Una volta, nel tempo prima della storia, la Carnia era abitata dagli Sbilfs e dalle Agane, le fate dell’acqua. Nella stretta di Venzone che prendeva il nome di porta della Carnia perché al tempo con questo nome si comprendevano anche le valli del torrente Fella, una colonia di Sbilfs si era insediata dove ora sorge il paese, mentre al di là dell’acqua del Tagliamento ove ci sono ora le case di Pioverno nelle grotte sotto all’attuale chiesa dell’Immacolata si erano insediate le Agane. La scelta non era stata casuale. A quei tempi si viveva second nature, there was the need to work the land, but we had to place where the earth produced its fruit. On the left of the Tagliamento spontaneous wheat grew by Sbilfs favorite food. On the right hand grew what we now call lavender, the scent of choice for Agana. At the close of the spring and the St. Simeon seemed Plauris East of Eden with clear water that melted in the crystal reflections, stretched between the golden wheat on one side and the other purple lavender. The Sbilfs who believed in Mother Nature had given a female name to the plants from which they drew sustenance and had called spikes. The Agan who lived with the scent of flowers had been given a male name to call their plants and lavender stalks of what we now call lavender.
When the chase began centuries of human history our mountains were first populated by the Celts came dll'Est, and finally by the Romans came here to bring civilization with war and armies. The soldiers were recruited from all over the Empire. So it was that came in the plain of Venzone a whole legion formed by the Galatians, the Celts of Asia Minor. Among them was a centurion named Venzo, finished to make the military to forget the pains of love.
At home was an alchemist in love with his work. He cultivated a plant that the Greeks called Celtic nard, precisely because cultivated by the Celts of Asia Minor, and the Romans instead Lavandula spica. From the roots had learned to distill essential oils and fragrances of exquisite delicacy, and ointments that were miraculous. For he was in love with a beautiful woman named Mary Magdalene. They were married. He loved her in his heart, but all taken from his work neglected her. He spent his nights to develop new recipes, looking for innovative solutions to derive maximum benefit from the virtues of the plant nard. So it was that one morning and found no more at home Magdalene. He sought in vain for the whole country, but in vain. He realized that the donkey was gone too, and had been emptied warehouse where he kept his products. A friend of his wife told him that he had loaded the perfumes and ointments on the donkey and that he was playing at a time in Palestine, where he felt he was preaching a new prophet named Jesus Someone claims to be the same woman mentioned in the 'evangelist Luke tells us that it was introduced in the house of a Pharisee when Jesus was at lunch, "came with a jar of ointment, and standing behind at his feet, weeping tears began to wet and then dries them with her hair, kissed them and anointed them with ointment. " It was known as a sinner but Jesus said that gesture, "your sins are forgiven." Perhaps the link may be fanciful or not, since you do not specify that the ointment was. But in a similar scene in which to anoint Jesus' feet with oil balsamic is Mary of Bethany, sister of Lazarus, the resurrected, it says explicitly that he used "a pound of ointment of pure nard" and therefore can not be rule has treated its oil Venzo .. However
our having found the door of Carnia galata Celtic have to fight against other Celts, Meat, was in crisis again and asked to be discharged and obtained ownership of the lavender fields that since the time of Sbilfs grew where today lies the town of Pioverno. Dwelt in the cave that opened in the survey on which stands the Church now in the country. Cave that was of Agana, and still is because it is not water that you are gone, just become invisible to the human inability to see beyond the dimension of reality, as has become invisible because the cave the mouth has collapsed as a result of a terrible earthquake which affected the interest and even Mount St. Simeon
Here, no longer distracted by the graces of the beautiful Madeleine, taken with new vigor the research on the beneficial properties of lavender and by dint of grafts and implants could develop a new type of plant with more proprietà terapeutiche. Mentre dal nardo celtico l’olio essenziale ed il profumo si ricava dalla radice, nella nuova pianta le proprietà benefiche si trasferirono nel fiore esaltandosi. Divenne in breve famoso in tutta la Carnia perché con i medicamenti tratti da questo nuovo spigo sapeva curare ogni tipo di malattia.
Per ogni tipo di dolore prescriveva dei bagni di spigo. Si deve lavare la parte malata, scriveva, e quindi prescriveva delle diverse composizione di acqua ed olio di spigo. Da militare aveva imparato la lingua latina e in latino le sue ricette iniziavano sempre con “lavanda est” si deve lavare, e così un poco alla volta gli uomini della Carnia presero a parlare di ricette di lavanda, e lo spigo finì per essere chiamato lavanda: la lavanda di Venzo, che in latino diventava appunto “Lavanda Venzonis”, termine oggi correttamente tradotto in italiano come “Lavanda di Venzone”. I botanici la chiamarono lavandula angustifolia per la caratteristica delle foglie strette, distinguendola dalla lavandola spica, detto anche nardo celtico o valeriana celtica, che si coltiva ancora nella montagna carinziana e viene utilizzata soprattutto nelle terme di Bar Kleinchirhheim.
A sentire l’attuale nome comune, di primo acchito viene da pensare che sia stato il paese a dare la denominazione alla lavanda, e invece la storia del legionario Venzo, dimostra il contrario in modo inconfutabile…Comunque anche nel caso dello spigo, le Alpi divennero confine e discrimine, il genere spica si continuò a coltivare al di là, mentre l’angustifolia si diffuse al di qua per tutto l’arco alpino fino alla Liguria per poi da qui debordare in Provenza.
I carnici son gente rude poco portata ai profumi: gli uomini nel bosco e le donne con la gerla, ma anche Carnia pur se è venuta meno, non è mai scomparsa l’usanza di coltivare la lavanda. Valentino Osterman in La vita in Friuli” scriveva alla fine dell’Ottocento che “è pianta benefica; si coltiva negli orti per raccoglierne i fiori che a mazzi vengono collocati tra la biancheria sia per il loro gradevole odore, sia perché si ritiene giovino a tener lontane le tignole l’incubo (calciùt) and spells attempt against the performance of marital obligations. It should also alleviates pain in the head and nerves, to treat wounds and to regulate the functions feminine. He has more virtue if caught in the famous night of St. John.
With this latest entry in the call dell'Osterman Venzo is obvious, because now all scholars agree that date back to Celtic rituals of the night of St. John. Also highlighting the powers on "spells attempt against the performance of marital obligations" which is probably due to Venzo Pioverno the solitude of the cave, he regretted having neglected the beautiful Madeleine, who had gone to make the sinner in Palestine. About
! Is there anyone who claims to have read in the usual documents that do not track which is now the same name is linked to Legionnaires Pioverno. At his death it was built a church dedicated to Pope Pius Venza, the foundations of which no trace has been apparent since it was built the present church. Over the centuries, as has often happened, the name was misspelled in one of Verna.
But perhaps these are allegations of historians who are led by the imagination rather than by love for research. Course is the fact that Venzo held to clarify, handing her recipes, which for maximum benefit, essential oils and scents of lavender or lavender if you prefer, should be diluted in water sources populated by Agan. In Carnia there is different, but it seems that above all they recommend water Applis Ovaro, where the water gushes fresh and pure directly from the ground.
By the way it should be noted that as they are present in the human world the Agana, so Sbilf are still present even if invisible. As you know there's different types and names like the Gan, the Mazarot, the Bagan, and Pavàr. There are those in favor to the men and dangerous as the Cialciùt that in the modern era has run a swelled head, changed his name and he is called "stress" to English. Turn night to the houses men spreading the disease of depression. As already pointed out the beneficial Ostermann power of lavender can be found primarily in taking away the nightmares caused by Cialcùt .. In modern terms, as is now amply demonstrated by many studies, it seems that almost magical powers to defeat evil of the century: the depression caused by stress.