Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Rebounder Gymin Orlando, Fl

How I want to be The party to whom?

In my house has never been very popular Women's Day. Mimosa yes (in fact the first thing I would do and went to live in Liguria would take one, to be planted or to be kept in a vase). But the party has no pareva il caso.
A me personalmente, la festa della donna sembra come la festa della Shoah, che infatti non si festeggia ma si commemora con dolore e imbarazzo. Nel senso: non ci trovo molto da festeggiare.
Abbiamo conquistato dei diritti negli ultimi 100 anni, ma grazie al cazzo! Ci spettavano! I neri americani festeggiano la festa del nero, perché gli è stato riconosciuto lo status di esseri umani? No, si incazzano di brutto perché il razzismo c'è ancora. Noi donne dovremmo fare altrettanto.
In Italia, dovremmo farlo perché, al di là degli scandaletti sessuali e degli estremismi in entrambi i sensi, la realtà è che, se tu donna vuoi avere una famiglia, son cazzi tuoi e lo Stato se ne batte il belino, then the Family Day except to defend marriage.
(For the record: I'm married. If you want to encourage marriage compared to cohabitation, do it, I have no problem, let me tax breaks, child care, homes to rent arrangement. If you just want to show off and take the votes of Catholics , I wish that Hell exists.)
In the rest of the world, we should do it because even though for us the greatest scandal is that 4 slut takes money to do blowjobs to politicians, the world of women have problems such as' Female circumcision, female mortality from violence, selective abortion that kills women, even child prostitution, the total lack of rights women than men.
Of course I speak of the rest of the world but you can see just looking out the window. Even though I prefer to look away not to go in trouble, not to offend with an offer of help, not bogged down with endless red tape that revolves around everything. Even if their children are the same as ours, and lucky that at least they play together.


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