Monday, March 15, 2010

Elbow Pain Causes Hitting Heavy Bag

The law is equal for everyone ... you

"To the enemies laws apply. For friends are interpreted "
(G. Giolitti)

I said this, I, that the substance was more important than form. When firefighters me parking tickets on a pedestrian crossing in uninhabited area, with the q school when I was writing, when I forgot to register for exams, when I arrived late for work.
I have always responded spades.

Yeah, you say: "you do not have 40% (or 60% or 75%, depending on the degree of submission to the head of the source that brings it back) the consent of the people. " Translated: "not worth a shit, then you have to meet those odious formality that you call poor laws."
Obviously they do not I'll say so.
We say that we must ensure the democratic nature of electoral competition, which should enable the participation of various political forces, which should prevent the judiciary to write the electoral lists, but also that you can not deny the (percentage who choose ... offers more?) the right of the electorate to vote for his party reference. The first three considerations
I will not dwell. It makes me smile just to hear talk of democracy and (just) the participation of various political forces who, in addition to being prime minister and leader (or owner) of the majority party, constantly attacking the judiciary and guarantee institutions in spite of Montesquieu and its tripartite division of state power through a military use of its five national television networks (3 owns them, the two controls directly) and the major publishing group in the country.
The fourth, however, can make some considerations.

First, exclusion lists, against which the government has moved, does not deny any rights to its citizens. On the other hand ensures
that electoral competition takes place within seconds of a precise set of rules that apply (and equal) for all. The exclusion lists
pdl in Lombardy and Lazio is not a subversive act by politicized judges: it is a duty that protect the rule of law and democracy. I wonder where were these champions of democracy, these masters of "substance over form", these lists when squires civil rights of free citizens or Pariti "minor" could not stand for election, formally because they had reached the minimum number of signatures, mainly because they were under the condition of subordination in respect of the parties 'major'.
Second, the decree sets a precedent that undermines the foundations of the democratic state: the largest party, the mere fact of being such, is stronger than the laws (which, only for him to be "interpreted"). The decree "interpretation" proposed by the government in fact is not an amnesty, which is a measure that would eliminate the requirement for parties who wish to take part in the elections to submit the formal requirements laid down by law. In this case, the assumption of the prevalence of substance over form would be at least egalitarian. The decree requires instead that the "amnesty" is related only to those parties who can demonstrate their presence within the court at 12 pm on February 27 (deadline for submission of signatures) and the roll of which are vitiated by errors of form (and whose leader is a little chap down, and bitumen from the skull with P2 card in his pocket, could add a burst of impartiality).
and hundreds of lists over the years were promptly cash for the same reasons? And the thousands of voters who have been denied the right to vote for your party? Count for nothing. Both are small and can not rebel.

Time: stuffed that a majority of (former?) Fascists piduisti bribe and telling us what democracy is already quite bleak. But the that the shop excessively for the majority against minorities, which in reality, just for the physiological deficit serving against forces more in terms of means and resources should be those most protected, permanently remove any hope. More so if the President of the Republic, Victor Emmanuel III of the new millennium, its role in the exchange to write for the government (and not the Constitution), so much as to mourn the unpresentable Cossiga.

But what is most irritating is the lack of a political class turned into a crowd of lackeys and recommended, it is the arrogance of a totalitarian power now e che, in quanto tale, non contempla la possibilità di pagare le conseguenze delle proprie incapacità, violentando (o meglio “interpretando”) le leggi in funzione dei propri, soliti, interessi.
Il messaggio è chiaro: “La palla è mia, e decido io chi gioca”.

Il culo, come al solito, è il nostro.


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