by Melie vues. early to hear the name, a shiver ran through his back ... By Melie Vues that language would be Amelia bone, made me think of a brute force capable of breaking bones, rather than skill which everyone acknowledges to replace the broken bones. In the valley actually Melie substitute to the department of orthopedics. When someone, for some accident, he found himself with a broken arm or a leg, or even a simple distortion, before considering the hospital, was normal to think of her, the woman who could mend bones and only if she suggested, for extreme evil extreme remedies, recourse to orthopedic care. Here it takes
Amelia bone, was the unanimous decision of all who came to see what I had done following a trivial fall of the bike. I was still trying to understand how that could have happened, almost stationary, the bike I had slipped out from under the seat, leaving me with one foot on the asphalt that had taken a natural direction for nothing compared to the leg. The surprise of the unforeseen and sudden fall, and the wonder that foot apart, took all my attention to the point that I felt no pain and the voices of the people I saw came as a faint hum.
I realized only when the situation arose from the buzz and defined the phrase in my mind: here it takes Bone Amelia.
Evidently the unnatural position of the foot meant that he had broken something, if everyone around me thought of the woman who needed surgery to repair bones.
I could say that I preferred to be taken directly to hospital. But in the end I was still a man of the valley, and the legends of the valley reported countless cases of people who were crippled or lame for not wanting to use the care of Amelia. It is said even in cases where the woman had to break back limbs that had been badly repaired in the hospital with terrible suffering for the unfortunate. I still do not feel bad, but certainly I would have liked to live the rest of life, with his feet facing out so terribly
In fact, all times in the past I had heard the stories of the legend of Amelia, professing to be skeptical and modern at the same time, I had always said that if ever (knock on wood!) I had something happen to the bones, I would appeal to the care of a specialist or not of a witch. But there, in the midst of the crowd rushed while I was still on the ground dazed and unable to realize how I could fall so stupidly, on the skeptic won the man of the valley. and accepted the proposal of a friend who had offered to accompany me in the car dall'Amelia bones.
I felt like that after the unbeliever proclaimed that all his life, understanding of being on the verge of death, accetta la proposta della moglie che vuole mandare a chiamare il prete. Si ha un bel credere alla scienza, ma quando non c’è più speranza, anche il tentativo più irrazionale acquista un senso!... E quel piede così fuori posto, per me che fortunatamente non avevo mai avuto modo di fare esperienze ortopediche, era qualcosa che aveva necessità d’un intervento miracoloso, per poter tornare allo stato naturale.
La leggenda di Amelia delle ossa veniva raccontata con mille particolari sulle sue caratteristiche fisiche, su dove viveva, su cosa faceva, su quando e come aveva imparato quella capacità quasi taumaturgica, di rimettere a posto le ossa rotte. Ma, appunto, era una sorta di leggenda... Erano elementi a cui avevo paid attention to detail that is given by which is usually staged in a fairy tale story of an imaginative storyteller. When my friend stopped the car in front of the house of Amelia, I realized that at least with regard to the dwelling-house, the reality beyond all imagination.
The plant was that of a typical house Carnian. Two very low arches on the ground floor and then a complex system of scales and exposed wooden balcony leading to the upper floors, which left just a glimpse of the stone masonry. In the midst of other homes refurbished and plastered it seemed really a bug of the time that he had forgotten to erase the memory of that strange ways of life have been forgotten. The interior was still more original, but I'm not describe, because what I would tell is not so much my first encounter with the Melie vues, what would happen next. In my first meeting turned out to be equal to the fame. I anointed his feet with ointment by the strange smells and I put it back into place almost without me pain. He recommended me to keep it bound to come back after a month because he wanted to see if everything was back in place.
While the insured that I would do everything according to its recommendations and that I would return for the visit, he interrupted to ask: "She 's what I hear, is interested in the Celts?"
"Yeah, I'm trying to collect legends that somehow relate to them."
"We'll talk next time." And so he left me for a whole month to think of original stories which could be the old custodian. A few days before the expiration of the thirtieth fixed for the visit, I went to ask her what time she wanted to see me well.
"At eight in the evening," I said no comment.
The strange house, the original old time unusual for a visit but had to be a doctor ... I confess that I went on strike in anticipation of the day fixed ... And there was good reason! !
Inside the house consisted of a grande cucina-sala da pranzo con un grande tavolo di noce in mezzo, un grande lavello di pietra sulla parete a sinistra con appesi ancora di secchi “cjaldìers” di rame con i quali si andava a prendere l’acqua alla fontana, quando non c’erano ancora gli acquedotti a portare l’acqua in casa. Di fronte si apriva un vano più stretto con il focolare al centro. Era un focolare di quelli di cui resta memoria solo nei libri, senza la cappa. Sui tre lati girava una panca di legno con lo schienale alto, e in mezzo, su un rialzo di un metro per un metro per l’altezza della panca, ardeva il fuoco. Mancando la cappa il fumo saliva libero per raccogliersi sul soffitto ed uscire da un una apertura che dava direttamente sull’esterno.
Al mio bussare, al mio saluto, aveva risposto con quello che m’era parso più un grugnito che il saluto d’una voce umana. Stava seduta sul lato sinistro del focolare e non s’era mossa per venirmi incontro, per venirmi a salutare. Non mi disse neppure di sedermi. Per togliermi in qualche modo dall’imbarazzo, chiesi se potevo sedermi. Continuava a guardare il fuoco, senza rispondermi. Lo presi per un silenzio assenso e mi sedetti sulla panca di fronte a lei, dall’altra parte del fuoco.
Inquadravo il suo viso poco sopra le fiamme d’un fuoco che ardeva vigoroso, tra il fumo nel quale si scioglieva la fiamma. Era segnato da rughe profonde. I capelli bianchi erano in parte nascosti da un fazzoletto nero che pareva only placed on the head with the ends bent over, as was still my grandmother. A large black shawl covered her shoulders and crossed in front by covering his chest. He was wholly absorbed in watching the fire and seemed not even noticing that I was gazing, he seemed indeed had already almost forgotten my presence, all taken from who knows what thoughts. I kept staring at her, as if staring at the details ahead of his image, and the smoke coming up between me and her was like a filter that always gave new and different shades of her face.
its image filtered through the smoke got lost as we lose ourselves in sleep while you are reading a book. Her image vanished in the smoke and found myself in dream ... Already hear the name, a shiver ran through his back ... Melie from that language would be Amelia vues bone, made me think of a brute force capable of breaking bones, rather than skill which everyone acknowledges to replace the broken bones. In the valley actually Melie substitute to the department of orthopedics. When someone, for some accident, he found himself with a broken arm or a leg, or even a simple distortion, before considering the hospital, was normal to think of her, the woman who could mend bones and only if she suggested, for extreme evil extreme remedies, recourse to orthopedic care. Here it takes
Amelia bone was the unanimous decision of all who came to see what I had done as a result of a trivial fall of the bike. I was still trying to understand how that could have happened, almost stationary, the bike I had slipped out from under the seat, leaving me with one foot on the asphalt that had taken a natural direction for nothing compared to the leg. The surprise of the unforeseen and sudden fall, and the wonder that foot apart, took all my attention to the point that I felt no pain and the voices of the people I saw came as a faint hum.
I realized only when the situation arose from the buzz and defined the phrase in my mind: here it takes Bone Amelia.
Evidently, the unnatural position of the foot meant that he had broken something, if everyone around me thought the intervention of the woman who needed to repair the bones.
I could say that I preferred to be taken directly to hospital. But in the end I was still a man of the valley, and the legends of the valley reported countless cases of people who were crippled or lame for not wanting to use the care of Amelia. It is said even in cases where the woman had to break back limbs that had been badly repaired in the hospital with terrible suffering for the unfortunate. I still do not feel bad, but certainly I would have liked to live the rest of life, with that foot turned out so terribly
In fact many times in the past I had heard the stories of the legend of Amelia, professing skeptical and modern at the same time, I had always said that if ever (knock on wood!) something had happened to me bones, I'd care utilization of a specialist and not of a witch. But there, in the midst of the crowd rushed while I was still on the ground dazed and unable to realize how I could fall so stupidly, on the skeptic won the man of the valley. and accepted the proposal of a friend who had offered to accompany me in the car dall'Amelia bones.
I felt like the unbeliever who after having proclaimed that all his life, understanding of being on his deathbed, accept the proposal from the wife who wants to send for the priest. It has a nice believe the science, but when there is no hope, even the most irrational attempt makes sense! ... And so that foot out of place, fortunately for me that I never got to do orthopedic experience, was something that was in need of a miraculous intervention, in order to return to its natural state. The legend of Amelia
bone was told with a thousand details of its physical characteristics, on which he lived, what he did, when and how he learned that almost miraculous ability, to forgive a posto le ossa rotte. Ma, appunto, era una sorta di leggenda... Erano elementi a cui avevo prestato l’attenzione che si dà ai particolari con i quali viene di solito allestita una favola nel racconto d’un narratore fantasioso. Quando l’amico fermò la macchina davanti alla casa di Amelia, mi resi conto che almeno per quanto si riferiva alla casa d’abitazione, la realtà superava ogni immaginazione.
L’impianto era quello d’una casa tipica casa carnica. Due arcate molto basse al piano terreno e poi un sistema complesso di scale e di poggiolo in legno a vista che portavano ai piani superiori, che lasciavano appena intravvedere la muratura di pietra. In mezzo alle altre case rimesse a nuovo ed intonacate sembrava veramente an error of the time that he had forgotten to erase the memory of the strange ways of life have been forgotten. The interior was still more original, but I'm not describe, because what I would tell is not so much my first encounter with the Melie vues, what would happen next. In my first meeting turned out to be equal to the fame. I anointed his feet with ointment by the strange smells and I put it back into place almost without me pain. He recommended me to keep it bound to come back after a month because he wanted to see if everything was back in place.
While the insured that I would do everything according to its recommendations and that I would return for the visit, he interrupted to ask: "E ' her what I heard, is interested in the Celts? "
" Yeah, I'm trying to collect legends that somehow relate to them. "
" We'll talk next time. "And so he left me for a whole month to think of original stories which could be the old custodian. A few days before the expiration of the thirtieth fixed for the visit, I went to ask her what time she wanted to see me well.
"At eight in the evening," I said no comment.
The strange house, the original old time unusual for a visit but had to be a doctor ... I confess that I went on strike ... and waiting for the day set There was good reason!
Inside the house consisted of a large kitchen-dining room with a big walnut table in the middle, a large stone sink on the left wall hung with dried yet "cjaldìers" copper with whom he was going to take the 'water of the fountain, before there were aqueducts to bring water into the house. Opened in front of a room closer to the hearth in the center. It was a home of those whose memory is still only in books, without the hood. On three sides turned a wooden bench with high back, and in the middle, on a rise of one meter by one meter by the height of the bench, the fire was burning. Lacking the hood smoke free to collect saliva sul soffitto ed uscire da un una apertura che dava direttamente sull’esterno.
Al mio bussare, al mio saluto, aveva risposto con quello che m’era parso più un grugnito che il saluto d’una voce umana. Stava seduta sul lato sinistro del focolare e non s’era mossa per venirmi incontro, per venirmi a salutare. Non mi disse neppure di sedermi. Per togliermi in qualche modo dall’imbarazzo, chiesi se potevo sedermi. Continuava a guardare il fuoco, senza rispondermi. Lo presi per un silenzio assenso e mi sedetti sulla panca di fronte a lei, dall’altra parte del fuoco.
Inquadravo il suo viso poco sopra le fiamme d’un fuoco che ardeva vigoroso, tra il fumo nel quale si scioglieva la fiamma. Era segnato da rughe deep. The white hair was partially hidden by a black scarf that seemed only placed on the head with the ends bent over, as was still my grandmother. A large black shawl covered her shoulders and crossed in front by covering his chest. He was wholly absorbed in watching the fire and seemed not even noticing that I was gazing, he seemed indeed had already almost forgotten my presence, all taken from who knows what thoughts. I kept staring at her, as if staring at the details ahead of his image, and the smoke coming up between me and her was like a filter that always gave new and different shades of her face.
its image filtered through the smoke got lost as we lose ourselves in sleep while you are reading a book. Her image vanished in the smoke and found myself in the dream ...
ran, before she and I, back on the trail that climbs through the forest hut ran .. but will move without legs, like two shadows carried by the wind, touching just Pedro. Before that I had once that path, to go to pasture and the valley of Crist. The trail rises steeply, I had a lot facita. Now flying as the path, without making any effort I was redoing the lightning speed with the same path. And in a flash I went with her that I was guiding for the second time in the alpine valley where there is Val. The last time I had hit the hut made of blocks of red marble, perfectly square. But now it seemed to me that the hut was gone .... All the valley at the foot of Mount Verzegnis, was lit by a strange glow like a full moon night, or rather in the milky light of the dark before a big storm. There was a huge crowd like that in a theater filled the entire valley and even in pastures high up in the rocks. Like when a spring meadow filled with flowers so that you can no longer see the green of the lawn. But they were flowers without color, of a dirty white, like lilies withered petals scattered in bulk before the rot at all.
My guide did not let me down in the midst of these shadowy figures, but immediately took to climb up the path Crist leads to the cave. Already in my previous trip I had visited the cave. Set up on the wall at the entrance of the valley takes its name from a crucifix that was carved into the rock. In the last century when he lived on agriculture, I read that she had been repeatedly pilgrimage to implore the rain, to restore the areas where the sun was already burning the poor harvests of corn and potatoes. There came a moment as two puffs of mist, the wind off the fog that fills the valley. And from above the valley seemed really covered with a lace of mist ...
There was someone in the cave that awaited us, as if our arrival had been announced, as if my guide fosse attesa, perchè aveva un ruolo nella scena che era stata preparata nella valle e che aveva fatto accorrere tutte quelle presenze. Non mi presentò, come se anche la mia presenza fosse scontata e normale. Cercai l’immagine del Cristo che avevo visto nella mia precedente visita ma non c’era. L’avrei dovuto vedere, perchè al centro della grotta era acceso un grande fuoco come quello che avevo appena visto nella casa di Amelia. Le lingue di fuoco si riflettevano sulle pareti rischiarandole e dando l’impressione che si muovessero. Non era più una grotta ma qualcosa di vivo come se la montagna fosse un enorme essere vivente, una donna gigantesca, e la grotta fosse diventata la sua vulva.
Senza avere il coraggio di chiederle nothing, I turned to Amelia, searching for explanations of what was happening to me. I do not know whether to answer or because it was part of the ceremony sang a mournful dirge as a "Dies Irae", and the valley echoed as if all the appearances that I sensed more than seen, populate the valley, would respond in chorus.
Fire god Lug-Belen,
penetrates the Earth Mother,
flaw vibrate with your love to come
come into her mood of your meeting, and the bathrooms because
relive and bear fruit.
As if I had fallen asleep on a book and I wanted to see the book itself, I woke up, looking to fire at the home of Amelia, as if the same fire the cave of Christ. I looked around, surprised not to see where I had left on the bench opposite. I should call it, I should say hello. Instead, recalling the dream, I took the fear. I left quickly and quietly sure of one thing ... that I would not have done more to see in that house, from the witch, even in the unlikely event of a new fracture in the bones ...
then I thought many times about what had happened to me with Amelia wondering if I had made a "journey of the soul" as they are able to do men born with a caul. I do not know. Maybe she was capable of so much, and had used his powers because I could follow. Why had not I wanted to explain anything? Perhaps because of the symbolism was clear what had made me live.
Enore When my friend told me about when the child's mother took him in procession to pray to the Christ of Val, unconsciously led him to pray that God would make fertile nature. It was only changed the perspective. He asked the God of heaven to rain "Rorate caeli desuper and Nubes pluant iustum" "Still the skies above and the rain clouds do justice," my friend told me that they used to sing. Confusing the Right or the justice of the singing of Advent, which contains the words of the prophet Isaiah, in the rain. But in the end it was just an act of justice that was asked, demanding that non andasse sprecato tutto il lavoro fatto a primavera per dar da mangiare ai figli.
I Celti invece chiedevano che fosse il Dio dall’interno a fecondare la natura. Forse Amelia era una sciamana e aveva voluto portarmi a toccare con mano la continuità tra la religiosità dei Celti e quella cristiana, a farmi capire come molta delle religiosità celtica sia stata in qualche modo incorporata, prendendo forme e simboli cristiani, nel substrato culturale del popolo dei Carni.