The fair doubt be there
In the Christmas period, flower tips for buying gifts, especially children. I read everywhere good intentions both in a quantitative sense (enough of this body to consume that fills the homes of games) is in a qualitative sense (no plastic wood, so no quality brands, no male / female, yes unisex). I do
outing: this year we give our parents the week at sea and perhaps some shit (like a pet or bracelets), my aunt and I specifically asked to give the warm pajamas and possibly some shit (so much so that resist), my in-laws do not remember if I sent them but trust me, other friends and relatives so they do what the hell they like and that fits me (and I think especially to the family of Luke and my friends) is that no (and I think particularly in some of my relatives).
In particular, during this time seems to go all the rage, the word "education" like absolution from all wickedness ("Oh, and you give me a restaurant kitchen pink Hello Kitty 1:1 scale?" "Oh, but it's educational!").
Apart from that I have yet to understand what education is and what is not (in my opinion, even stepping on a dog shit on the street is educational: to educate you to be more careful where you step). Apart from that Marguerite Yourcenar said "Whatever happens, I learn." Apart from that the concept of education is closely related to the time where you live: at the time of my grandfather's rod was educational.
Apart from all these considerations, I said, I stand in the shoes of children. I was pissed off like a hyena when a person is considered a great intellectual I just got the test xxx "because you know, I know that you started to read Harry Potter." But how dare you? Not only and not so much because of the subject matter and I know I am ready to show off like you. Not only and not so much that I do not interest me every day to the theaters of domestic politics and crime we call TG does not mean that I live out of this world. Most of all, because the fact that someone thought I could "educate" according to his taste makes me furious: I'm not a circus animal (and even if I were, you deserve to do what is in my nature and animal to perform in a circus).
I will say, but it is your duty to educate your children. Exactly, my duty, not a game.
Please, I am pleased that, thanks to a game, my children acquire certain skills. But what I do not tolerate is the presumption behind the label of "education." That sounds a bit 'as if your son does not play with this toy, never learn to ... (and put the word that you want: brush your teeth, riding a bike, do the "i" with dot above .. .). "
This presumption is a bit 'with the convention that the couple wants the toy guns are prohibited in the miseducating all ages and in all their forms, especially firearms. According to my illustrious master teacher, we in the West post '68 have the absolute taboo of violence associated with childcare: children should not know or practice violence, no product narrative for children should contain even a minimum of violence. The result is that the violence is certainly not disappeared from our society, but children who live in certain environments grow up without being able to manage it (or its own, it is useless to deny, nor that of others), even when it comes to a verbal clash a bit 'more lively and perfectly legitimate. But I do not want to do a rant about violence in society, that toy guns are not violence, in my opinion.
Of course us adults a child with a gun conjures up images very bad: I have a friend run away from Uganda, so you know I know.
But for the child the toy gun is anything but: it is the symbolic vehicle through which it has access to certain stories in general, be the protagonist. It is the sword of St. Michael slaying the Devil, Thor's hammer that drives away demons and monsters, Gandalf's staff, which stops the fire demon.
Children who were playing cowboys in the '50s is that we really had with the Indians: I dream of fire on the Native Americans as symbols of evil. What then is the maximum that some people become a symbol of evil, OK. But now the problem is not the gun, I'd say.
When my children play with Winx, battling monsters with spells and fireballs: these are their weapons. Are the most ethical of a gun or a sword or a stick? I do not think, even if a ball of fire to pretend it does not hurt as a stick pulled by mistake in the head (but, for that matter, it hurts even if riding a broom so clumsy as to mimic the steps the mother or dad).
I had toy guns my father and little else. But I remember very well that shot with his fingers, imitating Charlie's Angels or Magnum PI Still in my house will never get a real weapon, toy and a weapon that can hurt is always carefully locked up, if they ever happen. But I understand my children when they use the gun or bubble-shooting a gun as a weapon made with Lego toys. It will also
che ho negli occhi questa immagine, tratta dal prologo di Hellboy II (che ho rivisto recentemente per un compito del Diegozillalab ). Siamo negli anni Cinquanta, è la vigilia di Natale, Hellboy è un bambino di 8 anni con tutti gli annessi e connessi del caso (la passione per i pupazzi animati da ventriloqui in TV, il desiderio di restare alzato per vedere Babbo Natale, la riluttanza a lavarsi i denti prima di andare a dormire). Suo padre (l'umano che l'ha allevato dopo il suo arrivo nel nostro mondo) gli legge una storia per convincerlo ad andare a letto. Alla fine della storia, vediamo HB a letto con tutto ciò che gli è più caro: il pupazzo come quello dello show in TV e una pistola giocattolo, un revolver come quelli dei cowboy (che oltretutto richiama l'enorme pistola che lui stesso userà da grande, nella sua attività di investigatore del paranormale). Ecco, a me questa immagine fa una tenerezza pazzesca, nonostante la presenza di una pistola: è l'immagine di un bambino che vuole sentirsi un paladino del Bene (nonostante la sua immagine sia quella del Male per eccellenza).
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