Monday, December 13, 2010
Breast Cancer Relief Foundation
Vengo da un lunghissimo ponte che è stato piacevole e impegnativo: mercoledì Artigiano in Fiera insieme alla mia famiglia e a un fratello di Luca, giovedì e venerdì a casa con i bambini, venerdì lezione di tribal a una mia amica e poi cena con le vecchie amiche del liceo, sabato corso mensile con la Pedretti e cena pantagruelica, Christmas lunch yesterday of bonsai and again Artigiano in Fiera (but only with Luke, because since yesterday afternoon, the children are grandparents).
In between, the news of the failure doctorate from the other side I am sorry but I have also removed a lot of anxiety (apart from the uncertainty of the future, I should have done at the speed of light a lot of practice and required to register in time). Today
are at work. The children are from my mom, so I got up and I had breakfast just thinking to myself. I arrived at work at 7:45, an hour and a quarter before what would be my time, which means that I get out around 15.30 and I'm going to take my children. Tomorrow will not be
very different, because Luke will stay at home with them (or rather, will be on vacation and takes them with him on his many turns). For the rest of the week, my mom will be at our house, to keep them.
Maybe it's the fact of not having the weight of their children. Or maybe it's because they are more uncertain about my future. The fact is that today is Monday and I am happy to be here in the office. Can I make plans, plan work, think about what I expected. There are with all of my head, not with one foot in the door.
is not the work of my life, probably will return many of the doubts I've had in recent months (but not from September to today), probably next year will be the Rogne numerosissime.
Ma ci sto bene, ci voglio star bene. Voglio essere qui, almeno per ora, e non più con la testa altrove.
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