At the time of the mists of time, also lived in Carnia the people of the little people, especially those of Sbilfs Guriùts, of Gans and Vinadio. One day a Guriùt named Cjaròi, Arvenis climbing the mountain, the mountain of Carnia heart, wanted to pry into the cave which is located near the top of the mountain. And to his surprise he found that there was already someone inside. An elf, a very strange little man at all similar to Guriuts nor do the other elves he had known of the mountains. If he
Cjaròi avuta la nostra conoscenza gli sarebbero venuti in mente i tre moschettieri. Per il cappello a larghe tese che aveva in testa, ma soprattutto per i vestito che indossava come quello dei moschettieri, o se si vuole come la pianeta che il parroco indossa dicendo messa. A tutto campo, al posto della croce c’era uno strano simbolo. Un grande cerchio, come quelli che si usano per il tiro a segno, con una freccia sulla destra e due gambe sotto.
“Da dove vieni” gli chiese Cjaròi.
“Non so bene rispose l’altro se da un altro mondo, o da un altro continente di questo mondo!”
Colpito dalla stranezza della risposta Cjaròi insistette:
“Ma se non sai da dove vieni come mai sei qui”
"I was brought here the desire for knowledge"
"The desire for knowledge can not physically carry the living"
"Why not? If faith can move mountains, because faith in the knowledge could not carry the living ". For a logic so compelling and absurd at the same time Cjaròi not know what to reply.
asked him his name.
"Arpazù!" He said. "To be precise, he added, should call me Harp Riviera, but since his childhood friends took to cripple and shorten my name that has become just Arpazù.
"Blue Harp Sounds good!" Said Cjaroi reminds me of the names that used the American Indians. But what sense does it make an adjective of color to a musical instrument?
"We are used also for the living poetic names, and poetry is made of metaphors. The sound of it evokes the blue sky when you lose the thought of living following the vibration of the harp. Speaking topic
asked him what it meant carrying the strange symbol on her dress.
"It 's the symbol of our philosophy of life," she answered. E 'need to give yourself the purpose of hitting a target, then it becomes clear direction to follow, and you will find the strength in his legs to follow. "
Cjaròi invitò lo strano piccolo uomo a seguirlo, avrebbe voluto presentarlo ai suoi amici su nella valle ai piedi dello Zèrmula. Ma scesi a Zuglio mentre attraversavano il torrente But, incontrarono un gruppo di Vinadie, le fate scese dalle montagne per bagnarsi nelle acque pure e fresche del torrente. Queste, curiose come tutti gli esseri femminili, si fecero loro attorno chiedendo a Cjaròi chi fosse quel suo così strano ed originale compagno di viaggio.
“E’ uno venuto qui per conoscere!” disse Cjaròi per darsi importanza facendo il misterioso.
“Ma perchè vuole conoscere?” chiesero in coro le Vinadie.
Rispose Arpazù come se la domanda fosse stata diretta a lui: “Voglio know everything else, to know myself better. We say that to be happy is to know yourself, and that to know oneself is to know others who are different. That is my desire to learn drove me up here. "
He could not explain and explain how it was done in the cave on the mountain top Arvenis. But knowing it was basically a useless curiosity. Sbilfs, Guriuts, Gans and the meat itself AGANIS their Arpazù the newcomer, and they took it as a model for what he said and did just about on its logo and its motto
"take an objective
to know where to go and
find the strength in my legs to go. "
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