" A man should never be ashamed to confess to being wrong. That is to say that it is wiser today than it was yesterday "
(Jonathan Swift)
zero-sum game: where the gain-loss of a participant is perfectly balanced by the gain-loss of another participant. Translated: If someone is wrong, someone else is right, if someone loses, someone else makes money. Not in Italy.
Take the controversy relating to allegations made by Roberto Saviano, the last episode of "Come away with me" on relations between the League and the 'Ndrangheta in Northern Ireland. The writer was wrong.
First of all because the attribution of the status of "partner" of the mafia to a single party is a mistake so gross da sembrare volutamente capzioso per chi, come Saviano, conosce molto bene le logiche dei clan e la loro “apartiticità”, duttilità e trasversalità politica, requisito fondamentale per massimizzare le possibilità di infiltrazione nei piani alti della politica. Trasversalità che, come dimostrano le indagini ai danni dell'ex sindaco di Trezzano sul Naviglio Tiziano Butturini (Partito Democratico) da parte della direzione disterttuale antimafia, vige anche al Nord. Par condicio padana.
In secondo luogo poichè trae da una notizia vera, seppur riportata in modo frettoloso, generalizzazioni pressapochiste. I fatti sono questi.
Angelo Ciocca, consigliere regionale lombardo in quota Lega, Pino is filmed as he discusses with Blacks, a member of the 'Ndrangheta, the opportunity to nominate a man to the Municipality of Pavia organization from Calabria. The result: a stalemate. The leadership of the League are opposed to the application and the plan jumps. Facts are sufficient to stimulate a debate and, perhaps, a clean sweep in the party of "thieving Rome"? Are assignable. Enough to accuse the league of "converse" with the mafia in the north? Absolutely not. There are other, more substantial evidence of links' Ndrangheta, the Northern League? Okay, that Saviano talk. There are? Then the inevitable counter-attack to avoid exposure of the League. That, in respect of sum games (not) zero, never misses a chance to look bad and throw it in the racket, boasting of the thousands of arrests against Mafia bosses (as if they were on the affected Minister Roberto Maroni and the courage of those magistrates and police still worthy of that name) and closing his eyes to a real problem and concern: that the increasingly widespread presence of mafia-type criminal organizations in the north and Lombardy.
Saviano, therefore, was wrong. Beware of those who defended him just as threatened by the mob, as if the mere fact of having the stock imprimesse the views of the persecuted, a stamp of truth, fairness and insidacabilità. The exercise of critical thinking, real and valuable weapon to defend ourselves and get out of this lame scheme, it is a selfless act of intellectual honesty: it can not and must not make concessions to anyone. May be wrong, but it is legitimate and desirable if sincere and reasoned. Beware of those who, in politics, asks you to love him: he does not want her back more than your submission.
But "if she cries Athens, Sparta does not laugh" made famous by Enrico Mentana (by the way: finally a news worthy of the name) and our more prosaic-sum game (not) to zero are also victims in the field of politics " play, one made of votes and polls. Protagonist, as usual, the PD, a true guru the "play and lose." If
nationally, PD lose support (26.5% vs. more than 33% in 2008) despite the parallel beaten the PDL, now fell steadily to below 30% (28.5%), the local party center-left (in the sense that, as suggested by the hyphen, sometimes stands at the center, at other times is left) is even worse. In primary
Milan PD managed to run into a double defeat: losing about 15 thousand voters in the primary city (in 2006 were approximately 82mila) and lose the same primary candidate in spite of the opponent, Giuliano Pisapia, a party represented Left, Environment and Freedom, about five for times smaller constituencies. Not big news of the recent past (in) glorious, when any candidate supported by the PD in the primaries was to meet certain defeat. Legendary Pistelli's defeats against Renzi in Florence and Boccia (twice) against Vendola in Puglia. The same Vendola that threatens to overwhelm any primary coalition.
Unless the Democratic Party, to go out and definitively overcome the Berlusconi, decides to un'astutissima alliance with UDC and Fini (that Berlusconi's allies in the last 12 to 16 years) in the game board of Italian politics.
There's an old saying in poker: "if after an hour of playing you do not have yet figured out who the chicken in the table, then the chicken you. "
In Italy, the game lasts for 16 years.
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