"The other night I dreamed Craxi dressed as Prince Charming. It came on a beautiful white horse and take me away. Everything! "
(P. Rossi)
(P. Rossi)
The good news is that we left behind the regime. The bad news is that we are doing worse.
An authoritarian political system would, if not good taste, prudence at least to refrain from publicly celebrating a corruptor, pluricondannato, taken by the hands of justice and died in hiding away from the country that he, more than any top, had contributed to sink. But, as Woody Allen warns, you know, "Politicians have their own ethics. All of them. And it's a notch below that of a sex maniac. " So, all in Hammamet, to pay homage to Craxi with a two-day celebration in the land of Tunisia, on the tenth anniversary of his death. Among the approximately 600 people taking part in the away, the ministers Sacconi, Frattini and Brunetta (he, what fights bums and waste of public administration), and the leader of the PDL to the room, the inevitable Fabrizio Cicchitto. The scene is tragicomic. In that sense, if not so tragic, it would be really fun.
These four characters are in fact members of the first floor of the main ruling party, the PDL (ex Force Italy), born in 1994 in the wake of "Clean Hands", the operation revealed that the judicial system of corruption and widespread climate of lawlessness that permeates Italian politics (at least) since the '80s. All this despite the undisputed leader of that party, Silvio Berlusconi, fosse un grande amico del principale responsabile (o quantomeno di colui che ne beneficò maggiormente) di questa deriva di illegalità: Bettino Craxi. Tutto questo nonostante il partito in questione, Forza Italia (poi Pdl), annoverasse tra le sue fila esponenti di spicco di quella stessa classe politica che il suo leader condannava.
Poi, all'improvviso, la virata. Mani Pulite diventa una persecuzione giudiziaria attuata da una magistratura politicizzata ed eversiva. Craxi ed i suoi compagni di merenda diventano dei perseguitati politici. I latitanti diventano esuli. Le guardie diventano ladri. I ladri diventano statisti innovatori della politica italiana. Il sistema politico fondato sulla corruzione, sulle tangenti e sul finanziamento offense becomes a democracy that allowed the country's expensive to stay for 50 years in the free world "(Augusto Minzolini, director of Tg1, 13/01/2010).
And so, of his former party colleagues, then enemies, then again a friend of the chairman of the board, close the cycle with the pilgrimage in Tunisia, sacrificed at the altar of the god Bettino good anachronistic for revised policy of the beautiful country: the dignity of the Italian people (or whatever it had left).
expected at least a start by the opposition, a protest march, some initiative in the interests of maintaining (and not the revision) of the historical truth of the facts. Then there si ricorda che l'opposizione è il PD: il partito che inserisce Craxi all'interno del Pantheon, l'insieme dei personaggi politici che rappresentano un punto di riferimento per il partito, di cui il partito si dichiara erede e da cui promette di trarre ispirazione. E si perde la speranza.
Ormai lobotomizzato da tutte queste celebrazioni, ipnotizzato dalle rivisitazioni delle tv di regime che esortano alle (ri)valutazioni del Craxi “uomo politico” (come se il buon Bettino, quando rubava, non fosse leader del partito socialista e, a tempo perso, capo del governo), propongo dunque un epitaffio commemorativo, per rendere il mio personale omaggio allo storico leader del garofano.
Benedetto Craxi detto Bettino (Milano, 24/02/1934 - Hammamet, 01/19/2000).
finally sentenced to:
5 years and 6 months for corruption in the process Eni-Sai.
4 years and 6 months for illegal financing for the bribes of the Milan subway. To quantify the economic weight of the system of bribes just think that the Milan subway line 3 cost 192 billion liras per kilometer. The subway costs 45 Hamburg or per kilometer. Less than a quarter.
For all other processes in which he was accused of extinction was pronounced sentence the offender to death of the offender.
Up to that point had been sentenced to:
4 years and a fine of 20 billion lire in the first instance for the All Iberian case (otherwise statute-barred 1999), or the 21 billion pounds in illegal funding paid by Fininvest company of Silvio Berlusconi on one of the Swiss accounts of Bettino, thanks for the Mammi law, hastily passed by the government itself Craxi.
five years and five months in first instance for Enel bribery (corruption)
five years and nine months on appeal to the Income Protection (fraudulent bankruptcy of Banco Ambrosiano), decision later reversed by the Supreme court by June 15, 1999. 3
sentenced to 3 years on appeal to the maxitangente Enimont (illicit financing)
Two indictments for the funds and the funds Montedison blacks blacks Eni (the processes are not celebrated as Craxi died). The pool of clean hands
ascertained revenue for at least 150 billion pounds on the 4 external accounts linked to him and managed by some dummy, including a school friend, George Tradati, and a bartender in Portofino, Maurizio Raggio. The latter, when Craxi, in December of '92, received the first notice of, was commissioned by the Socialist leader to travel to Switzerland and empty the accounts on which the judges in Milan could soon get their hands. Ray performed to the letter, taking about 50 billion lire and fleeing to Mexico (where he claimed to have spent 15 of the 50 billion for "costs of inaction"). Unwitting victim of nominees "traitors"? Absolutely not. The Court of Appeals pointed out in Milan that "has no basis in the defensive line focused on the alleged charge of responsibility to Craxi's 'position' for acts committed by others, according to statements of betrayal that he always informed in detail on the state of external accounts and the movements made on the same" . The main expense of laundering the innovative statesman of Italian politics.
Purchasing an apartment in New York, two in Milan, one in Madonna di Campiglio and one in La Thuile. Buying a plane
Sitation 3 billion lire.
"donation" per month from 100 million lire to the television station Tivù Cine Roma, of which her lover was director general Anja Pieroni.
Alla stessa Pieroni, regalò una casa ed un albergo (l'hotel Ivanhoe), entrambi a Roma, e le “pagò la servitù, l'autista e la segretaria”.
Prestito di 500 milioni al fratello Antonio, neo seguace del guru Sai Baba.
Affitto di una villa a Saint Tropez per l'austero esilio del figlio Bobo, desideroso di “sottrarsi al clima poco favorevole creatosi a Milano”, alla modica cifra di 80 milioni di lire, tutto compreso.
Tra la fine di Aprile e l'inizio di Maggio del 1994, appena prima che i Carabinieri lo arrestassero, fuggì in Francia, prima, ed in Tunisia, poi, sottraendosi alla giustizia dello stato che egli aveva (mal)rappresentato. Il 25 Luglio del 1995 fu dichiarato latitante dall'autorità giudiziaria italiana. Il 19 Gennaio 2001, sempre da latitante, morì ad Hammamet.
Lascia in eredità al popolo italiano il sistema “Tangentopoli”, uno dei più grandi scandali corruttivi mai verificatosi nella storia delle moderne democrazie, i cui costi economici furono stimati dall'economista liberale Mario Deaglio in circa 10 mila miliardi di lire all'anno. Questo sistema contribuì pesantemente all'impennata del debito pubblico, che, nel quadriennio di governo Craxi (1983-1987), passò dal 70% al 92% del PIL, per poi toccare quota 118% nel 1992, anno in cui l'inchiesta “Mani pulite” svelò la colossale rapina ai danni dei cittadini. Cittadini che, come se non bastasse, were forced out of their pockets to cover the atrocities of the system (and will for many years). Suffice it to say that the budget passed by the Amato government in late 1992, included 92 000 billion lire in taxes and only 6 per thousand in the forced removal on the current accounts of each Italian citizen.
If the public ethics, national dignity, the exercise of (real) historical memory and respect the rule of law values \u200b\u200bare not important enough to arouse, if violated, the indignation of Italian citizens, they have at least capacity of outrage at what is most dear this character depriving them forever
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