L’ultima volta che sono stato a Pesariis ho avuto l’avventura d’un incontro davvero fuori dal comune. Il bello è che quando ho chiesto al mio amico Carlo che abita lì, di darmi dei ragguagli sul personaggio che avevo incontrato, mi ha detto che non conosceva nessuna persona che corrispondesse alle caratteristiche che gli andavo descrivendo.
“Non crederai che mi sto inventing the meetings! "I said.
"I'm not nothing I object!" Replied Charles. "But I can assure you that throughout the valley Pesarina there is a person with long white hair reaching down to the shoulders and with a long white beard that reaches to the waist of his trousers, as you describe the person you say you have seen ... ".
"Yet I must be dreaming, because I was walking around the country ..."
I was just walking around the village of Pesariis one day in late April, expecting that I would go with Delio in visita agli originali orologi che sono stati realizzati negli angoli più caratteristici del paese. Piuttosto che una giornata di inizio primavera sembrava una giornata d’autunno inoltrato. Piovigginava. Sul paese si aggiravano nuvole nere, pesanti di pioggia, dalle quali si sfilacciavano refoli di nebbia che si insinuavano nelle strette viuzze. Mi guardavo attorno, ammirato per come era stato sistemato il paese, ripristinando sulle strade l’acciottolato il “codolàt” d’un tempo.
Quando fui davanti a casa Bruseschi, che come diceva il depliant che stavo leggendo “era stata la residenza di una delle più autorevoli famiglie del paese, fin dal XV secolo, come testimoniano documents of the parish "I saw with surprise that it was open. "Maybe someone is doing the work" I thought, and could not resist the desire to slip through the door ajar, to visit the interior of the house.
"E 'come in?" I asked aloud.
Nobody answered me. Unless you were to consider a response to the sound of a grandfather clock that one of the rooms, common rooms for the echo of four bells, to remind me that it was time for the appointment for which I had gone to Pesariis. "I'm in a hurry, and I'll be right" I said to myself, as if the friend who was waiting for me he could hear. I hurried, thinking about a very quick look at the typical home and superfiale Carnian. But when I was in the large kitchen, I had to stop because someone was sitting on the bench around the stove. At first I thought this was a reconstruction, such as those found in the Museum of Carnico Tolmezzo, but then I thought I was moving ...
"Excuse me," I said, "I found open, and I thought can make a quick visit ... I asked permission, but I had no answer ...
"Who should you give permission? .. "said the old man, confirming his voice, which I had been right, that it was not a set of rebuilt ...
On the right side of the fireplace sat an old man was in fact of great stature . For the long white hair and long white beard, I was think of an image of Christ in some paintings, but I could not define which. But the face was shrunken, marked by deep wrinkles, long and slender hands outstretched on her knees, reminded those of a skeleton. It was an old ... very old ... Dressed in the clothes to party like you see portrayed in the photographs of the early twentieth century ... the foot, which rested on the edges of the hearth, scapets wore the new, highly embroidered ... I noticed them because they seemed out of tune, I looked like women's shoes, which do not go with the dress and especially with the age ...
But more than the clothes I was amazed at the joke which I did not know what to reply ... If I had to give permission? Since I had snuck into the house without permission, someone who was there, he would have told me if I could stop, or if I needed to leave ...
"Sa. Curiosity. I found it open ... "I repeated to apologize di nuovo.
“Sei nella valle del tempo!” disse il vecchio con la cadenza e l’importanza di chi sta recitando una sentenza. “E il tempo non chiede il permesso a nessuno…”
Mi ricordai che in valle a Pradumli c’era un famoso centro di anarchici. Pensai che il vecchio, con quelle battute originali sul tempo, potesse essere l’ultimo degli anarchici…
Certo che il tempo scorre senza chiedere il permesso a nessuno. “Ruit ora”, dicevano i latini e in quel “ruit” più che l’idea dello scorrere c’è quella roll of the irrepressible, unstoppable ... But because of the damage I would have had to explain these things to the old? ..
However, without expecting any explanation from me, instead she asked me if I knew why the valley was called the valley of Pesarina time.
"Being famous because they manufacture the watches," I said, I assume that someone connected with the idea that the clock of time, and we have built a brand because they are very intelligent and evocative original. I like the idea of \u200b\u200bthe valley of the time! ...
"I'm glad you like!" he played again the old, in the tone of a tragic actor. "But the explanation is quite another. It's called the valley of the time because it is here that the time was invented ... "
" Other than an anarchist! "I thought. "That's just escaped from some lunatic asylum ..."
"Sit down!" He said firmly. Cursing the curiosity that made me go into that house, and sure to have something to do with a madman who, as you know, it's always better to indulge ... I sat down the other side of the hearth, on the bench opposite to his, and heard first concerned then more and more astonished and curious about this strange story of the valley Sbilf Pesarina.
The old man began to say as Ireland everyone knows that the world of little men existed before the world of men, so Carnia you should know that the world of Sbilf was earlier than that of men. I had no objection, as I am convinced that the world of Sbilf both the world of fairy tales, that the world in which everything is possible. The old man spoke to me, however, safe to refer to the real stories ... and so I was careful not to say that I thought of fairy tales anyway ... who knows what the truth ...?
As the history of mankind begins with Genesis, just as the history of Sbilfs has its genesis ... ... the beginning of time lived in the valley Sbilfs timeless ... the sun rose to mark the beginning of ' a new day, night fell and the death knell, but the days followed one another equally and without end ... If there is no end to which measure time, there's no time ...
The Sbilf lived in complete freedom, and then in complete anarchy, the only rule that everyone must have the freedom to the limit, unique and unsurpassed in the freedom of the ... None was the owner of something, because all they owned all ... Everyone liked him, because everybody respects the commandment of God who had ordered not to eat from the tree of love, in the middle of the garden of Eden. Till he came to the Sbilf Eve did not respect the commandment of God and wanted to take the fruit of love. But love implies the exclusive relationship with your loved one, the sole desire to see her, sighing impatiently waiting ... The meeting of love became an end, and the order originated the time ... I felt the Sbilf Adam need to measure the time that separated him from the next meeting with Eve, and the stream that flowed into the valley with no time to invent a way to ensure that the flow of water mark the time ... And so the Sbilf, began to feel the weight of time and called Pesarina the stream, and the valley became the valley of the time ...
and expertise gained by Sbilf in developing tools to measure time, concluded the old man, was then transferred to men. For this time the valley is also called the Valley of the clocks, because, as nowhere else, between these houses are known to create tools to measure time ...
I just got in Valley to see those original watches, and that he should accompany me Delio was waiting for me, certainly worried about my delay ... I was finished listening to the story of an old man out of time, I spoke of the origin of the time ... to discover that the former does not exist ... like maybe there is no time ...
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