Words, words, and words ..
TG5 and just over 20 hours. I'm tired. Tired of all these words spoken by old old old facts.
I have nothing against Jews, it was a distant relative and I have raccontato di come non fu facile in tempo di guerra; ho qualcosa che mi asfissia da dentro quando vedo tutti quei vecchi in perfetti completi su misura, il più delle volte sono abiti blu, come le auto che li trasportano. Non voglio nemmeno fare la solita polemica sterile e tipicamente italiana sul "se la ci fossi io farei.." (che poi son sempre i porci comodi come fan quelli che ci stanno ora). Mi brucia che parlino e parlino.. e ancora parlino di inutili questioni chiuse finite e non dimenticate. Ciarlano senza sapere, come Giacomo Bertone nella newsletter del quale non so come son finito rinchiuso e alla semplice richiesta di uscire da quel pensionato di pensionati mi son sentito dire che io non penso al futuro, come ovviamente fanno tutti i ragazzi della mia età (And therefore more or less too, who do you think about the future? And retirement? Bah!)
Age that everyone likes so much, we first of all that, however and wherever to enjoy, or try to do so, while the old talk and talk ... and talk about their things, and I? and me that I feel like the Lete sodium in the water? when I shit on me? Dinks when I am (the axes of COINS marketing)? when working in two and living like animals concomitantly to enjoy but we will have enough money to spend 0 time goderceli and then being useless machines, all-inclusive travel, giant televisions and subscriptions to 1000 satellite channels for instant enjoyment, futile.
And here's another old (it seems Dark Father, but I am not to discover it) yesterday, in his day, he spoke: "most lay Catholics (= old) in parliament" eccheppalle.
not ask for much in the old ones, of course I'd rather go to see the sites or buildings to the river to fish but in the end I think a bit of good they do, at least for themselves and consequently to someone else. No wonder they do not have to take it, I just do not make us disappear. Why
as a TV spot says "the good things disappear" has become "VYP Very Ydiot People"
the photo is manyetikbant .
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