Left to go, friends (and love) that are
"Il miglior modo per eliminare i propri nemici è farseli amici" (A. Lincoln)
Non credete a quello che vi dicono i giornali ed i giornalisti fomentatori di odio: il partito dell'amore non l'ha inventato Berlusconi. L'ha inventato la sinistra.
Prima, nella sua più real event, with Craxi and his PSI (I leave to you the development of the acronym). Then, in a botched its revival, with the Daisies, the olive trees and rainbows of the moment. But first things first.
In 1984, Berlusconi is still a businessman, intent, as often happens, to circumvent the law. The legislature then it does not allow its three television channels (Canale 5, Italia 1 and Rete 4) to transmit simultaneously on a national scale. In early October, some particularly careful judges discovered the violation and require the interruption of transmission of three channels in their areas of legal expertise. The Knight does not move: on the advice of his lawyer, strives to work around the annoying legal, using a system of videotapes, broadcast simultaneously on the local stations on the peninsula, allowing you to bypass the system of "radio links," expressly prohibited by law. Birth of the "technical Pizzone" or "syndication." Translation: a loophole beautiful and good.
To stabilize the situation and condition in all respects the privilege of networks of Alfa, the then prime minister Craxi, a close friend of Knight, rushed from London, where he was on a state visit, to launch the so-called "Berlusconi's first decree." A nice technical term for specialized not to arouse attention (and anger) of the public and that's it: the so-called functional interconnection is finally legalized.
The consensus rain from the right and left. Unforgettable is the position of the then Information Officer of the Communist Party, Walter Veltroni: "We must rejoice that broadcasters are obscured [..] is not with the black-out that will resolve the problems of the world of television."
The decree, rejected as unconstitutional on Nov. 28, is proposed on December 6, converted into law February 4, 1985 and renewed for two times, the second one indefinitely. PC it has buried the hatchet in return direction tg3 and presidency of RAI-3. In the living rooms of this policy choice is accepted (and painted) as an essential act of realpolitik. At the sports bar, so as picturesque as it is effective, describes what it is: the carrot after stick.
In 1990 Mammi law (Andreotti government) grants Berlusconi officially the three national networks of which he, in fact, is already the owner: the video system can be finally shelved. The main road of the analogue is finally taken.
So the son of political Craxi, the latter's strong welcome gift of the first republic in the spring of 1994 in sensational company fails to win the election just three months after its descent into the field and, even more amazing, to stand as the new spreads, as the heir to political and moral those judicial inquiries ("clean hands" of all) that have decimated the same politicians who had so loved (and helped).
The romance of the Knight, however, seems to fade away just a few months later. While the League's Bossi ago down the government over which he presided, the judicial investigations concerning him are becoming more threatening. What's more, after the Constitutional Court ruling that requires the reduction Two of the Mediaset channels with national circulation, four are organized referendum that re-examine the law Mammi so dear to him. But you know, a true friend in need is seen. And the center, like a true friend, do not retreat, derailing the referendum and promised, as stated in the current exponent PD Violante, "which would not have affected his TV [..] the rest of the center-left governments during the Mediaset's turnover increased by 25 times. " More friends than that ...
In '96 Berlusconi is back on the ropes. Prodi won the elections with a program combative and uncompromising on the face of conflict of interest and anti-trust laws. But then, D'Alema, with which the Knight is heard every day, just to reassure him: "Do not be afraid [..] we will find arrangements. Mediaset is a great asset for the country. " No sooner said than done. In July the law to the attic Maccanico sends the ruling of the Constitutional Court shall be renewable for an indefinite extension for Mediaset.
born January 22, 1997 The bicameral committee, chaired by D'Alema (also voted by Forza Italy), in order to implement the much-coveted "reforms shared" (remind you of something?). Result: In two years of bicameral no law on conflict of interest, not even a shred of anti-trust law and the rejection of request for arrest of Previti (Knight's lawyer) Dell'Utri and (co-founder of Forza Italy and known purveyor of grooms, and sentenced, among other things, for collusion with the Mafia with a decision at first instance).
The rest is recent history: the center-left (a bunch of parties trawling within the political space between the center and left) led by Prodi since 2006, succeeds in ' incredible undertaking to resume for the 3rd time the Cavaliere, who, in 2008, returns to the government without any law on conflict of interest has been launched.
Even in the current legislature signs of love there. In addition to the aforementioned mess-ups, to remember the most loving pidini absences of Members (59 absent) during the vote on the ruling of unconstitutionality of the tax shield on 29 September, which, if approved, would allow him to settle the law in its most appropriate place: the trash.
Absent, among others, Franceschini, Bersani and D'Alema (other party split that ..). The latter's memorable comment: "I had an event and I had not been well explained that it was an important vote."
Moreover, we know: the heart can not control.
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