Monday, September 21, 2009

How Long Can You Take Tarceva



Chi ha detto che la fantasia non esiste più?
Chi ha detto che i sogni debbano essere infranti?
Chi ha detto che il nostro mondo è brutto e terribile?
Chi detiene il potere assoluto di affermare tutto ciò?

Un giorno come tanti altri Marzia stava guardando la televisione, i suoi programmi Tracks were cartoons. Unfortunately
classics once, with a logical and a moral interest, but those boxes full of nasty words.
is with these commercial industries that operate children.
that day were broadcasting a new episode of SPACE EXPLOSION.
While devouring his popcorn at the screen (he swallowed everything without even realizing it) heard a big bang and found himself surrounded by a white light.
not made even realize what was going on was over in television, became a heroine of the episode: GREAT
March or GM.
From the screen watching the thousands of children who in turn were watching TV.
looked like an army of robots.
Their mothers cried, talked, he crawled in any way to communicate with them, but to answer, like zombies continued undeterred to observe the screen.
At that moment he realized the strange hypnotic power that television had. As I express these thoughts
a giant red pepper was the launching of the fireball.
was in a war between the inhabitants of the Earth (of which she was the representative, or queen) and vegetables.
vegetables were always the enemy of children, hated them, and this hatred as they grew they acquired power.
Now they were almost invincible.
Marcia began to flee not knowing what else to do.
He hid in a cave, underground and stayed there for a while 'time.
Meanwhile, the vegetables were taken over the planet trying to subdue the population.
These were carried out in secret to prepare like real soldiers, with a lot of training and were now able to conquer Earth.
How was this possible?
Each time a child sat in front of the screen allow others (in this case the cartoons) would use the imagination in their place.
Every child who did not use the imagination allow the vegetables to take power.
With thousands of children in front of the screens did not take long to become invincible.
Now all the people worked as slaves and the planet was renamed VERDULANDIA. Not knowing what else to do
Marcia began to dig into the ground until he found himself on the other side of the Earth.
Here the landscape was quite different: it was surrounded by a grassy expanse of yellow grass and dry, a few trees here and there and many wild animals.
was in the African savannah.
There were no televisions and children played with each other carelessly.
suddenly jumped because the color of a small child he was tapping his shoulder.
He said something but she could not understand the language.
Then he took her hand and took her next to a bush with red berries e le fece cenno di mangiarne una.
Con molto timore la raccolse, non appena l’ebbe inghiottita si ritrovò a comprendere e parlare perfettamente la lingua del piccolo:
-Ciao, sono Wapi, tu chi sei?
-Ciao, sono GM Grande Marzia, ma mi puoi chiamare semplicemente Marzia.
-Cosa ci fai qui nella savana africana? Da dove arrivi?
-Sinceramente non so proprio cosa risponderti, stavo scavando per fuggire dal mio mondo e mi sono ritrovata qui.
-Perché fuggivi?
-Perché le verdure si stanno impossessando di questo pianeta e io devo riuscire a trovare una soluzione.
-Cosa sono le verdure?
-Ma come, tu non le conosci? E di cosa vi nutrite?
-Di carne e di insetti, a volte di bacche, qui non c’è niente altro.
Marzia spiegò brevemente cosa fossero le verdure e tutto ciò che le era accaduto, mentre Wapi rimaneva estasiato ad ascoltarla.
Una cosa sola non era riuscito ad immaginarsi: che cosa fosse una televisione!
Aveva compreso solo che era una grossa scatola contenente delle persone piccole piccole e nella sua innocenza non riusciva a comprendere che tipo di minaccia potesse rappresentare per l’umanità intera.
Una scatola che conquista il pianeta?
Stentava a crederci e la ritenne una cosa buffa.
Anche Marzia pensandoci si rese conto che nel tempo le persone avevano attribuito ad essa troppo valore.
La TV stabiliva la moda, i valori, dispensava notizie, true or false as they were, in short, the TV ran the life of every individual.
was absurd.
Wapi interrupted her thoughts and beckoned her to follow him.
It was getting evening around a campfire and there were many children with an elder who told stories.
The children were fascinated by his stories. Marzia
sat down beside them and listened ...
"Once upon a time in a place far away a white people while having enough food waste. The food being alive
saw it all, did not understand why these people do not use it and felt useless.
So he decided to observe them better.
They sat at a wooden table always set to small box containing a funny little men who told them a bunch of nonsense, such as how to dress, how to act, announcing disastrous news and not true ..
They believe everything they saw and felt and never question that.
Over time, this box had become a kind of "sacred oracle," would do anything to enter in, even for a moment.
The food that laziness was extracted from other big box was inserted directly into the oven frozen, so time could be used to look at the sacred box.
food that nature had put at their disposal and that was never used was called fruits and vegetables.
The children did not know what it was because their parents had never told them of its importance and in time he forgot.
was so that the vegetables to attract their attention she decided to enter the "sacred box" and work slowly began to conquer the world. "At that moment a
Marzia was all clear.
He had to return to save the Earth, had to shout to the world of eating vegetables and fruits, especially children, only in this way the plants themselves would have felt gratified and would have stopped to rebel.
returned to the place where he had dug the hole, went in and found himself on the sofa.
He opened his eyes slowly and realized have dreamed of.
So this was the fantasy?
was something that his mind was capable of creating and receiving also found pleasant.
From that day on the TV switched over and began to read many books and of course forced the mother to cook the vegetables from that moment he did not fail over from the kitchen table!
not allow to give too much power to a "box", but use something that is FREE: imagination!

The total or partial reproduction of this work is provided free and encouraged non-commercial purposes, provided that the author is cited and that this statement is preserved


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