Friday, February 19, 2010

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Adoro i partiti politici: sono gli unici luoghi rimasti dove la gente non parla di politica
(O. Wilde)

11 Febbraio 2010. A 17 anni e 359 giorni from its birth, like any good father, even Milan celebrates the supervening maturity of the child. The
February 17 was that Mario Chiesa, the Socialist president of the hospice and "Pio Albergo Trivulzio. Caught with hands in the cookie jar while pocketing a bribe from 7 million pounds, tried to get rid of the other tangent from 37 million pounds collected just throwing it in the toilet and pulling the toilet. Fate would have it, the toilet clogs, uncovered, along with the expected content and ignoble, the largest system of corruption that the history of modern democracies memories.
Eighteen years later, that Camillo Milko Pennisi, the city council and chairman of the committee share PDL planning, for pocketing a bribe from 5 000 €. The sum would be the second tranche of a tangent from € 10 000 paid by a building contractor to unlock a file concerning the construction of a building in the district Bovisa. All this took place near Palazzo Marino, the seat of the Municipality of Milan in which everything goes well and if not right to blame the immigrant's duty, "to be expelled from house to house, floor by floor" (Matteo Salvini, Lega Nord), in the wake of the "el Ciapa camel, and the barcheta turnet you to ca '," rafrain successful birth of the genius of refined Piergianni Flournoy. Which, ironically, there can return home. Or at least for a while '.
Assessor to Youth, Sport and the Promotion of tourism in the region led by Roberto Formigoni is indeed in jail since Dec. 16 on charges of corruption and rigging rod. According to prosecutors, Flournoy was a bribe collected from 230 000 € out of 5 Swiss bank accounts linked to him in the allotment of a contract of € 7.5 million for television promotion of tourism in Lombardy.
along our rickety things do not improve the Peninsula. In Bologna, the mayor
pidino Delbono is forced to resign because of some pleasure trips (Mexico, Santo Domingo and Capri destinations) passed off as institutional missions (and therefore reimbursed with taxpayer money), while he was a Vice President of the Emilia Romagna region. A report on everything in the best (or worst) of the sitcom, the ex-girlfriend Cynthia Cracchi, move, rather than by a sudden impulse of ethics, the thirst for revenge for the downgrade to receptionist immediately following the end of the affair with Delbono. The
PD, worried dall'infausta hypothesis that such a move would increase its consent and, never, can shine to the idea of \u200b\u200ba party around a single cohesive policy, strong and defined, after gives a shot at the rim of the barrel, the candidate multi-accused De Luca (in Campania) and Loiero (in Calabria).
The first mayor-sheriff Salerno from '93 to 2001 and from 2006 to today, going around from day to boast of his two indictments (one for conspiracy, fraud and corruption, the second for aggravated fraud and false). The Robin Hood Campania claims that his only crime is that of having given the layoffs of more than 200 employees of a factory. The problem, according to the prosecutor, is that the closure of the factory and the illegal changes to the urban plan that transformed the "agricultural zone" in "tourist area", were the result of speculation through which De Luca and his associates may benefit illegal in themselves and others. Suffice it to say that Vincent Grieco, owner of the land in question and a personal friend di De Luca, ricevette dalla Sea Park , la ditta incaricata di edificare il progetto sostitutivo (un parco acquatico, mai realizzato), 29 miliardi di lire in fondi neri. Al comune di Salerno andarono invece 22 milardi di lire in forma di oneri concessori non dovuti. Il buon De Luca, che oggi predica trasparenza e sbandiera sul proprio sito gli atti delle indagini che ne “alleggerirebbero” la posizione processuale, si dimentica di ricordare che nel 2006 il parlamento si affannò per impedire ai pm di utilizzare le intercettazioni telefoniche che lo riguardavano. O ancora di ricordare la condanna in primo grado a 4 mesi di reclusione e 12 mila euro di multa per sversamento di rifiuti in un sito di stoccaggio provvisorio ed abusivo da lui subita. We can not therefore surprising that De Luca forget to remember as the "vice" is a fact of family: his wife is on trial for forgery and abuse while he is under investigation for tax offenses. Blessed youth.
Agazio Loiero, the PD candidate in the Calabria region, has just been indicted and faces a sentence of one year and six months in prison for abuse of office in the investigation "Why Not", launched by Louis De Magistris in 2006. A few months ago, Loiero had declared that in case of trial, he would not run again. Also in the Calabrian PD, therefore, consistency is at home.
Complete bleak overview the current political and institutional system scandal linked to the "jelly" of the Civil Protection, which shows that, from '92 to now, the forms of payment and reward have significantly evolved: from outdated crumpled notes, to the modern feasts sometimes moved by some powerful "anti-stress massage." And 'the proof of how the paper will devalue faster than the flesh (female).
Marcello Dell'Utri, in a recent interview, he photographed the situation with the skill of its large procurers of grooms, introducing a new profession: the "political self-defense."

When it is said to need work.


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