Like a good researcher, Lella, after the story about Agan of Mount Dauda, \u200b\u200bnow thought to check if other countries on the slopes of the mountain, bring the same legend. He decided to go to Fielis. Moving the terrain beneath the church of S. Pietro in Carnia rang the bells, and so instinctively decided to change the program to stop and see if there was someone at the church. The fact that ring the bells did not mean that there was someone, the bells now ring with the electric motor controlled by a timer switch. But this could not be excluded that there could also be the sexton, bell ringer.
E 'was in fact. The door of the tower was open and you could hear him down the stairs with some expletive not exactly in keeping with the sacred site. Finally came out in the sunlight, shaking her hair to get rid of dust. Was surprised to find it there waiting for her. If he knew he would not let go of all those aspirations ...
"On weekdays, there is nobody," he said, almost in apology, thus responding to his greeting.
"I was going to Fielis and I stopped by chance".
"But look at that country there is hardly anyone. They were four old .. "
"And I'm just old and my interests. I am doing a research on the law of the flesh, I'm trying to remember if the older people. "
"Ah! But there are so many legends in the flesh ... "
" I am interested in particular those on Agan! "
's statement surprised the Lella with evident embarrassment that his interlocutor replied," But Agan are not a legend, are history. Once upon a time here on the Hill of St. Peter Agan "
The sexton of St. Peter had the same beliefs of the old Dolaces. He used to reiterate the same words that are part Agan real and fantastic in the history of Carnia.
Lella did not know how to interpret this belief is so deeply rooted. He did not understand why even the two older tenessero us to stress the same way the difference between the story, reporting of events that actually happened, and the legend, reporting of events invented. Just at the popular level that was thought to be normal to recognize that the legend and history meet and mingle. There are stories that arise from the facts of history, and there are facts of history that ended up in legend. Some legends are born from the imagination of some author, but have emerged to explain the story ...
believed, however, that would develop these concepts in the premises of his research, and that was not the case to discuss it with the clerk. To get his story suited him unquestioningly accept his point of view.
"If we sit a moment could tell what he knows of Agan who lived here."
"I wish," he said, as if he had finally found someone who showed interest in his stories. "If you want to sit," he added, "I prefer to stand.
limped noticeably, and this explained his difficulties and if the swearing down the steep stairs of the bell tower. But, agitated, kept moving back and forth almost had to take into operation leg. Small and stocky, with thick hair of white hair, with his rolling gait made him in the head at the idea that Lulu was a gnome. He smiled to himself, without comment with his interlocutor, and sat on a stone bench, leaning against the tower, while continuing to tell him to take around it.
For generations his family had the burden of responsibility and honor of the church sacristy Carnia matrix. From generation to generation and moved the office from father to son were also broadcast the story of Agana, which added an element of mystery but also of poetry to the task of ringing the bells of the church. They had to get out paese ogni mattina alle sei per l’ave maria, a mezzogiorno per il segnale di mezza giornata e poi alle otto di sera di nuovo per l’Ave Maria del riposo della notte. Questo ogni giorno, per tutti i giorni dell’anno, poi c’erano le messe, lo scampanio delle feste…Era un compito chi richiedeva anche molta fatica. Per fortuna poi è arrivata l’elettricità, l’orologio programmato…Ora l’impegno è meno pesante, ma c’è sempre qualcosa che non funzione, e gli anni sono andati su…e pesano, ogni anno di più. E’ una fatica che si fa volentieri come servizio alla chiesa, ma anche…
“Guai se mi sentisse l’arciprete…” Even with the commitment Agan
... It 's a long story began again in the seventeenth century ... In those days everyone knew that the hill of St. Peter in the cemetery surrounding the Church, gathered every evening throughout the Agan But the valley. Everyone knew and felt normal. The dead were buried in the cemetery across the valley and the Agan is entertained in the evening with them. The living can not speak with the spirits dell'ultramondo fact, but the dead do. And there was confirmation that this meeting had also the living who could see the cemetery every evening filled with fireflies as if every night of every day of the year had been the night of St. John. With the exception of night of the dead! ... That night Agan did not see it shine and let the flames from burning alive in the souls of their dead.
Everyone knew, including the provost, who knew but pretended not to know. If she had known it would have been forced to take action that would put in a bad light in respect of his parishioners who appreciated the tribute evening Agan of their dead. Until the night of deaths in 1615 was forced to see, and he could not pretend not to see ... No one could explain
the incident for years, for centuries the evening of the dead had made to see that night the flames of agan hovering air of the cemetery joined the flames of the candles for men. When he reached the Provost with a procession from the village, was forced to see and report back to the Inquisition on the phenomenon he had witnessed. The notary Zuglio who was a learned man, he also give an explanation: there are many different calendars, so the Orthodox Easter does not coincide with that of Catholics, perhaps the timing of Agan had a mismatch for that year that the 'was made to coincide with the Gregorian calendar. In Rome the same year the Holy Office discussed with Galileo if the sun revolves around the Earth or vice versa, and perhaps this could have caused confusion among the Agan ... More than a spiegazione dotta era sembrata ai più una spiegazione bizzarra. Ma dotta o bizzarra che fosse, e qualsiasi fosse la spiegazione vera, l’incidente c’era stato. Il prevosto aveva messo in moto la macchina dell’inquisizione. Una macchina che si muoveva come un tritasassi. Gli abitanti di Fielis furono chiamati a Udine a testimoniare che avevano preso lucciole per lanterne, comunque a scanso di equivoci al prevosto fu chiesto di fare uno esorcismo contro la presunta presenza delle Agane, sul colle di S.Pietro…
Le Agane c’erano davvero e per l’esorcismo furono costretta ad abbandonare il luogo. Anche le Agane come il diavolo furono costrette a trattare con l’esorcista e chiesero di potersi rifugiare alla sera Mount Dauda. Added a strange request: to be accompanied by the sound of a bell. "Every evening at eight o'clock the sexton rings the Ave Maria, if you think that sound can accompany you ... just that it is not known around the ... The only compromise to be made aware of the need for secrecy was the sacristan. With the obligation to secrecy on pain of eternal death, and to communicate only to his successors
... Even now when the bells ring without human intervention, every night at eight o'clock the bell chamber is filled with fireflies, and lights. For the first ringing with the sound that goes up the mountain brought the evening breeze, the sound s'accompagna una scia di luce che sale e si perde su nel bosco sopra Fielis, per arrivare fino alla cima della montagna.
“Ecco ti ho svelato il segreto!” concluse il sacrestano agitandosi sempre più. “Io non ho figli a cui tramandarlo. Forse dopo di me non ci saranno neppure più sacrestani alla Pieve. Dal momento che mi hai detto che ti stai interessando alle Agane mi sei parsa la persona più adatta cui confidarlo”