman army who held offices in the position of princeps Cetia (at today's Kirchdorf an der Krems Austria), was sent as ambassador by the Dean of the Province of Pannonia to his colleague of Venice et Histria. We do not know what was the importance of the message and where l’abbia recapitato. Neppure nella “Passio Floriani” cioè nella biografia del messaggero, poi diventato santo, scritta nell’ottavo secolo, si dice nulla al riguardo. Comunque al ritorno da quel viaggio, per qualche motivo che non è dato sapere Floriano con i suoi uomini invece di prendere la strada per monte Croce per valicare le Alpi, prese quella per Lanza e si fermò a dormire nel romitorio di Illegio.
Fu svegliato nella notte dai paesani che gridavano “al fuoco”. Non era raro a quei tempi che scoppiassero degli incendi. Le case erano dei poveri tuguri ad una stanza sola, con il fuoco libero al centro protetto solo da alcuni sassi. I tetti erano fatti di scandole e quindi erano facilmente incendiabili. Bastava a "falisçje", a spark that rose too high, and the house ended in a fire. But then from a house fire was soon to spread to its neighbor, and a small spark was enough to set fire to an entire country. It had already happened at other times also Illegio, and it would end like this even if that night had not intervened ... Floriano
The veteran Roman had some time converted to Christianity, the new faith and lived with an absolute conviction, as the Centurion Roman mentioned in the Gospel. Even as the Centurion Floriano was convinced that, for those who have faith, you name it to cause a miracle. When he was in front of the villagers who rushed to the scene con le anfore e le brocche a versare acqua per spegnere l’incendio, si rese conto da comandante militare quale era, che non ce l’avrebbero fatta: era troppo lontana la sorgente da cui si attingeva l’acqua dal luogo dell’incendio.
“Signore, fai sgorgare dell’acqua più vicino al fuoco!” gridò.
E come se le sue parole fossero state un comando, d’un tratto sgorgò dell’acqua abbondante, a formare un piccolo invaso. Attingendo alla nuova sorgente, in breve l’incendio fu domato e il paese fu salvo.
I suoi soldati e gli abitanti di Illegio che avevano assistito al miracolo, spento l’incendio attorniarono Floriano chiedendogli come avesse fatto a compiere that miracle.
"There is nothing strange," he said "for our religion if one has faith like a mustard seed of a mountain and says" transported from here since there "it will carry, so it is possible that the unfolding of 'water from a mountain. "
Floriano's reasoning was not flawless, even according to her grandmother Julia. But a story is the literary genre best suited to open a discussion of this important ... The fact remains that in Illegio you can still admire the Tof, a spring coming out with a sudden large flow of water in the middle of the country and has ran a series in the history of mills and factories e che ancora fa girare la macina dello storico mulino del Flec.
La storia di Floriano ci dice invece che rientrato in Pannonia durante l’ultima persecuzione dei cristiani voluta da Diocleziano, nella città di Lorch fu arrestato e condotto dal preside, il quale non riuscendo a farlo sacrificare agli dei, lo fece flagellare e quindi lo condannò ad essere gettato nel fiume Enns con una pietra al collo: la sentenza fu eseguita il 4 maggio 304. Il corpo fu, in seguito, ritrovato e seppellito da una certa Valeria e Floriano venne elevato agli onori degli altari come santo e martire.
Dal XV secolo ed ancora oggi viene invocato come protettore contro gli incendi perché, secondo una leggenda spense un incendio divampato in un edificio e secondo alcune varianti in una intera città, con un solo secchio d’acqua. La leggenda che m’è tornata nella mente dopo l’incontro con nonna Giulia è senza dubbio più credibile, e spiega anche la fede della nonna e di tutti gli abitanti di Illegio nel loro santo patrono.
Questo miracolo dell’antichità può spiegare anche come gli abitanti di Illegio mantengano ancora fede nelle capacità taumaturgiche di San Floriano, malgrado il fatto che nel 1700, il paese sia andato completamente distrutto dal fuoco proprio una sera nella quale tutti gli abitanti si trovavano a pregare nella chiesa dedicata al Santo nella pieve che porta il suo nome.