Monday, January 25, 2010

How Far Away Projection Screen


" Berlusconi? I have never seen an innocent perhaps much to do to get away "
(D. Luttazzi)

Italian teenagers, middle-aged women, retired menopause: Forget magic potions, grueling sessions of spinning, points diets, pills, creams, herbs and salad plain. To lose the much-coveted three sizes there is a foolproof, quick and painless (or better insudore): reduce di tre taglie il proprio guardaroba. Avete capito bene: basterà comprare abiti più stretti et voilà, tre taglie nel giro di una chiusura di cerniera. Non lo dico io: lo dice il governo.
L'imminente riforma sul cosiddetto “processo breve” si basa infatti sulla stessa logica, geniale ed innovativa: si accorciano i tempi di prescrizione per diminuire la durata dei processi. Come dire che uscendo di casa senza ombrello, smetterà di piovere. Ma procediamo per gradi.
Il disegno di legge “misure per la tutela del cittadino contro la durata indeterminata dei processi” (questo il nome-travestimento della legge) si basa sulla modifica dei tempi di prescrizione dei reati, quei tempi oltre ai quali un reato si estingue e l'imputato non può più essere condannato.
Fino ad oggi questi termini di prescrizione erano commisurati all'entità di ciascun reato, in modo da consentire alla giustizia di accertare per tempo la colpevolezza o l'innocenza dell'imputato. Con la nuova legge , invece, si raggruppano tutti i possibili reati ed i relativi tempi di prescrizione in soli tre gruppi:
reati puniti con pene inferiori ai 10 anni: i termini per giungere a sentenza non dovranno superare i 3 anni per i processo di primo grado, i 2 anni per i processi in Appello e l'anno e mezzo per i processi in Cassazione. Durata massima del processo: 6 anni and a half
offenses punishable by more than 10 years: the deadline for reaching decision should not exceed 4 years for the first trial, the 2 years for the appeals process and in the 6 ½ years for the processes the Supreme Court. Maximum duration of the process: 7 years and a half
mafia crimes and terrorism: the deadline for reaching decision should not exceed 5 years for the first trial, 3 years for the appeals process and in 2 years processes to the Supreme Court. Limited to these two categrie of crime, the court will increase by one third the time limits when the process was particularly complex (eg many defendants). Maximum duration of the process: from 10 ai 15 anni
Considerando che in Italia la durata media del processo penale è di circa 8 anni e che all'interno del calcolo di questa media vengono inclusi processi che si concludono in tempi rapidissimi (guida senza patente, furto semplice, oltraggio a pubblico ufficiale, ecc..) il risultato è devastante: oltre 100 mila processi che evaporano all'istante (fonte Associazione Nazionale Magistrati).
Non stiamo parlando di caramelle rubate: si va dallo stupro alla corruzione, dalla frode fiscale agli omicidi colposi in ambito medico, dalle lesioni personali alla bancarotta preferenziale, dalla violenza privata al traffico di rifiuti, dalla ricettazione allo sfruttamento della prostituzione. Inoltre, secondo judges, will be sentenced to "extinction certain" processes for Parmalat and Cirio, the deaths from asbestos, for the dead white Tyssenkrupp the process as well as the clinical S. Rita di Milano (the "Clinic of Horrors"), where healthy patients were operated on for "make money".
Now, you'll wonder: what can never get our leaders to approve a law that in a hurry, confounding effects that would result from a process of "reasonable duration" (ie reducing the time limitation) with the solution for reaching such a "reasonable length of processes, guaranteeing impunity to a large number of criminals e delinquenti, mortifichi la dignità delle vittime dei reati e comprometta in modo forse irreversibile quei principi di legalità e giustizia alla base di un qualsiasi stato civile che voglia (e possa) dirsi tale?
Memori delle altre diciotto leggi ad personam (arrotondamento per difetto) fatte approvare nell'ultimo decennio, i maligni potrebbero rispondere a colpo sicuro: la volontà di Berlusconi di salvarsi dai processi in cui è imputato. Eppure, leggendo il testo della legge, questo dubbio sembra svanire. Nonostante i processi a carico del nostro presidente del consiglio siano già in corso, infatti, la legge non ha effetto retroattivo e non può dunque influire sui tempi di prescrizione dei processi già started. But it is, Berlusconi knows more than a Silvio. When you least expect it here's the sneaky, the technicality that you care about them before you can notice it.
Within the law there is in fact a transitional provision that extends the new, generous statute of limitations to those processes which, though already in progress, refer to crimes pardoned (ie benefiting from the pardon was passed by Parliament in 2006 by an overwhelming majority) or committed before May 2, 2006, whose sentence is less than 10 years in prison. What's more, these proceedings for the termination requirement triggered after just two years.
Eye on dates.
The indictments of the two pending court cases against Berlusconi are dated March 10, 2006 (Mills trial for corruption in judicial acts) and April 22, 2005 (Mediaset process on the sale of television rights at inflated prices). Considering the suspension of time due to the limitation period in which the Alfano Bill, then rejected by the Constitutional Court, was invalid (about a year and three months), the process will be prescribed Mills March 10, 2009, while Mediaset process April 25, 2005. That is, in the past.
Nell'infausta (for Berlusconi) and the unlikely event that some members of the majority, tired of treading and mortify his dignity per garantire l'impunità al capo (leghisti di “Roma ladrona” dove siete??), contribuisca ad impedire la definitiva approvazione della legge, non temete: le vie del signor(ino) sono infinite. Già pronte sul tavolo due proposte di legge: una per togliere valore di prova alle sentenze passate in giudicato, l'altra per depenalizzare la corruzione “susseguente”.
La prima impedirebbe all'eventuale sentenza di condanna definitiva ai danni dell'avvocato Mills per corruzione in atti giudiziari (sarebbe stato corrotto dallo stesso Berlusconi) di fungere da prova del comportamento corruttivo di Berlusconi (non ridete, è tutto vero).
La seconda, cancellando il bribery "subsequent", in fact legalize any form of corruption: the corruptor because it would be enough to agree with the corrupt, rewarding not just got the favor agreed.
On days when Totò Cuffaro, the former president of Sicilia banned from public office and promptly promoted by Senator Casini in the ranks of the UDC, was sentenced to seven years for conspiring with the Mafia (the second sentence degree), in the days when the president Berlusconi can see new indictment for tax fraud and embezzlement (and then another flight from justice and responsibility), return to mind an episode in 1974.
The then Speaker of the House Sandro Pertini, one of those people for whom life is still worthwhile Italians say, threatens to delay rental of parliament if it did not revealed the names of the politicians to whom the oil companies had paid bribes. When some suspects, then that will prove totally unfounded, they begin to circulate about him, the Corriere della Sera, the only newspaper that defended him, he asked for an interview to dispel any suspicion. This is his answer: "If I never talk to explain the Corriere . I have defended. It would be dishonest to talk right with you being on my side. "
Pertini è stato il miglior presidente della Repubblica della giovane democrazia.

In attesa di Silvio, ovviamente.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Northern California Motel For Sale

Rehabilitation di Nerone Claudio Cesare Augusto Germanico

Vi propongo una curiosa e simpatica proposta ideata, realizzata e gentilmente concessami da GioGio, riguardo al tema della riabilitazione dei grandi “statisti” della storia politica della nostra penisola. Associandomi all'auspicio di una immediata e tempestiva rivalutazione del Nerone “politico” e lasciando agli storici il giudizio del Nerone “storico” (lo so, non vuol dire assolutamente niente ma è l'espressione che oggi va per la maggiore), chiedo che per i magistrati che l'hanno condannato e per i comunisti che l'hanno ucciso, non valgano le agevolazioni previste dall'imminente legge sul processo breve (lo so, nessun magistrato l'ha mai condannato e nessun comunista l'ha mai quant'è bello praticare l'arte del parlare a vanvera!).

La riabilitazione di Nerone Claudio Cesare Augusto Germanico

Signori e signore, ragazzi e ragazze, infanti e infantesse sono qua per porre davanti a tutti voi una questione di coscienza.
Io GioGio D. Darkdancer penso che dopo 1942 anni (che se ci pensate è anche "l'anagramma" di 1492, anno della scoperta dell'America, quindi sicuramente un anniversario della libertà) sia giunto il momento di riguardare a quella fase politica tanto tormentata che ha visto la splendente ascesa e la forcaiola caduta di uno dei più grandi statisti della storia dell'umanità: NERONE CLAUDIO CESARE AUGUSTO GERMANICO.
Sono convinto che TUTTI VOI, una volta abbandonate le vostre ideologie e fatta vostra la più pura onestà intellettuale, non possiate che concordare con me che, a parte alcuni discutibili, marginali e sicuramente privati vizietti del nostro Nerone, quali:
- la piscina with small children where he swam happy while he's biting his penis
- the murder of his mother and sister
- marriage to a boy castrated
- the burning of Rome (his home after all )
it should be recalled rather in his role as God / Politics EMPEROR unparalleled in the history of the Republic (but was not an emperor? xD), some of his reforms (which I do not remember of course) completely changed the way of understanding policy the rights of man and citizen, land, and gladiatorial ludi.
So I ask all of you with your hearts and your minds in hand, to raise a cry of Justice and truth to rehabilitate the great figure of Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germany, which the record, the newspaper of the left, the communists in general and manufacturers of chairs also have helped to destroy thousands of years with a real "killeraggio media."

Sincerely yours: D.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Griswold Lamb Cake Mold

Scappato col.....Bettino

"The other night I dreamed Craxi dressed as Prince Charming. It came on a beautiful white horse and take me away. Everything! "
(P. Rossi)

The good news is that we left behind the regime. The bad news is that we are doing worse.
An authoritarian political system would, if not good taste, prudence at least to refrain from publicly celebrating a corruptor, pluricondannato, taken by the hands of justice and died in hiding away from the country that he, more than any top, had contributed to sink.
But, as Woody Allen warns, you know, "Politicians have their own ethics. All of them. And it's a notch below that of a sex maniac. " So, all in Hammamet, to pay homage to Craxi with a two-day celebration in the land of Tunisia, on the tenth anniversary of his death. Among the approximately 600 people taking part in the away, the ministers Sacconi, Frattini and Brunetta (he, what fights bums and waste of public administration), and the leader of the PDL to the room, the inevitable Fabrizio Cicchitto. The scene is tragicomic. In that sense, if not so tragic, it would be really fun.
These four characters are in fact members of the first floor of the main ruling party, the PDL (ex Force Italy), born in 1994 in the wake of "Clean Hands", the operation revealed that the judicial system of corruption and widespread climate of lawlessness that permeates Italian politics (at least) since the '80s. All this despite the undisputed leader of that party, Silvio Berlusconi, fosse un grande amico del principale responsabile (o quantomeno di colui che ne beneficò maggiormente) di questa deriva di illegalità: Bettino Craxi. Tutto questo nonostante il partito in questione, Forza Italia (poi Pdl), annoverasse tra le sue fila esponenti di spicco di quella stessa classe politica che il suo leader condannava.
Poi, all'improvviso, la virata. Mani Pulite diventa una persecuzione giudiziaria attuata da una magistratura politicizzata ed eversiva. Craxi ed i suoi compagni di merenda diventano dei perseguitati politici. I latitanti diventano esuli. Le guardie diventano ladri. I ladri diventano statisti innovatori della politica italiana. Il sistema politico fondato sulla corruzione, sulle tangenti e sul finanziamento offense becomes a democracy that allowed the country's expensive to stay for 50 years in the free world "(Augusto Minzolini, director of Tg1, 13/01/2010).
And so, of his former party colleagues, then enemies, then again a friend of the chairman of the board, close the cycle with the pilgrimage in Tunisia, sacrificed at the altar of the god Bettino good anachronistic for revised policy of the beautiful country: the dignity of the Italian people (or whatever it had left).
expected at least a start by the opposition, a protest march, some initiative in the interests of maintaining (and not the revision) of the historical truth of the facts. Then there si ricorda che l'opposizione è il PD: il partito che inserisce Craxi all'interno del Pantheon, l'insieme dei personaggi politici che rappresentano un punto di riferimento per il partito, di cui il partito si dichiara erede e da cui promette di trarre ispirazione. E si perde la speranza.
Ormai lobotomizzato da tutte queste celebrazioni, ipnotizzato dalle rivisitazioni delle tv di regime che esortano alle (ri)valutazioni del Craxi “uomo politico” (come se il buon Bettino, quando rubava, non fosse leader del partito socialista e, a tempo perso, capo del governo), propongo dunque un epitaffio commemorativo, per rendere il mio personale omaggio allo storico leader del garofano.

Benedetto Craxi detto Bettino (Milano, 24/02/1934 - Hammamet, 01/19/2000).
finally sentenced to:
5 years and 6 months for corruption in the process Eni-Sai.
4 years and 6 months for illegal financing for the bribes of the Milan subway. To quantify the economic weight of the system of bribes just think that the Milan subway line 3 cost 192 billion liras per kilometer. The subway costs 45 Hamburg or per kilometer. Less than a quarter.
For all other processes in which he was accused of extinction was pronounced sentence the offender to death of the offender.
Up to that point had been sentenced to:
4 years and a fine of 20 billion lire in the first instance for the All Iberian case (otherwise statute-barred 1999), or the 21 billion pounds in illegal funding paid by Fininvest company of Silvio Berlusconi on one of the Swiss accounts of Bettino, thanks for the Mammi law, hastily passed by the government itself Craxi.
five years and five months in first instance for Enel bribery (corruption)
five years and nine months on appeal to the Income Protection (fraudulent bankruptcy of Banco Ambrosiano), decision later reversed by the Supreme court by June 15, 1999. 3
sentenced to 3 years on appeal to the maxitangente Enimont (illicit financing)
Two indictments for the funds and the funds Montedison blacks blacks Eni (the processes are not celebrated as Craxi died). The pool of clean hands
ascertained revenue for at least 150 billion pounds on the 4 external accounts linked to him and managed by some dummy, including a school friend, George Tradati, and a bartender in Portofino, Maurizio Raggio. The latter, when Craxi, in December of '92, received the first notice of, was commissioned by the Socialist leader to travel to Switzerland and empty the accounts on which the judges in Milan could soon get their hands. Ray performed to the letter, taking about 50 billion lire and fleeing to Mexico (where he claimed to have spent 15 of the 50 billion for "costs of inaction"). Unwitting victim of nominees "traitors"? Absolutely not. The Court of Appeals pointed out in Milan that "has no basis in the defensive line focused on the alleged charge of responsibility to Craxi's 'position' for acts committed by others, according to statements of betrayal that he always informed in detail on the state of external accounts and the movements made on the same" . The main expense of laundering the innovative statesman of Italian politics.
Purchasing an apartment in New York, two in Milan, one in Madonna di Campiglio and one in La Thuile. Buying a plane
Sitation 3 billion lire.
"donation" per month from 100 million lire to the television station Tivù Cine Roma, of which her lover was director general Anja Pieroni.
Alla stessa Pieroni, regalò una casa ed un albergo (l'hotel Ivanhoe), entrambi a Roma, e le “pagò la servitù, l'autista e la segretaria”.
Prestito di 500 milioni al fratello Antonio, neo seguace del guru Sai Baba.
Affitto di una villa a Saint Tropez per l'austero esilio del figlio Bobo, desideroso di “sottrarsi al clima poco favorevole creatosi a Milano”, alla modica cifra di 80 milioni di lire, tutto compreso.
Tra la fine di Aprile e l'inizio di Maggio del 1994, appena prima che i Carabinieri lo arrestassero, fuggì in Francia, prima, ed in Tunisia, poi, sottraendosi alla giustizia dello stato che egli aveva (mal)rappresentato. Il 25 Luglio del 1995 fu dichiarato latitante dall'autorità giudiziaria italiana. Il 19 Gennaio 2001, sempre da latitante, morì ad Hammamet.
Lascia in eredità al popolo italiano il sistema “Tangentopoli”, uno dei più grandi scandali corruttivi mai verificatosi nella storia delle moderne democrazie, i cui costi economici furono stimati dall'economista liberale Mario Deaglio in circa 10 mila miliardi di lire all'anno. Questo sistema contribuì pesantemente all'impennata del debito pubblico, che, nel quadriennio di governo Craxi (1983-1987), passò dal 70% al 92% del PIL, per poi toccare quota 118% nel 1992, anno in cui l'inchiesta “Mani pulite” svelò la colossale rapina ai danni dei cittadini. Cittadini che, come se non bastasse, were forced out of their pockets to cover the atrocities of the system (and will for many years). Suffice it to say that the budget passed by the Amato government in late 1992, included 92 000 billion lire in taxes and only 6 per thousand in the forced removal on the current accounts of each Italian citizen.

If the public ethics, national dignity, the exercise of (real) historical memory and respect the rule of law values \u200b\u200bare not important enough to arouse, if violated, the indignation of Italian citizens, they have at least capacity of outrage at what is most dear this character depriving them forever


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Gmc Yukon Bolt Pattern

Pessimismo democratico

" It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except for all those other forms that have been tested so far .
(W. Churchill)

The other night an interesting discussion arose around the concept of democracy. This post tries to answer the various questions raised during the debate and that, beyond the views and personal guidance, they offered me the opportunity to compare with other points of (s) of view and draw some valuable ideas about the desirability democracy and its actual (or suspected?) ability to promote the welfare and social development. In this regard I take this opportunity per ringraziare Jacopo e gli altri ragazzi presenti (dai quali, ahimè, non ricordo il nome), auspicando il proseguimento della discussione su questo blog.

Letteralmente, democrazia significa “governo del popolo”: un sistema politico in cui i governanti coincidono con i governati sul modello della antica Atene, primo vero esempio storico di democrazia diretta. Nel corso della storia il concetto di democrazia ha però allargato i propri orizzonti. L'attuale concezione di democrazia è derivazione diretta delle rivoluzioni di fine '700: la rivoluzione francese, che ha posto l'accento sui diritti umani e politico-civili e la rivoluzione americana, che ha applicato per la prima volta il concetto di sovranità popolare. Benjamin Franklin, one of the main founding fathers of the United States of America, as well as people's government, sees democracy as a government for the people and derived from the people, thus introducing the concept of popular sovereignty (government arising from the people, his direct emanation ) operating through the delegation of responsibilities to so-called "rulers" (required to govern for the people).
The concept of popular sovereignty, central to understanding the nature and essence of democracy, can refute the paradox that is one of the most frequent criticisms of democracy: the possibility that the majority, democratically votes for the transition to a regime not democratico. L'errore fondamentale del paradosso risiede nella mancata considerazione di come una delle caratteristiche fondanti delle moderne democrazie sia la tutela delle minoranze. La sovranità è infatti prerogativa del popolo tutto, mai di una sua sola parte, neppure se maggioritaria. La volontà della maggioranza non può dunque prevaricare i diritti della minoranza: può decidere, ma solo nei limiti previsti dalla legge (e/o dalla costituzione). Nella nostra Costituzione, ad esempio, la natura repubblicana del nostro stato non è modificabile (art. 119). E' bene ricordarsi questo “dettaglio” quando sentiamo una (o più) parte politica arrogarsi il diritto di cambiare le regole del vivere civile, di sottrarsi the law, etc. .. by virtue of (illegal) popular legitimacy.
The presence and health of the state of law is therefore at the same time guarantee and the essential requirement of any democracy. At the same time, however, reduces the range of activities of citizens, as it distinguishes between lawful actions (agreed to the law) and illegal (contrary to the law). Since there is no democracy without rule of law, and this is the second "accusation" to democracy, it would not be a desirable political system because, inevitably, have a restrictive on freedom of its citizens. And this is a true fact. But I would add, inevitable. Leaving aside considerations philosophical about what freedom is and on what evidence it is based (such as liberty or freedom as anarchy mutual respect?), not (only) a pessimistic anthropology, but history testifies to the nature and proves anything but peaceful and conscientious man. The return to the state of nature, a stateless society, would result in a man against man, in the 'homo homini lupus "(man is wolf to man) taken in the thought of Thomas Hobbes. Surrender part of their freedom in favor of a state that simultaneously represents and enforce the law, appears, in my view, a waiver is essential because it is aimed at avoiding the chaos social and the inevitable (again, in my view) man against man allegedly a stateless society.
Given this, there is a political system "ideal" of all: the degree of virtue and desirability of a policy will depend directly by individuals and political-philosophical subjects oriented individual. Who considers as fundamental values \u200b\u200bof the social order, discipline, etc. .. biased for authoritarian regimes classics: he regards as the fundamental value of substantive equality, social solidarity, etc. .. biased systems for collectivist communist type.
The strength and greatness of democracy, or rather of how democracy should be ideal, is, in my opinion, in leaving the man completely free self-determination in its economic, social and political life (our Constitution states in Article 3, "is for the Republic to remove those obstacles of social and economic and social [. .] impede the full development of the human [..]).
Aware of the diversity (and legality) of each individual guidelines (who, for example, considers the most important value a fundamental equality of self-determination does not agree with me on the previous point), I will only respond to a couple of points raised during debate.
1) substantial equality sets, artificial intelligence, is no less discriminatory than it is social inequality in capitalist societies. Changing only the parties concerned. In capitalist societies, the "weak" will prevent the process of social ascent, in societies based on equality, substantial, all citizens will be prevented from any form of social climbing. Will be guaranteed freedom from want will be canceled but the freedom of self-determination, especially economic. Here again, a matter of taste.
2) The "dictatorship of the proletariat" advocated by Marx, does not resemble the "government of the people" referred to by democratic systems. Flying on the differences between the terms and dictatorship government, which can sometimes overlap, there is a substantial difference: in the first case explicitly refers to the oppression of the people (the proletariat) against another part of the people (the bourgeoisie). In the second case, however, refer you to all the citizens (the people), the depositories of sovereignty and therefore, at least formally, is viewed as a political entity equal.

I also would like to live in an equal society where "everyone gives according to their ability and receives according to his needs."

But I am pessimistic. And, therefore, democratic.

Monday, January 11, 2010

West Coast Chopper Aquarium

TO YOU LOVE ... (dedicated to my friend Joan)

observe wind and ask him to take my sweet words: "I love you."
green lawns in my eyes seem empty,
flowers, trees, everything has more colors.
Since you are no longer beside me, on this earth everything seems off.
If it were not for the love you left inside of us ..
How we miss your smile, your smell, your presence.
Even though I feel that you are always beside us, I want to talk, I want to touch you, I would hug you.
Although I know you're in a better place We miss you, we have broken our dreams, our desires, and you will not see our children grow up, if not from above, as Soul, like spirit.
Although ... I miss everything about you, I'll never stop loving you sure that one day we meet again.

Ziletti to Barbara Joan

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Basketball Court Cement

Inciuci di fine millennio

Left to go, friends (and love) that are

"Il miglior modo per eliminare i propri nemici è farseli amici" (A. Lincoln)

Non credete a quello che vi dicono i giornali ed i giornalisti fomentatori di odio: il partito dell'amore non l'ha inventato Berlusconi. L'ha inventato la sinistra.
Prima, nella sua più real event, with Craxi and his PSI (I leave to you the development of the acronym). Then, in a botched its revival, with the Daisies, the olive trees and rainbows of the moment. But first things first.
In 1984, Berlusconi is still a businessman, intent, as often happens, to circumvent the law. The legislature then it does not allow its three television channels (Canale 5, Italia 1 and Rete 4) to transmit simultaneously on a national scale. In early October, some particularly careful judges discovered the violation and require the interruption of transmission of three channels in their areas of legal expertise. The Knight does not move: on the advice of his lawyer, strives to work around the annoying legal, using a system of videotapes, broadcast simultaneously on the local stations on the peninsula, allowing you to bypass the system of "radio links," expressly prohibited by law. Birth of the "technical Pizzone" or "syndication." Translation: a loophole beautiful and good.
To stabilize the situation and condition in all respects the privilege of networks of Alfa, the then prime minister Craxi, a close friend of Knight, rushed from London, where he was on a state visit, to launch the so-called "Berlusconi's first decree." A nice technical term for specialized not to arouse attention (and anger) of the public and that's it: the so-called functional interconnection is finally legalized.
The consensus rain from the right and left. Unforgettable is the position of the then Information Officer of the Communist Party, Walter Veltroni: "We must rejoice that broadcasters are obscured [..] is not with the black-out that will resolve the problems of the world of television."
The decree, rejected as unconstitutional on Nov. 28, is proposed on December 6, converted into law February 4, 1985 and renewed for two times, the second one indefinitely. PC it has buried the hatchet in return direction tg3 and presidency of RAI-3. In the living rooms of this policy choice is accepted (and painted) as an essential act of realpolitik. At the sports bar, so as picturesque as it is effective, describes what it is: the carrot after stick.
In 1990 Mammi law (Andreotti government) grants Berlusconi officially the three national networks of which he, in fact, is already the owner: the video system can be finally shelved. The main road of the analogue is finally taken.
So the son of political Craxi, the latter's strong welcome gift of the first republic in the spring of 1994 in sensational company fails to win the election just three months after its descent into the field and, even more amazing, to stand as the new spreads, as the heir to political and moral those judicial inquiries ("clean hands" of all) that have decimated the same politicians who had so loved (and helped).
The romance of the Knight, however, seems to fade away just a few months later. While the League's Bossi ago down the government over which he presided, the judicial investigations concerning him are becoming more threatening. What's more, after the Constitutional Court ruling that requires the reduction Two of the Mediaset channels with national circulation, four are organized referendum that re-examine the law Mammi so dear to him. But you know, a true friend in need is seen. And the center, like a true friend, do not retreat, derailing the referendum and promised, as stated in the current exponent PD Violante, "which would not have affected his TV [..] the rest of the center-left governments during the Mediaset's turnover increased by 25 times. " More friends than that ...
In '96 Berlusconi is back on the ropes. Prodi won the elections with a program combative and uncompromising on the face of conflict of interest and anti-trust laws. But then, D'Alema, with which the Knight is heard every day, just to reassure him: "Do not be afraid [..] we will find arrangements. Mediaset is a great asset for the country. " No sooner said than done. In July the law to the attic Maccanico sends the ruling of the Constitutional Court shall be renewable for an indefinite extension for Mediaset.
born January 22, 1997 The bicameral committee, chaired by D'Alema (also voted by Forza Italy), in order to implement the much-coveted "reforms shared" (remind you of something?). Result: In two years of bicameral no law on conflict of interest, not even a shred of anti-trust law and the rejection of request for arrest of Previti (Knight's lawyer) Dell'Utri and (co-founder of Forza Italy and known purveyor of grooms, and sentenced, among other things, for collusion with the Mafia with a decision at first instance).
The rest is recent history: the center-left (a bunch of parties trawling within the political space between the center and left) led by Prodi since 2006, succeeds in ' incredible undertaking to resume for the 3rd time the Cavaliere, who, in 2008, returns to the government without any law on conflict of interest has been launched.
Even in the current legislature signs of love there. In addition to the aforementioned mess-ups, to remember the most loving pidini absences of Members (59 absent) during the vote on the ruling of unconstitutionality of the tax shield on 29 September, which, if approved, would allow him to settle the law in its most appropriate place: the trash.
Absent, among others, Franceschini, Bersani and D'Alema (other party split that ..). The latter's memorable comment: "I had an event and I had not been well explained that it was an important vote."

Moreover, we know: the heart can not control.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Last Logic For Windows

April 2009 Monte moon Senorbi '

few hours with sunny alternation of abundant rainfall in these times, so 'is spring in our beautiful island, shades and scents colors, aerobatic flight of swallows and swifts, which after a long adventurous journey is still in a chase scene in the great blue sky gradient clouds from clear that the humidity makes it soft and cottony framing the green fields, olive trees in bud, blossoming almond trees that smell of honey, the old bridge over the reeds and rushes divided ordered lean towards the current to flow abundantly clear waters in venturing a varied and tortuous and there was a calm body of water behind a sweet bay as magical interpretation in the natural scenic stage is included magnificent kind leggiadre''ninfee''che softly suspended in a sinuous dance let themselves be lulled gently particular order until the edges of the silver transparent banks to secure the current and then resumed its course undisturbed, his eyes caught from all around una moltitudine di spontanee variopinte composizioni floreali, `´bouquet´´minuscoli, chiaro scure orchidee fiori azzurri della borragine piccoli prati di margherite roselline trifogli papaveri e tanti altri ancora che si confondono dopo la pioggia tra i colori dell´arcobaleno che al mattino lambisce i costoni e i prati con freschi cristalli di brina nei ciuffi d´erbe profumate e aromatiche ! il continuo insistente ronzio d´insetti maestose cavallette multicolori farfalle invadono gli arbusti in fiore, la frenetica incessante operosità delle api e dei bombi impollinatori !!!.. le varie specie di formiche in rituale preciso anderivieni alle tane porose rossastre e cuneiformi e la quasi curiosità della verde raganella nel suo splendido habitat, snake from the tiny colorful skin, just born, but certainly disturbed hides shyly in amber foliage of the underbrush occasionally lit by the warm rays of sunshine! Not far from the gentle slope of the hill the incessant rhythmic clanging of white sheep grazing in constant motion live in a checkerboard nature seizes every moment on film, frame by frame by setting the fascinating wonders of creation, and always renews the strong bursting creative vitality! eye of the painter or who carefully observed this polychromatic mosaic, let your imagination roam free in a beautiful huge interlocking `'puzzle''in' huge space hovering light and free to dream !!!....