" The problem is that 90% of the politicians ruin the good name of the other 10% "
(H. Kissinger)
L ' acupuncture. Other than the galloping public debt (by the way, a new record of € 1,867,398,000,000), the workers laid off, the open-air dumps in Naples, the conflict of interests and the 'Ndrangheta (which, mind you, Milan does not exist). The real problem is acupuncture.
not talk about bribes and rewards. Scilipoti Domenico, born in 1957, elected representative with the 'Italy of Values \u200b\u200b , gave confidence to the Berlusconi government (the second call, "the the first was in the bathroom ") believe that the majority neocofermata will undertake to defend the practice and the good name of this therapy ultimate in Italy, Europe and worldwide.
Indeed not. He gave it a troupe of Annozero bothered his mother.
Indeed not, has given it because he is against 'usury and racketeering the banking world, from which his new flame, that Silvio Berlusconi, is known to be extraneous.
The champion of the ancient Chinese therapy has thus finally liberated the camp from all the malicious entries that saw his sudden illumination pro-government after 12 years of fierce antiberlusconismo and 32 votes of no confidence in Berlusconi (the last one in the distant September 2010), as encouragement for some little trouble out of economic justice in which he had just hunted. Seven foreclosed properties and debts of € 200 thousand . Trifles.
Maligne are also dozens of people who, having shown in his favor in Piazza San Silvestro in Rome, confessed to being paid . By whom? From him, of course.
But always for the good of Italy.
in absolute bad faith was also the strange and disturbing character, not later a few weeks ago, fantasized imaginary monetary donations received by Mr Antonio Razzi (IDV, of course) to go to the benches of the majority. The fact that race is actually passed by the majority and having the same name and the same face of the man who a few weeks earlier denounced the attempt of corruption, it is pure coincidence.
giving their trust to the majority that gave him a few weeks before rewards in exchange for a vote, Rockets, has made a clear and explicit choice of responsibility.
For the good of Italy.
Woe to touch the soldier Calearo then. The industrial service in the ranks of the Democratic Party is going on in relief of Berlusconi - confirming they deserve the trust placed in him by Veltroni - because "entrepreneurs ask me" and because in any case, it is clear he is in Parliament "for fun" . For the good of Italy.
Nothing to say even on the choice of (ex)-Finian fururoliberista- Catia Polidori discouraged. Of course, it is very marked similarity between her and the blonde, not later than one month ago, opened the first meeting of "Future and Freedom," during which he announced the release of the party by the Government and asked for the resignation of Berlusconi. But they are just coincidences.
As a real connection was the reason why a colleague of Maria Grazia Siliquini party to vote against the censure. He said: "Ten minutes before the vote I'll look in the mirror and decide." What we could do, the poor, if the mirror was broken? And what can do, now, if Berlusconi offers you a chair sottosegretarario ? Will accept.
For the good of Italy.
The epic proportions of this clear, obvious and indisputable victory of the government and the majority, leave now open two possible scenarios, which see the Constitutional Court's ruling on the legal impediment a focal point.
Judgement, because of the hot weather of recent days and so that it might be given a political reading, was in fact brilliantly moved from 14th December to January. Just when the Court's decision will determine the future of the government and when, therefore, the climate will undoubtedly spread.
According to the verdict of the Consulta, Berlusconi has faced two alternatives.
Where the Court branded the law as unconstitutional - hypothesis supported by the vast maggioranza dei giuristi – il Premier si giocherà il tutto per tutto chiedendo elezioni anticipate, potendo contare su una legge elettorale che lo favorisce e che fa invidia a quella con cui il listone fascista, nel 1924, ottenne la maggioranza in Parlamento.
Nel caso in cui la Corte desse il via libera al legittimo impedimento, Berlusconi vivacchierà fino ad ottobre 2011 - data in cui scadrà lo scudo per i suoi processi - cercando di allargare la maggioranza nell’unico modo che conosce. A quel punto si apriranno due strade: o l’approvazione del lodo Alfano (in)Costituzionale , per la quale è necessario che la campagna acquisti vada a buon fine, or new elections.
Everything, as always, in and for the good of Italy.
Viva Italy.
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