few hours with sunny alternation of abundant rainfall in these times, so 'is spring in our beautiful island, shades and scents colors, aerobatic flight of swallows and swifts, which after a long adventurous journey is still in a chase scene in the great blue sky gradient clouds from clear that the humidity makes it soft and cottony framing the green fields, olive trees in bud, blossoming almond trees that smell of honey, the old bridge over the reeds and rushes divided ordered lean towards the current to flow abundantly clear waters in venturing a varied and tortuous and there was a calm body of water behind a sweet bay as magical interpretation in the natural scenic stage is included magnificent kind leggiadre''ninfee''che softly suspended in a sinuous dance let themselves be lulled gently particular order until the edges of the silver transparent banks to secure the current and then resumed its course undisturbed, his eyes caught from all around una moltitudine di spontanee variopinte composizioni floreali, `´bouquet´´minuscoli, chiaro scure orchidee fiori azzurri della borragine piccoli prati di margherite roselline trifogli papaveri e tanti altri ancora che si confondono dopo la pioggia tra i colori dell´arcobaleno che al mattino lambisce i costoni e i prati con freschi cristalli di brina nei ciuffi d´erbe profumate e aromatiche ! il continuo insistente ronzio d´insetti maestose cavallette multicolori farfalle invadono gli arbusti in fiore, la frenetica incessante operosità delle api e dei bombi impollinatori !!!.. le varie specie di formiche in rituale preciso anderivieni alle tane porose rossastre e cuneiformi e la quasi curiosità della verde raganella nel suo splendido habitat, snake from the tiny colorful skin, just born, but certainly disturbed hides shyly in amber foliage of the underbrush occasionally lit by the warm rays of sunshine! Not far from the gentle slope of the hill the incessant rhythmic clanging of white sheep grazing in constant motion live in a checkerboard nature seizes every moment on film, frame by frame by setting the fascinating wonders of creation, and always renews the strong bursting creative vitality! eye of the painter or who carefully observed this polychromatic mosaic, let your imagination roam free in a beautiful huge interlocking `'puzzle''in' huge space hovering light and free to dream !!!....
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