Monday, July 21, 2008

Nitro Circus Go Kart Flip

Sbilf of Davao.

Some claim that Sbilfs and Gans are the same, even that the two terms are synonymous. Nothing could be further from the truth! If I were not so messy I could find in my study documents that attest to this diversity. But given the chaos that reigns for research could be useless. So believe me wonder about the word. In the valley of the Degano Gans, as already seen for the plateau Lauco, had occupied the left side of the valley, the Sbilfs had settled instead on the right, particularly on the plateau of Pani, Raveo above. It is not that the separation was absolute, and in fact the story of Sbilf of Davao which I will speak, refers to a Sbilf which had crossed the river and took office on the terrace where our time stands the cemetery in the hamlet of the Municipality of Avaglio Lauco.
E 'are known to Sbilf love places where you feel the breath of the valley below and to hear the Degano valley of the ridge on which it was at the cemetery is truly exceptional. I now use the Carnian of the most scenic places to build the cemeteries, the idea to pass the eternal life to feel the breath of the valley. The Sbilf, much more practical, thought that you should enjoy life in the beauty of the landscape and nature. For this reason our Sbilf had built a hut right on the edge of the precipice from which starts the natural terrace on which grew the town of Davao. So in original language Avaglio however, as at some point in its history, the name was translated by some ignorant scribe. As a home
Sbilf did not need to harvest crabs ... We had some corn stubble in the fields nearby, and had produced a small sheaf, such as those seen in the autumn around the fields of Carnia. On the one hand had left a small opening that night ended with a bunch of blocks per mo 'port. That's it ... and of course a comfortable mattress, derived from the leaves of corn cobs ... those who, so to speak, even humans use to fill the "paiòns" namely on rudimentary mattresses which pass the nights.
But because he had gone to put right there, coming from the highlands of opposites Loaves and Valdir? The women were immediately aware of Davao going to wash located at the outlet of the country, was a peeping maniac! He stood all day looking at them while they washed their clothes. Not that there was much to see. At that time women did not use the skirts, but not dirty laundry for the long skirts down to her feet, were used to pull up almost to the knee ... So at times Sbilf happened to catch a glimpse of some naked female calf ... and that was enough for lose your head ... Having insight as to which foot went lame the sbilf, Giulia la più bella ragazza del paese prese a mettersi sempre nel primo lavatoio, mettendo bene in vista i polpacci nudi…Potete immaginare lo sbilf… Non riusciva più a dormire la notte, sognandosi quella gamba di donna nuda! Sogna che ti sogna…alla fine si trovò talmente innamorato, che una sera non gli riuscì di evitare la pazzia di seguire Giulia nella sua casa. Gli sbilf infatti non dovrebbero entrare di giorno nelle case degli umani…. E tantomeno nella casa d’una ragazza sola…. Giulia infatti abitava da sola, perché gli erano morti i genitori e non aveva fratelli, proprio nella casa dove adesso c’è il bar, che giustamente è stato intitolato allo sbilf…
Giulia she realized that she had been followed ... but it was a cheeky and she was very curious to see what would have been able to do that little monster of Sbilf, and left the door open so he could go after her ... The Sbilf was high at around thirty centimeters, if everything was in proportion, there was not a risk that could rape. This he thought the girl to calm down ... but if he could get into the head of Sbilf and read his thoughts would have been even quieter Sbilf ... I loved her intensely, but in a platonic love, he enjoyed just looking, thinking, loving the 'image of her with his eyes flow in the heart ... never would have dared even to touch her, just wanted to look at her, and looking as if he was blessed with charm found in heaven, in the most beautiful of the angels ... He had huddled in a corner of the house and looked at her ... and he missed almost
breath ... "I do not say anything?" she asked.
"I have nothing to ask ... Thanks for letting me go ... I just want to look like the sun watching the water stream, the moon looks like the shadows of the night, and dawn the dew drops hanging on the petals of flowers
... "Are you Sbilfs poets!"
"Poetry is in things and not in the hearts of poets ... you are a poem ... "
" Thanks! "Julia whispered that the guys gave, he had never received a compliment so beautiful.
"Do not have a boyfriend?" Asked the Sbilf.
"They have so many guys that make me the court, but I can not innamorami anyone. I believe that love should not be a choice of reason, but an instinctive movement of the heart. "
"Sbilfs We too feel the same way, falling in love but perfect when you have the choice of reason joins the rush of the heart. To thank the reception, I want to make a gift, moving to this house one of my magical powers. Within these walls caught fire hearts, yours and the guy you've chosen to let go ... This will be my magic power to the walls of the house until they come back to take it back !!!...
"Julia did not know what to say ... he was still thinking about what sull'innamoramento perfect and did not realize that even the Sbilf, without another word, without even a word of greeting, he opened the door and was gone wrapped in Meanwhile the shadows of night had fallen on the small country ... He would have tried the next day to thank him ...
But her friends did not escape the scene of Sbilf who followed her into the house. Jealousy, had told la cosa ai Gans di Trava, che si erano arrabbiati di brutto…”Come? loro ad aiutare le donne e portare i pesi, e un cicisbeo di sbilf a far moine alla più bella…All’alba del giorno dopo vennero in forze da Trava a Davài, raggiunsero il costone dove lo sbilf aveva costruito il suo ricovero. Lui protestava che non aveva fatto nulla di male…che sentissero, diceva, la testimonianza di Giulia…Ma i Gans avevano già deciso, non potevano accettare d’essere stati fatti fessi da un intruso di forestiero…Fecero muro davanti allo sbilf costringendolo a ritirarsi fin sull’orlo del burrone…Sospinto da loro fu costretto a fare ancora un passo all’indietro, perse l’equilibrio e poi precipitò nel burrone con un grido straziante, che si sentì per tutta la valle…
Finì così lo sbilf di Davài, senza riuscire a riprendersi il dono magico che aveva fatto alla casa di Giulia, potere magico che è quindi rimasto attaccato alle pietre della casa, e dura ancora…Chi ragazzo o ragazza sta facendo la corte a qualcuno senza riuscire a farlo innamorare, se con una scusa qualsiasi riesce a portarlo o portarla nel bar allo Sbilf ad Avaglio…E’ fatta!...Tra quelle mura, riprende forza la magia dello sbilf… si diffonde nel ambiente come un magico profumo il potere dell’amore, ed entra inarrestabile e irresistibile nel cuore dei presenti…
Provare per credere!!!…Per this, by that time, Avaglio became famous as the land of love !!!...


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