Monday, December 6, 2010

American Eagle Holister

things wise and wonderful

that we are not the family of Mulino Bianco seems to me common ground, despite the bucolic location. Indeed, there are times when maybe make a nice stroll downtown would be therapeutic and instead you find yourself stuck in a backwater by bad weather.
But, fortunately, there are also times when, no matter where we live, we drink tea with a friend and discuss dance, comics and myths of the Arab world. Or where we enjoy the proximity to Milan and reached in half an hour (wrong path in part) the place where she performed my teacher with his company.
Friday night game was not auspicious: in the afternoon and Ettore Amelia had slept very little, and we feared that did not go wake up the show. Instead, despite the abbiocco car, just arrived at the place of the aperitif woke up and started playing with each other and with our friends present. They watched the show all happy and then, when me and Luke we improvised a quartet along with Pedretti and her daughter had fun listening to us.
The nice thing is that they were a lot of months since I played as I have hands instead of wood and I played well, I enjoyed it and I did something good with my husband. Will the magic of cymbals Pedretti (and in fact I asked to buy them, The next time that happens) ...
Then, when a bit 'of people swarmed the stage and it was all for them, Amelia and Hector did not want to know to leave. If it was not that the next day we wanted to get up early to go to fair, I would be curious to see how they governed. Ettore certainly did not feel intimidated by the unknown place, since at one point took the stairs and climbed upstairs all by myself, shooting well when I found and told him to expect.
On Saturday the show was certainly full, but not stressful: I was very determined to go when the people had given me too much discomfort. We looked a lot more than abbiamo comprato, non ci siamo lasciati trascinare dal consumismo ma abbiamo preso solo ciò che avevamo programmato. Alcune cose sono ancora in sospeso: pensiamo di tornare giovedì pomeriggio per prendere ancora una tovaglia provenzale e un po' di cibo vario.
La cosa che mi è piaciuta di più è stata proprio una sciocchezza. Pensavo che, come gli altri anni, avremmo pranzato a base di schifezze (e infatti in prima battuta ci siamo presi un panino al prosciutto portoghese). Invece siamo stati attirati da un chiosco allestito tipo taverna medievale, dove abbiamo preso un menu a base di zuppa di legumi. Di fronte a noi, c'era il banchetto di un gruppo scozzese, con una signora in costume che teneva un piccolo gufo sulla spalla. Ovviamente Amelia and I, we loose as the owl was beautiful, and it took a beautiful and good to make it clear to Amy that the coexistence of our cats and the little bird of prey would be impossible.
Sunday then there were the grandparents of Turin, and soon after their departure, Luke led by my children, where they remained today (we are alternating in the stay at home because we have decided to keep Hector at home to the nest December, waiting for the mother then begin in January).
Now, I have an ambivalent attitude of "taking their own space" depending on who speaks and how he speaks, I partly a reaction of solidarity or not.
Oscillo, including myself, believe in the that have their own space is sacrosanct and think it is a myth overrated. In general, I tend more to the second hypothesis: I like to involve children in most of the things I do. Friday night, I would not have had so much fun if it were not for them. And I can not even imagine going for a ride to the sea Trebbia or without them without feeling guilty or at least incomplete (although then complain about the road or the sand or is willing to do anything when I'm there) .
other hand, I admit to being together as a couple, alone, in moments that are normally dedicated to putting the kids to bed, has its good reason. Especially if you come from a full immersion 4 days with the kids and so you wait a whole month.
not imagine now who knows what: we care too much for our ceiling to hang the chandeliers. Let's say that, apart from pleasurable activities, however, that usually we do at other times, the great thing was to prepare dinner quietly and without thinking about the taste of 4, read in bed without having to serve with 500 pages of stories, to talk without being interrupted.
No, not spend money to go for a romantic weekend with my husband. They are the worst score of the baby sitter because I do not care for romantic dinners or clubbing: If you eat out, you go to places where my children have a right to exist. But I admit that keeping
my kids one night every so often is the best gift that my can do to me and my husband.


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