Monday, December 15, 2008

Rhino 5 Ratchet And Clank Time

The departure of Pilate to Saul.

Commentando il mio romanzo "La verità ci rende liberi" che ha come protagonista Pilato un internauta mi ha consigliato la lettura del Maestro e Margherita di Bulgakov. Il suggerimento è intelligente, e lo ringrazio, but before I had to point to insert a copied page from Bulgakov's novel in my (denouncing the fact in the notes). Carry him to the song of the novel, inviting him to find out where the quote begins and ends with Bulgakov.
From "The truth sets us free" cap. 23 - Farewell to Pilate.

But if Pilate had convened an emergency Saul before he left, he had not done to discuss how the new disciple was going to set the spread of the Gospel. Before leaving for the last time he wanted to try to understand the essence of that message, try to give an answer to the question he had set in mind that sad night, "What is the truth. "He had come reluctantly to Palestine. He considered the job a form of punishment, if not condemnation. He had lived through those years of hoping and waiting for a new job, and now that the appointment had arrived, he was sorry for having partire.Alle times almost turning into desert, the dress gets caught in the bushes, having to continue, as the tears and at that piece of clothing is as if it remained something of us. That unanswered question was like a piece of himself, remained in the desert of Palestine. Even if it were done to rule among the snows of Britain, the question remained entangled among the thorns of Palestine, he pursued until his death. Unless you were failed to have any risposta.Prima arrival of Saul there was a storm, but now the sun had returned to Jerusalem, and before going to drown in the Mediterranean sent farewell rays to the city hated by the governor and gilded the steps entrance of the building. The fountain of the courtyard was fully recovered and sang in full voice, the pigeons were returned to the courtyard on the sand, cooing, jumped the broken branches from the fury of the storm, pecking at something in the wet sand. On the table prepared under the cool of the porch, smoking a meat dish. "But what can I say that you have not already said?" Saul said, approaching the table together to Pilate. "Nothing until will you sit and get drunk a little 'wine,' Pilate responded politely, lying down, and pointed to the other bed. Saul lay down, and a servant poured some thick red wine. Another servant, leaning gently on the shoulder of Pilate, the governor filled the cup. Then they walked away with two servants gesto.Mentre Saul ate and drank, Pilate, sipping wine, looking at him through half-closed eyelids. He wanted to enter his mind, understand what it really meant when he spoke of having been refused illuminato.Saulo not even a second cup of wine, swallowed with evident satisfaction a couple of oysters tasted the boiled vegetables, ate a piece of meat. Eat well, praised the wine: "Very good variety, the governor, but is not Falerno?" Cecubo than thirty years, "said affable Pilato.Saulo put a hand on his heart, refused to eat another, claimed to be satisfied. Then Pilate filled his own bowl, the guest did the same. Both brought down a bit 'of wine in the tray and the prosecutor said aloud, lifting the cup: "For us, for you, Caesar, father of the Romans, the most expensive and most good men!" After these words the emptied cup and the African slaves removed the dishes from the table leaving the fruit and jugs. Again, the prosecutor withdrew them with a gesture, and was only with the His host in the porch of the building. Only then Saul noted that the table was a third cup. "Who is it?" Curious asked, figuring that would get someone else. "To no one," Pilate answered seriously. "And 'this cup why did I call. Do not you had never spoken. But perhaps it is no coincidence that it is here ... Perhaps the truth is like a mosaic made up of many platelets itself insignificant, but which form a reconstructed figure. Peter gave it to me one of the followers of Yeshua, who was arrested with him on that famous night. I saw that he wanted, but just to save that night I had handed her mother. He told me that was the cup in which Jeshù aveva bevuto la sera prima, accompagnando il gesto con delle parole misteriose.”
[1] La scena è una citazione-copia dal Maestro e Margherita di Bulgakov


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