Monday, September 28, 2009

What Kind Of Hair Dose Lauren London Use

LEOPOLDO the sparrow Lazzarini


In un pesino di campagna c’era un vecchio cascinale, dove i passeri solevano nidificare. Ed è qui che ha luogo la nostra storia ………

Leopoldo era un vivace Sparrow, who lived in a nest with mom, dad and three siblings.
The days passed very quiet and serene; mother sparrow was in search of food for its young that ENTITLED chirping happily.
One morning, however, the nest was all in turmoil, this would be a great day, the sparrows would learn to fly. Mama sparrow sat in his little row on the ledge, that Leopold was the youngest stayed last. Leopold watched the brothers take flight and hovering in the sky carried by the wind, one, two, three, all the sparrows and flying Leopold called loudly: "Come Leopold is beautiful, you see wonderful things from here." Leopold felt rather frightened and paralyzed, unable to move a single muscle of his small little body, mother sparrow came to him and reassuring voice told him: "Do not worry dear, if today you do not feel ready cloves to your first flight tomorrow .
The next day, and for many days to come Leopold was unable to fly, the brothers who were now flying the experts in the art of song and laughed at him. Leopold was lonely, sad and discouraged, he spent his days watching the brothers fly free and happy in the blue sky and asked his mother: "Mom Why I can not fly?" And mother always answered: "To each his own time Leopold. "Leopoldo but did not understand the words of her mother until one night while he slept he had a dream.
Leopoldo awoke the next morning in good spirits and finally managed to take flight, flew all morning and when returning home for lunch, my mother came and said, "To each his own time, Leopold." And Leopold hugged his mother and said, "Now I know what mom meant by that phrase!"

This story is dedicated to you children, you would like to forge ahead in your life and may already be large and your moms and dads who know how to patiently and lovingly help you grow in respect for your time.
IF YOU NEED NOT DISCLOSE THIS SCRIPT alterations in the form and content

Ilene Lazzarini

Friday, September 25, 2009

New Boler Trailer For Sale

MATERNITY' Ilenia Lazzarini



OF CUDDLES between you and me.



Ilene Lazzarini

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

White Snot-like Cervical Mucus

CATERINA, Milena Ziletti



Hello everyone. My name is Catherine. I was born in 1900. Then there were many people who looked with fear at the end of the century just begun. They thought the end of the world: in 2000, which saw so far yet so near and nefarious. They did not know that the end of the world for every human being is different, because everyone learns at the end of their lives: each of us carries his own end of the world.
When I was born there was great celebration in the family, because Mom Rosa, before me, had lost two children and her father Louis and all the relatives saw me as a miracle. At that time
mother Rosa was already old for the first child, his 26 years of marriage after 5, is completed with my birth. The happiness was short lived because they soon discovered what I was fragile and delicate health, I had trouble rspirare and a simple cold was enough to aggravate my health. Mamma Rosa is not demolished by these problems and confront them with all the remedies known in those days. A
Peter was born two years later, my little brother who, unlike me, bursting with health from every pore. While I grew up surrounded by every care, just as Peter did, and within a few years seemed to him the greatest of us. I ate little, but he could not get enough.
In five years, Peter moved the couch, which until then had stayed with me in the same room. This gave me a bit 'of pain and I felt more alone, but he could not stay in that room always full of vapor so intense that helped me to breathe.
six years that I was sick for the first time very seriously. I remember being at the window and looked at Peter, who was playing with other children. It was a beautiful late summer day and the weather was wonderful. His mother had taught me that I could not run as they did other children, because I was sweating, and a fatal blow air could myself. That afternoon I was clinging to the glass of the window and looked out of those kids in shorts that run and jump like foals and I realized that my mother looked at me strangely. He understood what I was missing the outdoor life and contact with other children. He decided that if I did not go out and over the yard. He put his socks, the hat and made me sit in a shady place.
how beautiful breathe that air cleaner, hear the cries of children playing, the singing of birds and other animals. I got lost in that mix of sounds and smells so much that I hardly breathe weighed. It was a beautiful day that. Peter and the other children were playing near me and my head was spinning so was the joy of that moment. At dinner that evening, I ate everything I had into the pot, it seemed to be another girl.
Then at night I started to cough. My mother heard me and ran on me. I always wondered how he knew well or if I had some problems breathing, shortness of breath because the first was right next to me. I had a fever, difficulty breathing and coughing. I remember that I vomited everything I ate for dinner. Mamma Rosa boiled water, and those infused its way into my gasping in breaths. Then I rubbed ointment on his chest with that strange that pinch my nose and eyes, I covered her with another blanket and then took a chair, sat next to my bed and held my hand in his. I felt that he prayed and relied on S. Catherine and I heard whispering "S. Catherine helps my child. " How many prayers and invocations to St. Catherine I heard during my short life. I was in that condition for two weeks. My mother never left my hand, thought to forward to me a bit 'of his life and was afraid that if he had taken, the flow could be interrupted. Meanwhile, Peter's father Luigi was thinking, I washed, gave him food, in short, trying to continue the life that they all possessed. Every now and then went into my bedroom, looked at me with tenderness e guardava sua moglie che soffriva per la sua bambina. Allora appoggiava una mano sulla sua spalla e le baciava i capelli e si sentivano uniti più che mai nel dolore. Anche Pietro veniva a trovarmi e faceva ogni sforzo per rimanere seduto un po’ con me. Ricordo i suoi occhi così grandi che mi guardavano in quel letto, e non ho mai capito cosa vedesse in me realmente.
Venne anche il dottore che mi picchiettava sulla schiena, mi premeva la pancia, mi guardava in gola e poi usciva a parlare con la mamma.
Non so se fu un miracolo o le cure costanti della mamma, ma un po’ alla volta mi ripresi e tornai come prima.
Certo dovevo rimanere in casa e la mamma escogitava ogni gioco, canto, lavoretto pur di non farmi pesare la situazione. Cominciò also taught me to read and write, and I liked a lot more than draw or paint.
The months and years dragged on without too many ups and downs. Peter grew strong as a bull, so Dad used to say, while I was growing more and more little and breathed with difficulty.
Every day on my plate were the food tastier, more nutritious food that I tasted only. Were not wasted however, because Peter was always willing to finish them.
I am also amazed his behavior: out of home, with his companions, was a typical tomboy, but at home, walking almost on tiptoe, not screaming and treated me as if I could break into his hands. Now I know it was a sensitive child che mi amava e aveva accettato la situazione.
La finestra era diventata il mio occhio sul mondo e guardavo lo svolgersi delle stagioni. In primavera Pietro mi portava il primo fiore che vedeva sbocciare, poi il primo gambo di grano mautro e la foglia ingiallita staccata dalla quercia, ed in inverno entrava in casa di corsa con un ghiacciolo per farmi toccare quanto fosse freddo.
Quegli anni furono una pena per tutti, anche se tutti facevamo finta di niente, ma non era quella la vita vera, per nessuno di noi.
Avevo dodici anni quando mi ammalai molto seriamente, ed io capii subito che non era come le altre volte: questa volta era diverso.
Fui nel mio lettino e di nuovo quei forti odori pungenti mi ricordavano come era stato sei anni prima: si repeating everything the same way, but I was much more difficult to breathe.
vapors, poultices on the chest, the prayers and invocations to St. Catherine, everything seemed to be useless.
Mother, next to my bed, holding my hand in his. How many days had passed? I had lost track of time. Every now and then felt a voice, a sound, a noise but does not make out, the only constant was my mother's hand that held mine.
At one point, my breathing seemed to stop and my mother even more squeezed my hand, seemed to say "do not leave, not yet, still have a little 'me." And I did everything to please her, but when it cost me pain! And some were "Them". Many children were watching me, I aspettvano. They were near a road so that light could blind me. They were waiting for me, and I was ready to go with them, they were so beautiful and serene. Do not say anything, they were there, when I was ready for them. I do not know which was the passage of time, if it had been minutes, hours or days, for me did not matter. Each time you add more children, and seeing that late, sat on the edge of the street light waiting patiently. On one side stood their
that I send every good feeling, the other was the mother who did not want to leave me, and I was torn, I did not know what to do.
Intanto, ogni respiro che facevo era un dolore immenso, ma la mamma, la mia dolce mamma, mi voleva ancora con sé. Io volevo andare con quei bambini che mi aspettavano ma non volevo dare un dolore così grande alla mia mamma. Così tenevo duro, e con quel grande dolore nel petto cercavo un respiro dietro l’altro. Vedevo le sue lacrime, sentivo il suo dolore che era ncora più grande del mio perché l’aveva nel suo cuore e ce la mettevo tutta per resistere: solo per lei.
“Mamma, perché non mi lasci andare? Perché mi fai soffrire così?” Non so se lo pensai soltanto, ma lei lo capì. Capì che il suo amore doveva essere quello più grande, capì che era giunta la mia ora ma non ci riusciva a lasciare quella mia mano sempre più fredda.
“Amore mio, ovunque andrai, non sarai mai lontana da me.” Questo mi disse e mi lasciò la mano.
I bambini, che fino ad allora erano rimasti seduti in paziente attesa si alzarono, sorrisero e mi tesero le loro mani. Non sapevo da chi andare: erano tutti così belli e tranquilli, ma non ci fu bisogno di scegliere. Venni circondata da tutti loro ed inseme ci incamminammo per quella strada così luminosa. Mi resi conto con sorpresa che non sentivo più dolore, che ero felice, che potevo correre, saltare, cantare e toccare tutti quei bambini: finalmente stavo bene ed ero felice.
Mi voltai indietro e vidi la mamma distrutta dal dolore, papà impietrito e with shining eyes, but Peter was smiling, he had understood. From that day
mother Rosa dressed in black and did not change color, and lived the rest of his life with the remorse that he removed his hand from mine, but had failed to understand that the gesture was the greatest proof ' his ill-fated love for that child.
Care mothers and parents all loved ones, losing a child, especially child is a pain that has no equal, but from here, we are all happy and we always give ourselves a bit 'of us, our experience serenity, but only if also you continue the life that remains on the ground without pain but with joy. Know that the love you gave us in our little life is servito a portarci qui. Adesso tocca a noi fare qualcosa per voi: amate, amate, amate.
A presto, mamme e papà di tutti noi.


Monday, September 21, 2009

How Long Can You Take Tarceva



Chi ha detto che la fantasia non esiste più?
Chi ha detto che i sogni debbano essere infranti?
Chi ha detto che il nostro mondo è brutto e terribile?
Chi detiene il potere assoluto di affermare tutto ciò?

Un giorno come tanti altri Marzia stava guardando la televisione, i suoi programmi Tracks were cartoons. Unfortunately
classics once, with a logical and a moral interest, but those boxes full of nasty words.
is with these commercial industries that operate children.
that day were broadcasting a new episode of SPACE EXPLOSION.
While devouring his popcorn at the screen (he swallowed everything without even realizing it) heard a big bang and found himself surrounded by a white light.
not made even realize what was going on was over in television, became a heroine of the episode: GREAT
March or GM.
From the screen watching the thousands of children who in turn were watching TV.
looked like an army of robots.
Their mothers cried, talked, he crawled in any way to communicate with them, but to answer, like zombies continued undeterred to observe the screen.
At that moment he realized the strange hypnotic power that television had. As I express these thoughts
a giant red pepper was the launching of the fireball.
was in a war between the inhabitants of the Earth (of which she was the representative, or queen) and vegetables.
vegetables were always the enemy of children, hated them, and this hatred as they grew they acquired power.
Now they were almost invincible.
Marcia began to flee not knowing what else to do.
He hid in a cave, underground and stayed there for a while 'time.
Meanwhile, the vegetables were taken over the planet trying to subdue the population.
These were carried out in secret to prepare like real soldiers, with a lot of training and were now able to conquer Earth.
How was this possible?
Each time a child sat in front of the screen allow others (in this case the cartoons) would use the imagination in their place.
Every child who did not use the imagination allow the vegetables to take power.
With thousands of children in front of the screens did not take long to become invincible.
Now all the people worked as slaves and the planet was renamed VERDULANDIA. Not knowing what else to do
Marcia began to dig into the ground until he found himself on the other side of the Earth.
Here the landscape was quite different: it was surrounded by a grassy expanse of yellow grass and dry, a few trees here and there and many wild animals.
was in the African savannah.
There were no televisions and children played with each other carelessly.
suddenly jumped because the color of a small child he was tapping his shoulder.
He said something but she could not understand the language.
Then he took her hand and took her next to a bush with red berries e le fece cenno di mangiarne una.
Con molto timore la raccolse, non appena l’ebbe inghiottita si ritrovò a comprendere e parlare perfettamente la lingua del piccolo:
-Ciao, sono Wapi, tu chi sei?
-Ciao, sono GM Grande Marzia, ma mi puoi chiamare semplicemente Marzia.
-Cosa ci fai qui nella savana africana? Da dove arrivi?
-Sinceramente non so proprio cosa risponderti, stavo scavando per fuggire dal mio mondo e mi sono ritrovata qui.
-Perché fuggivi?
-Perché le verdure si stanno impossessando di questo pianeta e io devo riuscire a trovare una soluzione.
-Cosa sono le verdure?
-Ma come, tu non le conosci? E di cosa vi nutrite?
-Di carne e di insetti, a volte di bacche, qui non c’è niente altro.
Marzia spiegò brevemente cosa fossero le verdure e tutto ciò che le era accaduto, mentre Wapi rimaneva estasiato ad ascoltarla.
Una cosa sola non era riuscito ad immaginarsi: che cosa fosse una televisione!
Aveva compreso solo che era una grossa scatola contenente delle persone piccole piccole e nella sua innocenza non riusciva a comprendere che tipo di minaccia potesse rappresentare per l’umanità intera.
Una scatola che conquista il pianeta?
Stentava a crederci e la ritenne una cosa buffa.
Anche Marzia pensandoci si rese conto che nel tempo le persone avevano attribuito ad essa troppo valore.
La TV stabiliva la moda, i valori, dispensava notizie, true or false as they were, in short, the TV ran the life of every individual.
was absurd.
Wapi interrupted her thoughts and beckoned her to follow him.
It was getting evening around a campfire and there were many children with an elder who told stories.
The children were fascinated by his stories. Marzia
sat down beside them and listened ...
"Once upon a time in a place far away a white people while having enough food waste. The food being alive
saw it all, did not understand why these people do not use it and felt useless.
So he decided to observe them better.
They sat at a wooden table always set to small box containing a funny little men who told them a bunch of nonsense, such as how to dress, how to act, announcing disastrous news and not true ..
They believe everything they saw and felt and never question that.
Over time, this box had become a kind of "sacred oracle," would do anything to enter in, even for a moment.
The food that laziness was extracted from other big box was inserted directly into the oven frozen, so time could be used to look at the sacred box.
food that nature had put at their disposal and that was never used was called fruits and vegetables.
The children did not know what it was because their parents had never told them of its importance and in time he forgot.
was so that the vegetables to attract their attention she decided to enter the "sacred box" and work slowly began to conquer the world. "At that moment a
Marzia was all clear.
He had to return to save the Earth, had to shout to the world of eating vegetables and fruits, especially children, only in this way the plants themselves would have felt gratified and would have stopped to rebel.
returned to the place where he had dug the hole, went in and found himself on the sofa.
He opened his eyes slowly and realized have dreamed of.
So this was the fantasy?
was something that his mind was capable of creating and receiving also found pleasant.
From that day on the TV switched over and began to read many books and of course forced the mother to cook the vegetables from that moment he did not fail over from the kitchen table!
not allow to give too much power to a "box", but use something that is FREE: imagination!

The total or partial reproduction of this work is provided free and encouraged non-commercial purposes, provided that the author is cited and that this statement is preserved

Best Initiations Ever


Author: BARBARA Ziletti
There was a priest in a small mountain village named Don Stefano. The classic
priest with the long dress and black hat on.
He was loved and liked by all.
His typical day was like this: wake up at 5, breakfast, prayer, mass at 6 for the women of the country.
Then went out to stroll around the village distributing a bit of joy to everyone he met.
one of her smiles was enough to make you feel better.
Anyone had a problem was addressed directly to him. Mery
One morning, a girl of nineteen years, the came up with to make suspicious.
"Come father, come here in the henhouse, I must speak."
Don Stefano, amazed at his request he thought of something bad.
entered the house and surrounded by the hens began to speak.
"Father, I have a very serious problem."
"Tell me, dear girl, what is it?"
"I do not know where to start. Well here .. I'm pregnant. "
" I see, I do not think something so ugly, you can always get married, and who is the lucky one? "
" It's not that simple "
" Why? "
" Well, you see, man which is advantage me, without my permission is married and has children of my age. He is a person in sight in the country, he gave me money to go and have abortions, but I do not know what to do. I'm four months pregnant, I can not have abortions. "
"My dear girl, what can I say? Does your family know something? "
" Absolutely not. My dad would kill me and my mother would look at me more, I'm so ashamed! "
" You have someone who can help you? "
" I do not own anyone, do not know how to do. "
" Let's do this: I come home tomorrow I talk to you and your parents. "
"No, I beg you father, do not do it, poked di casa e non saprei dove andare.”
“Non preoccuparti. Dio vede e provvede sempre. Ora stai tranquilla e vai a casa. Ci vediamo domani.”
La ragazza se ne andò piangendo.
Poco lontano Maria, la pettegola del paese, passando li vide uscire dal pollaio e la sua fantasia iniziò a galoppare..
Li aveva già visti amanti e dato che il prete era un bell’uomo aveva già deciso che il loro era stato un incontro amoroso.
Corse subito a riferirlo a chiunque incontrasse per il paese, quando una notizia può danneggiare qualcuno, le malelingue la fanno circolare velocemente..
Dopo nemmeno due ore in tutto il paese non si parlava d’altro e i genitori di Mery la stavano aspettando furiosi.
began when the girl returned to rant against her without giving her no time to explain and in half an hour was thrown away.
Not knowing where to go went to Don Stefano.
told him everything and he thought the best solution for both.
The next day was Sunday and the church was packed.
When he entered the holy place, people started to mumble.
It took courage and began the holy mass. When it was time the homily he explained the whole truth and people were terrified.
With the simplicity and clarity, but also courage and coolness, he told them the plain truth.
The mayor, wealthy person the country, stood up and began to give the priest a liar.
Beside him his wife did nothing but good to give the little girl poked her head out of the sacristy and said
"After putting out, I will explain everything."
After Mass in the square and went out.
She was there, surrounded by the crowd and began to explain.
"You should know that it was the mayor to take advantage of me! And he did it against my will! But I will not give up my baby for that.
Don Stephen offered me a job here in the parish, and I intend to accept, at least until the baby is not growing. None of you is bothered to ask how things went ssiano.
You are all evil and full of prejudices. You should learn the goodness from your pastor, you do not deserve someone so good. "
The mayor took his wife by the arm and dragged her away. No one saw them more. Everyone wanted to Mirko
well, the child that Mery was allowed to come into the world and of which he had never regretted it.
Grandparents were proud of him. From
great Mirko would take the place of Don Stefano, would become a priest.
Who better than he knew the compassion?


If you want to share with others you can do this work do not forget to quote me as a writer and leaving its shape and content. Barbara

Best Compact Camcorder 2010


The following poem is that of a crystal child of 11 years, the daughter of parents indigo.
In its total simplicity shows the will to live and a desire to find the positive and the beauty even in the simplest things and especially the great enthusiasm for life.

to you ... Know that the interpretation was in the literary prize Vallespluga anonymously among hundreds of poems by adults and has been selected for inclusion in the anthology of literary prize.
If you want you can spread it, without altering the form and content by including this quote:
taken from: Anthology of Literary Prize Mountain Vallespluga 2008, Montedit 2009.
Ziletti Barbara


'm home, I see the mountains towering in the sky

seem a close but distant
are special but they are obscured.
There is the fog of the lowlands. Now I see
as they are beautiful and fascinating, impressive on the small world
What is my farm.
I see, I see them, are right there.
The alarm rings.
Outside the open window in the mountains seem
close but far away.
It was not a dream, it's all true.
Hi there!


Sunday, September 20, 2009

How To Name Deceased In Wedding Program


This story was written by me and edited by Barbara Ziletti Station Celeste and distributed freely.
For a correct reading, type the following link:

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Og Mudbone And Beautiful Woman

you who are reading ...

Dear fellow travelers, how many times
you thought to share your writing (sentences, poems or short stories) with others?
creating this blog it is my desire for you, to spread what you have until now kept in the drawer.
Being in contact with many sites, I will try to disclose as much as possible.
Anyone can publish their works, without distinction of any age (for minors need parental consent).
Each text must be sent to me via email: with segg.dicitura:

IF YOU NEED NOT DISCLOSE THIS SCRIPT alterations in the form and content (and your signature).

Of course we do not accept scripts that can harm the community or the civil and spiritual sense.

Once a month a winner will be chosen for each category: poetry, short sentences, short stories, of course ... and the prize will be virtual.

I wish you GOOD LUCK!
