Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Peeking At Her Underwear


Review del romanzo
L’Onorevole Pescivendolo
di Guido Della Schiava.

C’erano una volta i paesi di montagna. Le case strette le une alle altre, legate tra loro dell’acciottolato delle stradine. Gli odori delle stalle e i profumi delle polente. Il vociare di bimbi e il gridare delle mamme. Ma c’erano soprattutto le persone. Un sistema fitto di rapporti e relazioni, di amori ed odi, di baruffe a riappacificazioni. C’erano i personaggi caratteristici che animavano le storie, che diventavano oggetto dei racconti. La storia si viveva e si raccontava allo stesso tempo: il racconto diventava parte del vivere di paese.
I paesi ci sono ancora, ma non hanno more voices, noises. They have become surreal places on which rests an agonizing silence. Even people have become surreal, like the stories they live. This country would seem that for once but no longer is, is the country that serves as the setting for the novel "Mr fishmonger" Guido of the Slave. And the characters refer to those of village life, but they are not. Their nicknames that would evoke the nickname that everyone had in the life of the country, makes them characters from the theater and not people. From theater are the scenes that act, as extras. A surreal drama in which everyone plays his part of the play. It 's a farce that unfolds in a succession of scenes and funny characters che fanno ridere. Ma è anche una commedia che attraverso il paradosso porta alla riflessione, che lascia l’amaro. Così nel racconto al cimitero, quando nella bara che sta per essere calata nella fossa suona il cellulare, evidentemente dimenticato nelle tasche del cadavere. E il funerale si trasforma in una gara a scommettere fino a che profondità si riuscirà a sentire ancora lo squillo del cellulare. Non c’è più il morto, non c’è più la pietà: il cellulare, icona della vita condizionata dalla tecnologia, ha invaso anche il cimitero. Non basta! E’ andato oltre la morte! Si gioca a chiamare il defunto, per vedere fino a quando squillerà il telefono, e c’è persino la paura, o the hope that someone can draw even from the afterlife.
Equally bitter is the scene that closes the novel's title. For the randomness of the electoral game can become a fishmonger Mr. But Della Slave does not have it with the fishmongers who, like all citizens have the constitutional right to enter parliament. The fact is that had the news of our asks, "And now what am I doing? What will never be a Mrs? "What is really the only one in Parliament not know what we're doing !!!.... Thus, in the first session in the House having dozed off, is awakened by the uproar that often enlivens classrooms and parliamentary then, feeling that the voices that call the market's instinct is to shout "Fish, fresh fish!" We would expect the general outbreak of laughter that sweeps the entire chamber. But no one hears the fishmonger Mr Della Slave. Only his neighbor asked him "what do you Connect to the lobster pound?" And with this joke about the prevalence of private interest on the public, closes love a novel that seems to light, and as such can be read easily, and smiled but between the lines allows us to glimpse a vision of a ruthless and sometimes life that has become sadly empty, are empty as the countries in which the story is set.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

What Is A Good Starter Business

The Decapitator.

as you know, we've been in London last year, it seems that a new jack the ripper has shouldered cartridge and razor and is terrorizing half city.
It is said that roams the night in the east side, surely nothing is as often happens with many c ereal killer. Only Dexter has a hand (the left hand of God) that drives him.
the Decapitator chooses victims seemingly at random: it seems to have a predilection for Gallinelle and poultry in general, and I, in the role of a butcher, I can not appreciate. decapitated chickens and poulterers (and here we WOULD BE good Mastella & Co.) but does not spare even young and carefree fancazziste bees.

I like what he is doing The Decapitator, its being mysterious (some sites talking about him but no one knows absolutely nothing at the moment, with him) and his professing a form of expression (if you call it art then someone I break) I like a lot, all as is often beyond the boundaries of my patri, with education and respect.

I realize this post you splatter a bit, be glad to invite you to visit another gallery, Filthyluker too English, too unbelievable.

you know, I did not mention a famous from sticking of posters and stencil artist "London's always just happened ...
from easy, finished well on the courier and his works are freely photographed and sold (if someone wants to give you one to hang in the room ...)
Have you figured out who it is?

(I have also invented a way for you to leave comments!)

Monday, January 21, 2008

Pulmonary Aspiration How Long

grandefratello. shoot yourself.

Because suicide is no longer considered?

Here I am. Still en route, to London.
first post written with the cell. Blame and credit for that Rimba the driver that has not activated the service lights and so adieu "fear and loathing in las vegas" borrowed from Ste I had come to when they load the hitchhiker's just right when a coach says: " this goes to Malpensa it? ". Shock. Looked like one of those that make you "hey man, I smoke?", The same tone, same accent. This time, however, this time to my "no" was not comfortable, was not indifferent, he was not ready to repeat the phrase before. Panic on his face. Snatches his daughter from his sleep and ask the driver to lower it.
I am surrounded by a group of boys my age but I am avran wasted lives. The husband behind me asked a British accent with aplomb and a bit less if they could scream. He had no luck. As if all interested coaches to know that the pack leader would not come to London if they did the Telegatti in Milan rather than Rome. Telegatti hate, now more.
grandefratello syndrome where everyone should know who they are because in reality there are none. A mother bring her daughter to see the mangroFie .
In these moments I cry.
Son arrived, the herd enters the abattoir, the butcher takes it easy: soon kill them all.

We hope that the customs officer did not read ..


Here I am back. a account is to write a post published on another, I had forgotten the password.
I have not changed anything in those characters thrown down hard on the coach.
leave you with a pearl: the flight attendant announced that they are opening the gate, they were all in line for hours (do not recommend anyone to fly Ryanair to London on Friday and return on Sunday), the acid pack leader yells "excuse me someone who understands English and speaks Italian can translate "

puzzlement, surprise, and the collective laughter arises spontaneously. is a little bastard but I laughed even I, with gusto.

this time the photo is my , is the millennium bridge, the trestle was the Chia. He moved, damn.
ps i still love your mind.

Friday, January 18, 2008

How To Fix Cable Cords That Have Been Cut

The poet of the basket. The

( first draft)
Continuing to rummage among the papers of Floriano Piute from which I drew the story of sull'Agana Tarlessa, I found a chart that shows how even our Floriano knew the story of Gan Trava. But that it is false. Because according to him at the time that the story dates back dell'Agana had not yet been invented basket. I do not know what to say ... I tried to consult with leading experts in the history of Friuli, but nobody has been able to tell when was the discovery of the basket. Instead, my ancestor Piute, has no doubts: just at the time of dell'Agana Tarlessa, he says, just as mentioned in historical quale il paese di Trava si era diviso in due fazioni. Quelli di Trava di sopra si mantenevano fedeli alla religione celtica dei padri, quelli di Trava di sotto si erano invece lasciati convincere dai predicatori del cristianesimo. Quelli di sopra continuavano a onorare Beleno nel tempio ove sorge la Chiesa della Madonna, quelli di sotto avevano cominciato ad andare a Messa nella chiesa che si erano costruiti al centro del paese. Avvenne in quei tempi che fu mandato a Trava un prete che odiava le donne. Era di una misoginia patologica. Quando parlava delle donne sembrava il diavolo che parla dell’acqua santa. E’ ora di finirla, diceva di trattarle come fossero delle fate. Sono streghe, messe al mondo dal diavolo per farci finire all'inferno!. Un vero cristiano le must submit, as St Paul says. They must be, do not you men, to make hard wearing weights on your shoulder, around the mountains.
This reasoning took hold immediately, and maybe that was favored, conversions and development of Christianity on the Plateau Lauco.
Until then ... and this is where we get the second Piute falsity of the story of Gan, were the men to come to bear. The Celts in fact, said Floriano, had a great respect for women. As you could see in nature, so do their wives considered. The sources for them were populated by fairies water, the Agana. From a fairy vulva of rock the water flows, as from the womb fairy of a woman's life gushes, sang their poets. After all their women were blonde and very beautiful, but also small and thin, they could not carry heavy weights. That was the normal plateau of Lauco meet a couple formed by a male with his back full of stuff, accompanied by a woman who kept him company without taking anything. Like today may be normal to meet a couple formed by a woman bent under the weight of a large basket, accompanied by her husband who does not wear anything. What times! ...
Males of the Celts, however, did not yet know the basket, used as a means of transport a sort of rudimentary back that reminds "CRAME" of Cramars, or "thread" which is still used in some countries. A rudimentary short sling to which they could tie things to carry.
To return to our story, however, to hear screaming from the pulpit that the priest would have finished in hell if you do not treat women like beasts of burden, all men were more than happy to go with their wives the task of bringing the their "CRAME", and as I said the conversions to Christianity grew exponentially. A
Trava lived in those times such a Sclisizzo James, (name still very common on the plateau) that obeyed the priest not to go to hell, but at the same time he felt he had lost all the poetry of women, to see it bent under the weight of that ugly contraption that was "CRAME" .. All right religion! He said, but also the eye wants its part, the aesthetic must have its weight ... And so it was invented for women with a tool such as the elegant basket.
James, who took the nickname "the Jacumã geis", cut in autumn "in a good moon" a few plants of stone, brought her into the stable to heat because it softens the beasts. The first day of snow, set to work. After scraping the bark with a knife taken to affect the plant's core. Then bending it, and by force against the knee, it falls apart. Si stacca dal resto la parte di pianta cresciuta nell’ultimo anno, formando una striscia di legno molto flessibile. In friulano una "sclese" o una "sclèndare". Da qui pare sia derivato il cognome di Sclisizzo. il "poeta che faceva le sclese". Dopo aver impostato la gerla con la base di legno e lo scheletro fatto con le bacchette di vimini, si intrecciano le strisce di nocciolo e si forma l’elegante contenitore che ha preso il nome di gerla. Se ne possono fare di ogni tipo, per ogni circostanza: per portare la dote delle spose, o per portare il letame dalle stalle nei prati e nei campi, più grandi per portare il fogliame, o più piccole e resistenti per portare i sassi per costruire la casa.
Fu così che iniziò la storia of the basket, and women with the basket. To learn more, go to
For me, I do not know if it went really well, because this version, as I have said is contrary with that of Gan beams. Unless there have also been an evolution in the time of the Celts. It may be that the story and that of Gans are dell'Agana past thousand years. And it can happen in a thousand years of things ... It could be that the Celts also beginning they used women as bearers, and that in later centuries, these have been emancipated and have subjected the men to act as porters ... It took the cristianesimo a rimettere le cose a posto portando le donne ad essere nuovamente sottomesse… La teoria potrebbe trovare una conferma nel fatto che anche ai tempi nostri al diminuire del peso del cristianesimo, fa riscontro l’aumento del ruolo e del peso delle donne nella società! ...
D’altra parte che ci possano essere stati dei cambiamenti sul ruolo della donna nei secoli è fuori discussione. Basti vedere i cambiamenti che genera una donna nel breve spazio della vita di un uomo. Scrive infatti il poeta che quando sono giovani sono come farfalle, e i giovani le rincorrono per portarsele a casa. Ma quando si sono accasate, come per magia si trasformano in croci, sempre più pesanti, al passare degli anni…e la farfalla che hai struggled to chase, is a cross from which you can not disconnect "until death do you divide." So at least now continues to thunder from the pulpit the priest Lauco when he finds the time to say Mass even Trava ...
will historians to reconstruct how things really went! However there is some truth in the story of Piute is demonstrated by the fact that Trava has remained a passion to build the baskets. Every Friday, the congregation meets in the schools of the poets of the baskets to teach young people to repeat the actions from which comes the basket. The poets describe how the wood is something that lives, that you must know how to take, knowing it to understand, to make it work as desired. E ti pare di sentire ancora un Druido dei Celti che parla di come tutto in natura ha una vita, una voce, di come si possa sentire il respiro del bosco, ma anche il differente respiro di ogni pianta, dell'erba, dei fiori...

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Do You Hair Like A Star

Sick !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

are three days that it rains.
no, I'm tired of this, but is a bit .. Ugh Government thief!
are three days that it rains for three days and take the meter readings of stealing newspapers is by my side.
I discovered that Naples is flooded with trash, everyone complains about, seeking asylum and close kindergartens. Who's to blame I did not understand, Ms. fell off at first.
's trip last week has opened my eyes: you can sleep on the subway. no one was reading next to me but two Russians. I wonder if dropped. I wanted to return
close: two "things" about 15 years rigged the Moira Orfei (Hmmmm, maybe they miss san who is) were the queens of the circus worthy MM1 Cadorna - QT8. no dwarfs and dancers, only Christians (oh ok, even Hindus and Muslims, God knows what else) sealed in their egg but crammed like animals. Next to me a Chinese "read" a score, a blonde in his forties and was combing an old snuffed: I am locked in my iPovulo.
This morning I was late, but so was the guy with the coat color cachette and hair to match the jacket. cachette, with a "c", the worst. was on my car yesterday, he does not read but stares at the ground, perhaps ashamed. down before him, and when I read a piece of fallen erotic book from the girl who took his place: ".. and passed his fingers through my hair as he savored .." what the fuck! were 9 in the morning.
eleven hours after the return of the meter was half empty but I have not missed an opportunity to learn that the GDP is still standing at 1%. yeah, it was definitely the best cocksucker.

now .. this post I'm not sure it's worth, I swear that all the things written are true, the Masters last year they told me a lot of times you watch the others is a good thing ... tomorrow I hope the rain stops so I'm going to work in motion.

picture Xavi Calvo

Monday, January 14, 2008

Quiet Pc In Singapore

Agana (FATA) of Tarlessa beamed Lauco. The Gan

Leggendo il mio racconto sul Gan di Trava, qualcuno ha pensato che me lo sia inventato. Non è affatto vero! L’ho trovato nelle carte che mi sono ritrovato come uno degli ultimi eredi dei tanti Piut e Piute che hanno popolato la Carnia. I Piutti sono orami una progenie in estinzione, ma non è sempre stato così. M’è capitato proprio tra le carte di uno di questi, quondam Floriano Piute di Trava morto nel 1514, di trovare la storia of Gan and also the one that I go back to sull'agane Tarlessa. Whether this has the Piute stories drawn from his imagination or from some earlier document not know. But do we care? Humanity has in mind for millennia that the sun revolved around the earth to find that the opposite was true. But with this, what has changed?
Back to the stories of Floriano Piute, dell'Agane what is even more intriguing. It covers the period of the spread of Christianity in Carnia the mid-second century AD. Yet the missionaries arrived in meat were the new religion. As was the case throughout the world, even someone he converted immediately, others have resisted faithful to the religion of tradition, who in flesh was that of the Celts. A
Trava Leuci Celts who populated the plateau Lauco, had a temple where today stands the Church of Our Lady of beams. It was not a temple. There were large blocks of stone into a dense forest of oaks, and Leuchars for this was the place of religion. From one of the stones gushed fresh water, and the spring was inhabited by one of Tarlessa Agan Plateau. The early Christians built a small church but very modest, just over a votive altarpiece, where today stands the Church of San Leonardo. The Christians wanted to convince all the villagers to abandon their pagan rites. But most of Roach Trava resist in the faith of their ancestors, because their temple was famous all over the valley of the Tagliamento, because the whole valley, since the dawn of time, can bring to bury stillborn babies.
We know that the religion of the Celtic world of the unseen is more important than the visible world. Man is destined to live eternally in the world of invisible after a period shorter or longer passed into the world of visible. For this, as also noted Julius Caesar, the Celts were celebrating the death and crying for births. The Romans are surprised by this custom, but in fact if death is the gateway of eternal happiness in the world do not see why you should cry. Whereas when a new human being comes to torment in this world rather than glad, it makes sense to pity and cry for him. However
thought so and so, the Celts believed in meat before Christianity. We also believe that for men the time spent in the mortal world was necessary to build the system of memories, then kept people tied to their territory, even in the invisible world. From there, a cult of the dead really felt, because their presence felt alive although invisible
But at some point, people also had the problem of their stillborn babies. Not having seen nothing, having no memory, as could be linked the territory of the flesh?
telogociche After endless discussions, they finally found the solution to bring it to the Druid Trava. These I handed all'Agana Tarlessa that put them in a basket and went up the night with them at the top of the mountain Arvenis. The fairy had the power to call them back to life. He supported the basket on the top, where today there is the cross, then breathed on children reciting magic formulas. His breath gave them life and miraculously found the strength to hang on the rim of the basket and watch. She turned the basket as if it was a carousel for children, and they looked at, and is imprinted in their eyes the images of flesh, which would have preserved for eternity in the world of the unseen.
At the time of our history in 150 AD Hyginus who was Pope in Rome to organize the rites of the new religion, he had a hand in that of baptism. Determined that there should be a godfather and a godmother to recite the profession of faith, but also established that children without baptism would not have been entitled to Paradise. Invented for them a limbo that has been in operation for all these centuries, and that seems to have been closed recently by the last Pope
Trava the early Christians, this idea of \u200b\u200bchildren born dead, that they could not enter Heaven went down! What were their fault? And parents? It was not enough the misfortune of seeing the dead baby carried in her womb for nine months, also had to worry knowing it in Limbo!
If the children of the parents of the Celtic religion could relive a moment to see the flesh, because not to grant the children of Christians, the same possibility? They had so time to receive baptism, to be able to fly to the angels in heaven! When
over the years, Christians were in majority in Trava, decided to occupy the place of the temple of God Belen. The Druid who resisted was killed in the name of Christ who had preached to love even our enemies, and buried in Cerantonis. It follows from the fact that this was probably his name, which is not reported in Piute card. If it were true it would be appropriate to dedicate a monument at the name of this martyr.
The Agana to the disappointment of not being able to turn the carousel at the top all'Arvenis with children, took refuge on the plateau which is now named after her, and let himself die. Many tell of hearing the cry still among stavoli, especially on nights of full moon. The source where she lived no longer exists. Following one of the many earthquakes this too has shifted and has become the source of the Tof, which also still has the magic power left by the fairy, it seems that with its water can cure many diseases ..
The lady in the collective imagination of the inhabitants of beams, has taken the place dell'Agana, and the Church of Our Lady of Trava is still popular today as it was in 1686 when between Antonio Dall'Occhio Trava reported that "there is a small church dedicated to Our Lady of Mount Caramel, commonly known as the Madonna of beams, which are constantly being worn by 'village bodies of dead children's mother left ventricular ... the notary of the House, said John Leschiutta, makes a statement that the dead baby showed signs of life and was baptized, the delivery man who brought the dead child, lest it lead to the parents, who many will rejoice such certificate and firmly believe in what it stands, that the dead child is truly risen, Habbo received baptism, and he went to the soul to enjoy eternal glory. "

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beams Lauco.

At that time, the time in which the meat was the land of meat, the mountains were populated by too many elves. They are fantastic! someone will say. But it is a truth. The Celts believed that it convivessereo together two worlds: the visible and invisible. The invisible is the world in another dimension in which they live those who have left their bodies in some cemetery on the Mount, but also many beautiful elves and Agan.
on a succession of small plateaus and peaks from the summit dell'Arvenis, slope toward the Tagliamento had settled the tribes of Leuchars, which is named today the City of Lauco, which covers all villages of the picturesque plateau, which juts out on Villa Santina. They occupied all the land where it was possible to graze their flocks, but the village of reference was higher than the current countries, was the village of chaise in the basin where today there are few houses in Tristchiamp. On the other side of the cut on the plains that slope of the Loaves and Valdir Col Gentile had settled the tribes of raves, which had its reference point in the village of Sorantri. The two tribes were in connection with a walkway through the cut at the village of Chiassis, who crossed to the other side the road that still connects with Raveo Muin. On this Chiassis link from a chaise, the Leuci had established a kind of transport service learning. For there were women who transferred to the baskets each day in the highlands of the products that women Sorantri brought down to the Tagliamento. The system was organized with a group of women carrying products from the current Chiassis Trava, another group from here to Tarlessa and then from there to the valley of the chaise.
not believe it! But it is history! Although it still has no book collection. To help were the Gans. They are the elves that help people in the mountains when they make a great effort. As John also tells in his book on Piella "Sbilfs" were crude and massive physique. Pectorals, biceps and calves well developed by the continuous exercise, gave it an Herculean strength. Of peaceful nature and especially helpful were great friends of the lumberjacks, the menàus. Helped them to unravel the dangerous tangle of wood which were formed in the narrows during rafting (Stue) or in releasing the logs that fit in the catch along the Risen (edges). Of the mountain. There being no
menàus between Leuchars, the Gans, accommodating as they were, had committed to helping women who are carriers. Helping in the effort to load the basket on his back, or in case of maximum gradient, were put behind them by helping to support the weight. Even them, as women were divided into teams, and every day at dawn they left the small cave called just Ciasa by Gans and reached the group of women who had to help.
In the group from the highlands down to the Tagliamento, at the time of our history, there was a beautiful girl with long blond hair behind his neck in two long braids, with two eyes of a blue so intense that it seemed the mirrors' Mount Arvenis blue sky sunny days of September. It was not great, but it was all so perfectly proportioned that looked like a doll, escaped from the hands of a great artist, and for whatever spell become a woman. Was almost impossible not to fall for her and in fact for his smile would make an eye on all the guys on the plateau. They did not mention that she also Gans, in the evening when they retired to their cave. Falling in love is normal, but Avaglio which was the most romantic of Gans, had a crush that he seemed to be unable to live without the girl's smile. He had followed him all the time, helped her carry the basket continuously and not only on the steepest hills. On the uphill climbs up to the present village square we put it all, he seemed to be able to lift the basket with the girl, then when it supported the basket on the appropriate perch beside him door of the house, was put in front of a begging smile ... But you all!
He lived a beautiful girl in a small house located where now is the village inn, on the road that had to travel several times a day in his work as a carrier. He had the advantage of being able to stop a moment to rest, take a drink of water. Avaglio followed her like a shadow. Every now and then with a click of the crossroads at you and smile with the hope of being returned. But she did nothing! Every moment with her since the first light from behind the mountain Damara, broke the black veil of night, until you turn the last blade of light behind the Dolomites Ovens ... In exchange for a smile, could ask her anything. But she did nothing! Not a smile but not a word addressed to him.
Nothing! She had a mouth that opened like a flower Genzianella at sunrise. For just a kiss, all the guys would have given the soul of the plateau, and she never even opened that bloom in pink, at least once to say "thanks" to the poor that were made in four Avaglio for her.
"doi You às dos stelis you are about, and about a bociute Bombon" murmured the inspiration for a day like all that Gan was also a romantic poet and end up making a phrase that would remain in history. But nothing!
"I bring you the edelweiss Arvenis the mountain? Want to fall in the ravines of Vinadia? I want to throw in the fire? For you I would go even to steal ... "The word made him come to the idea of \u200b\u200bextreme action, before which also beams would have to give way.
"Tomorrow, he said, I'll take the treasure of Gans," the Gans
In their cave houses a bronze pot full of gold coins. He was there from time immemorial. No one knew how he got there. Someone said it came from India, others from Egypt. Perhaps he had been brought by the Celts in the first migration from the east and somehow had ended up in the cave by the Cjase Gans. For those goblins coins had no value in itself. But that pot full of gold had become the symbol of their people, a sort of deity. Take it out of the cave, would be a sacrilege. Most of sacrilege. Here
luio was willing to do the most terrible sacrilege even to capture the beautiful beams!. He explained what was going to do for her, explained what was egregious action that was going to do, just to get his due. But she did nothing!
"Maybe not believe her! He thought it was a braggart! "
No! Avaglio was speaking!
While the others slept Gans tired, he took the cup with coins and went out into the night.
Looking at the starry sky, he thought that to sacrilege was doing. But he felt no remorse. He had with him the stolen gold in the cave! The coins he had in the pot were the stars who gathered for his sweetheart. He walked into the night on the trail crossing the plateau, but he seemed to star across the sky like a lawn, and then and there invented a different song, with which he thought was presented to Trava.
But when he arrived at the hut, she was not there. He knocked. He called. Made under the door and managed to enter, but she was not there. He shut himself in and began to wait. He spent the whole day and night came again, but she had not yet returned. Avaglio then realized that would not be tornata mai più. Con il suo gesto estremo invece di conquistarla l’aveva persa definitivamente. Chissà dove era andata pur di non vederlo mai più…
Il Gan innamorato si decise allora per il gesto veramente estremo. Si sarebbe lasciato morire nella casa di Trava, per poterla incontrare almeno nel mondo degli invisibili.
Scavò una buca in corrispondenza del focolare che c’era in mezzo alla capanna, e vi nascose il tesoro di monete d’or e si mise in attesa…
Quando dopo alcuni giorni al villaggio s’accorsero della scomparsa di Trava, forzarono la porta della capanna ma non trovarono nulla. La bella ragazza si era come volatilizzata…Dal momento che anche i Gans lamentavano la scomparsa di Avaglio, Trava ruled that the Druid had been transformed in spirit from the evil power of Gan in love with her that did not want to share with anyone ...
The hut remained empty for so long. Everyone was afraid of the spirit that hovered in the House of beams and kept it away ... Then with the passage of time, we forgot the story of the beautiful girl. The name of beams, the house passed to the whole village. Hidden treasure by Gan, nobody ever knew anything. Perhaps he is still in the ground where the hut once stood and where now stands the inn at Gan!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Bipolar Medication In Orange Box

Lis Vinadis of Arta.

All those concerned della storia della Carnia sanno, o dovrebbero sapere, che una volta tra Arta e Sutrio c’era il lago di Soandri. Il pianoro di Alzeri era franato nell’alveo del torrente But, creando una diga che aveva formato il lago. Una volta… ma quando?..
Il Grassi che oltre ad essere stato uno storico era un prelato e che quindi può essere senz’altro considerato degno di fede, sostiene che si trattava del Medioevo e precisamente dell’XI secolo. Per essere nato a Formeaso, a meno d’un chilometro dalla diga in questione, gli si dovrebbe poter credere anche quando, a conferma, ricorda che ai suoi tempi (siamo nel settecento) si vedevano ancora a Sutrio ai piedi della rocca sulla quale sorge la chiesa di Ognissanti gli anelli to which were attached to the boat.
"bullshit!" Marinelli said in his guide instead of echoing the Carnia Gortani. The lake was actually there as evidenced by the geological investigations, but a few thousand years ago, just in the post-glacial period.
Maybe there was still the man when he arrived in Carnia, at least six thousand years before Christ. Those early men saw the river But breaking the dam, drain the lake and take its natural course, and told their children that there was once a lake.
When? Once, not long ago ... I
the children repeated their children and grandchildren. So after eight thousand years, even my grandfather when I was a child, I told that once, like a short time ago, there was Sutrio Lake Soandri.
But the source of the lake in the story of my grandfather was much more complex and imaginative as well as the fat that gives fantasy in his history of Carnia proves to have a lot to be able to fill all the holes in the official history of blacks , to make the capital of Friuli Zuglio Lombard. A landslide from the mountain
Rivo dragged from the river along the slope of the Root of Alzeri slight slope up to block the flow of the river But if it is a historically proven fact it is still plausible. But for my grandfather's events were held in a much more complex, things went very differently ...
There is a race between San Pietro, who came from Rome to Carnia in order to build the church on the ridge overlooking the Roman municipium Iulium Carnicum, and the devil, who wanted to prevent the construction of a Christian in that outpost Carnia. The men who lived in those mountains, from envy, had all the seven deadly sins, and even a few more, so they were all his own, claimed the devil. San Pietro, meanwhile, countered that even for beef, the barbarians had died on the cross in Palestine the son of God
The devil was angry in particular with the inhabitants of Soandri, the country that stood where today there is City of Sutrio, because they had converted to Christianity en masse. There was the risk that their example was followed by other villages in the flesh, because, everyone could easily see how large the benefits were derived from the conversion. In other countries (then as now) was all wrong, indeed, to say the truth, worse, it rained when he had to weather, there was a sun break rocks when the campaign would need rain. For Christians Soandri however, everything went the right way. When they prayed that it would rain, Peter stops working mason, was to collect two or three clouds over the country and immediately began to rain. When the people begged him to do good weather conditions, with their fingers crossed St. Peter's, the sun could subito ad aprirsi un varco tra le nuvole, proprio sopra il paese.
Il diavolo non sapeva più che pesci pigliare. Pietro che di pesci s’intendeva se la rideva e continuava ad andare avanti con la sua costruzione, pietra dopo pietra, mentre il diavolo correva su e giù per la Carnia facendo brontolare il tuono, scagliando terribili saette sugli alberi più grandi e più belli della valle, ed ogni tanto scardinando persino le montagne con terremoti spaventosi.
A dire di mio nonno avrebbe sacraboltato tutta la Carnia, che tradotto dall’italofriulano vorrebbe dire che l’avrebbe messa sottosopra , se non gli fosse venuta in soccorso sua madre con una idea geniale. “Fai franare il monte di Rivo nel fiume e vedrai!” gli disse. Satana che per essere maschio non arrivava alla perfidia di sua madre, sulle prime non capì il suggerimento, ma ubbidiente come era verso sua madre, malgrado fosse un diavolo, diede subito ordine alle streghe di far rotolare dei massi dalle falde del monte di Rivo, fino a sbarrare il corso del torrente But.
“Meglio di così!…” pensarono gli abitanti di Soandri, che il giorno dopo si trovarono un piccolo lago, appena sotto il paese. “San Pietro per non perdere le abitudini s’è costruito un piccolo lago, ed ora insegnerà a pescare anche noi!…”
S’accorsero del trucco del diavolo solo la prima volta che chiesero a Pietro di far piovere. Mentre scrosciava la pioggia, the lake grew and grew ... and would have quickly overwhelmed the whole country ... "Come back to the peaceful!" had to beg in a hurry. Just in time .. because the water had already invaded the homes lower. But so, to avoid flooding the country, could no longer ask St. Peter to have the rain. The valley soon dries up, there was no fodder for animals, yellowed and dried up the corn fields of potatoes and beans, and spread a terrible famine.
"Save us!" Soandri asked the people of St. Peter, but even the first of the apostles had something against the curse of the witches in Landri who had made the immovable massi collocati a formare la diga. “E in effetti”, precisava mio nonno, “i sassi restarono lì a formare il lago finchè le streghe furono eliminate dalla Santa Inquisizione”. Al povero Pietro non restò altro da fare che, ( in modo, a dir il vero, molto poco cristiano!), ricambiare maleficio con maleficio, sortilegio con sortilegio.
“In eterno raschierete con le vostre mani le rocce del monte di Rivo”, gridò l’apostolo alle streghe, tanto arrabbiato che gli tremavano persino i peli della barba. “E sono ancora lì che con le mani grattano il monte” concludeva mio nonno. In realtà, anche oggi, il monte sembra quasi si stia sbriciolando a poco a poco lasciando emerge, where the rock is greater, the ridges reminiscent of the towers or steeples. These are precisely the tower (also known as bell-towers) of Lander, a popular tourist destination over the town of Arta Terme.
I thought about all these things and especially the story of my grandfather, my last evening climb to the statue of Our Lady of Lander, a devotion that has recently made one of the guard towers. Too tired, I found it hard to sleep and think about the strange mindset of Friuli. In our language there is the word "future", while the term "past" becomes a "once" unknown and timeless, a term that crushes a ending on the centuries and millennia to bring together St. Peter, who was forced to build the church alone, with witches called to build the dam of Lake Soandri. The word "once" is a timeless framework on which everyone leaves a stroke, until you change the original structure and the picture changes, making it appear new figures, new scenes.
The legend of the story of my grandfather, I thought, maybe it was superimposed on others that were told before, because even before Christianity was certainly someone felt the need to find an explanation for the strangeness of Mount Rivo, regular and woodland on other slopes, rocky, steep and crumbly, about what looks alla chiesa di S.Pietro.
Mi addormentai con questo pensieri e mi sognai di star salendo di nuovo ai torrioni dei Lander. Ad accompagnarmi nel sogno, invece di Gianluca che mi aveva seguito durante il giorno sbuffando contro il mio cane ed imprecando contro le vespe che sembrava l’avessero preso in particolare simpatia, c’era ora mio nonno.
“Vieni!”, mi diceva, dandomi fretta e prendendomi in giro per la fatica che facevo a salire i tanti tornanti della mulattiera, che da Alzeri sale ai prati posti a corona attorno alla vetta rocciosa del monte di Rivo. Di prati, in realtà, durante il giorno ne avevo visti soltanto due, stretti attorno a stavoli diventati ormai fatiscenti nella fatica inutile di difendersi dall’avanzare unstoppable in the forest. In the dream, however, everything was on the side lawn. And on, where there is now the last Stavoli, there was even a village of huts. And again ... More on the plateau that dominates the valley, where today there is a camp, a hut was larger than the others.
catch my breath I was on the path that finally, after a long climb, turn horizontally, across the undulating plateau, when I saw out of the large hut an old man dressed in white. Bianchi also had hair that fell long over his shoulders, his long white beard that covered his chest to the waist.
"Mandi Lander," the grandfather greeted him as if it were of an old friend. And no-show, as if I had been waiting a long time, the old man began to tell me how he was the Druid, the head of the village, such as around his hut there was a cemetery, the dead buried under the boulders scattered on the plateau, around the three large stones where the rites were celebrated in honor of God Belen. I noticed that in the dream, the three stones were much higher as we see now. "Over time the soil of the forest has certainly covered in part ..."
woke up, I remember having a dream reported by this notation on the stones and trivial but unfortunately they have no memory of the many things I had told the Lander Druid and explained during the times when we were sitting together watching the valley, waiting for the sunset. The light of the awakening that often erases the entire memory of what we wanted to see, however, was not able to eliminate from my mind the memory of what living in a dream and I could see, after leaving the Druid Lander, the first drop of the shadows evening.
was the night of full moon of midsummer, so to speak, for us the night of Saint John, June 24, even though our schedule based on days instead of nights, and therefore closer to the solstice that the full moon, it does coincide with the eve of St. John the full moon. The moonlight was so bright that the night was still only a shadow light, like a veil to cover the valley. Everything was different, as it were day. Even far away, unreal in that light you could clearly see every mountain, every valley, every village all the way down to the plains. But once identified, all these points, in that magical light, looked like a different world of references, in a different dimension. Likewise, in another world seemed in the valley, the bed of white gravel of the stream But, marked by gleaming silver snake water the reflection of moonlight.
Suddenly, the brilliance of the river began to fall off the sparks of light, a myriad of fireflies, which is normal for the night of St. John. The set of points of light sockets slowly rise up and thickening to form a sort of huge swarm. The cloud then rose to light as a puff of fog after the storm, relaxing on the dock of the river and occupy Randic and then spread throughout the amphitheater overlooking the towers of the Lander. The points of light, rising and going between the rocks, had become increasingly large and were placed in rows above, as if they were really on the tiers of an amphitheater.
Watching from the edges, where I was approached along with all the other villagers, are now clearly saw that it was not light. They were rather beautiful young women with long blond hair shining in the their white clothes as if they were made of light.
"It's Vinadio", he began to explain to my grandfather, "the agan or take water across the valley came together for the feast of the full moon in the summer called by Lander, the Druid Soandri. All the amphitheater was now made of light and the light formed a po'alla time a sound, like a breath out of the ground, weak first, then louder and louder. It was a song, a lullaby ... I did not understand the words but the melody was from my family, with a counterpoint to the sound of bells, which came out just as the towers were really with the bell inside, hidden in the cells, the bells.
wind-driven music broke down the valley, kindling, as if by magic as he passed the great fires in the match of every village, every hut in the mountains scattered. And even the people of Soandri that with me you were ready to crown the edges of the amphitheater, had meanwhile turned on a torch each, forming a braid of red light, which edged with purple, the white light of Vinadio. On the hill opposite, where now stands the church of St. Peter, then lit a bonfire last, greatest of all, with red tongues of fire that rose to the stars.
I remember asking my grandfather to the meaning of that last big fire, but the question is the last memory of the dream. I woke up on the response, without being able to remember, as I remember the speeches of the Druid Lander.
Dreams are so unfortunately, we remember at times, in the wake of the most important things are lost. There remain only flashes of lightning, with flashes of individual suggestions because dreams are born. I had read the posters for tourists Soandri that Lake did not exist in historical times and what are called "Vinadio" strips that form across the fault lines of Lander. M'era come to think that the name is so similar to Soandri Sorantri Raveo of where it was discovered a village of the Celts and then in the dream I had brought the Celts also on Mount Rivo, where, however, although they loved the places of wide horizons, could not have settled.
but I do not know for what twisted way my mind to do the matching in the dream had become Vinadio of the fairies, while the information boards I read that, according to legend, the faults of the mountain was frequented by the damned. Perhaps in this overlapping of the fairies to witches, fairies of the damned, was the originality of my dream.
Perhaps this could even overlap in some way, find the answer to the question I had asked before I fell asleep on the meaning of "once upon a time." Once, when? ... It does not matter! The river of flesh can not ever see the sea but the sea alive water of the river Carnia. The water which is dropped day after day, year after year, even assuming different names over time, is currently one sea, one ocean. How
ocean-sea can not be distinguished from the river, so the man of the river can never read the history of the ocean-sea which hath been dissolved the history of the Celts, who inhabited the mountains of Friuli.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Truck Bed Carpet Kit Plans

Witches of Tench.

In meat, such as in gender in all the mountain villages, until not long ago, people lived mainly in livestock farming. Around the village there were cultivated fields from which we drew the forage for the winter. Higher up there was the "mountains", the mountain, ie the meadows of middle or high mountain, with stavoli in which they admitted the cows before or after the period of the alps. How to use the "mont" varied from country to country. In some countries stavoli were supplemented by a small house where we stopped to sleep during the hay, in others there was only the stable and barn. Where the "mountains" was close enough to the country Stavolo was reduced to the barn, (the staipe), where it was harvested hay, which was then brought to the barn in the country during the fall or spring. The Tenchi, the "mountains" of the country di Cercivento era l’unica a non avere né stavoli né staipe, perché a Cercivento a differenza di tutti gli altri paesi c’era l’usanza di portarsi il fieno in paese, di giorno in giorno, d’estate nel periodo delle fienagione.
Non era perché quelli di Cercivento fossero meno organizzati o meno intelligenti degli altri. E’ che a Cercivento si guardava con paura al Tenchia! Se non fosse stato perché del fieno dei suoi prati si aveva assolutamente bisogno, per mantenere le bestie e far vivere la famiglia, tutti avrebbero fatto volentieri a meno d’andare a falciare sulla montagna. Era una fatica improba doversi caricare i fasci di fieno sulla slitta e scendere fino in paese per poi risalire con la slitta shoulder under the July sun, two or three times in one day!
But to stop there at night, there was no need to think about it! It was not even the case to leave the hay up there for a long time ... It would have been bewitched because the witches danced Tenchi! Nobody had seen them. But all they could see for themselves the circles that had left the grass with their circle. On the plateau named precisely plan the witches often happened in the morning after the night when a storm had raged, to see strips of burnt grass in a circle.
It was as if there was a ring of many people, the grass under their feet was not only crushed but had avvizzita, bruciacchiata.
Non c’era altra spiegazione possibile che nel girotondo delle streghe!
“Deve esserci un’altra la spiegazione! Per forza! Non fosse altro perché le streghe non esistono”, continuava a ribattere Pacifico. I suoi compaesani lo prendevano per pazzo e lo lasciavano dire. Pacifico che da giovane aveva fatto per molti anni l’emigrante in Romania, insisteva spiegando che anche lì aveva potuto constatare di persona come tutte le storie sul conte Dracula, fossero sole delle favole.
Ma se anche quella dei vampiri poteva essere solo una favola, perché non poteva corrispondere a verità la storia delle streghe, confermata peraltro da quei cerchi nell’erba?
Pacifico che a dispetto del nome era un uomo deciso e cocciuto si mise in testa di sfatare la leggenda. Visto che con le parole e con il ragionamento otteneva soltanto il risultato di essere preso per pazzo, decise di passare ai fatti: si mise a costruire sul Tenchia quello che oggi si chiamerebbe uno chalet. Cominciò i lavori a primavera. Da solo. Perché nessuno aveva voluto lasciarsi coinvolgere in quella che, si capiva, voleva essere una sfida alle streghe, da bravo muratore quale era, in un paio di mesi tirò su una casetta niente male. Ai primi di giugno cominciò ad abitarvi.
In paese evidentemente non si parlava d’altro, tutti l’avevano sconsigliato, avevano cercato di fermarlo, perché di certo si stava mettendo in un Now that was serious trouble then even went to live on Tenchi, everyone had expected every day to know what would be the revenge of witches. Even
Cercivento Paularo as it was said (something to be talked to Pacific)
... Despite all the stories in the Pacific, however, did not happen at all. Down to the village every two or three days, but spoke only of the beautiful sunsets and nights full of stars that could cover up there. The villagers, however, were certain that their wait could not get disappointed, it was just a matter of time ... and in fact one morning at dawn after a night in which there was a strong temporal and Tenchi had unleashed iraddidio a lightning, they saw him get out of breath.
"I've seen!"
"What? The witches? "
" No, Agan "
" What? "
" I do not know "
was the time that was coming from the houses to get people to mow in the mountains, and at a time when the country was around him that told.
"Did you see the storm?"
Sure! She had never seen so many lightning! All the women stood up to light a blessed olive branch on the door, and had looked at that seemed to catch fire and Tenchi to him that there had been madness to stop and sleep in the midst of the fire.
"Well! High up the mountain every lightning seemed to tremble as if struck by an earthquake. You had the impression it could pierce, go in pieces ... "
Pacific had always been good at telling, and how hunters could run even though they were only hares rabbits! But it certainly should not have been very nice to be in the midst of all the weapons!
"I am not exaggerating! It was a riot! I looked out the window and I must say that I was afraid. Do not witches, but of lightning that I fell on the house and I incenerisse. I was afraid to die! And at some point I became convinced of ed'essere already be dead in the afterlife, when a lightning stronger the others are just dumped on the lawn in front of me, turning on itself like a pencil that draws a circle. Was a moment in time, but it was as if I were already in eternity, and that moment lasted an infinite time. The lightning I became a sort of procession of angels or do not understand well, coming down from heaven and was about to circle on the lawn.
As the weather had become eternity, so the space had become infinite. It was a circle, but was made up of an infinity of points of light, and every point of light was actually a beautiful woman. The circle began to move sharply left out, as if it were a disk, a sweet melody. They sang. But I did not understand the meaning of words. I understood only in a sort of chorus that said "we are the Agan" ... "

When the story finally came to the Pacific ear of the priest Don Mattia Sutra was an educated man and he knew all about the history of the flesh, old priest rushed to Cercivento to hear him tell in person.
"Agan What do you know?"
"It 's a name, if I understand correctly, I heard for the first time tonight on Tenchi."
And you, Father Matthew? "
" It 's the name of the water fairies. In the traditions of many countries of Carnia tells of their presence. But before the Council of Trent. Dopo nessuno ne ha mai più viste. Nessuno ne ha mai più parlato.”
Don Mattia era un uomo di fede, ma a lungo andare a forza di discutere con i suoi parrocchiani di Sutrio, era diventato anche un uomo di scienza. Come uomo di fede avrebbe dovuto limitarsi a dare a Pacifico una buona benedizione, come uomo di scienza voleva invece riuscire a capire. Se anche quel cristiano si fosse inventato tutto, come aveva potuto inventarsi persino quel nome, che diceva di non aver mai sentito prima! Gli chiese così se poteva passare la notte con lui lassù, ad aspettare il prossimo temporale.
Si era alla fine di giugno, il periodo in cui in Carnia i temporali si ripetono quasi quotidianamente. Infatti la sera stessa sul Tenchia ci fu un infuriare Lightning and thunder is a ferment of the more frightening the mayhem of the previous night.
Pacific and don the window when Matt was at one point shouted Pacific:
"sees the"
"My God, forgive me," murmured Don Matt, it is the witches. They are horrible! "
" How horrible does not see that they're beautiful "
" Horrible! "He kept repeating staring Don Mattia.
"How horrible?" Repeated the Pacific and took her hand as if to convince the priest shaking.
in contact with the hand of Father Matthew the scene suddenly changed for him. Those who had seen such beautiful girls. had become as if by magic with the crippled old withered face that looked like the mummies of Venzone.
dawn, because in any case had to climb to mow, the country was all in front of the house of the Pacific to hear what had happened.
feel that even if Don Mattia confirmed the version of the Pacific, however, said he saw the witches, and hear the speech of the Pacific that had turned into witches do when he took the hand of the priest, the people of Cercivento did not know what to think, if you do not get to recite incantations "testiculis tactis" litany ... as if they were
Don Matteo asked them to say nothing to anyone, at least for that day. Would stop once night to sleep on the Tenchi to confirm what he had seen, and then he would talk with his superiors and the bishop.
The next night was that of St. John. Tenchi on all hell broke loose. The people of Cercivento looked up and prayed Fulgur et studded, repeated in an endless litany, liberainus domine. At some point in the plane of the witch kindled a huge bonfire. There was no doubt "thought everyone was the burning of Matthias Stavolo struck by lightning ...
aftermath unearthed from the rubble the remains of Father Matthew and the Pacific, found them side by side near the window. I wonder if they had revised the scene? I wonder if Don had seen Matt the Agan?
Whatever the case, where the first inhabitants of Cercivento had doubts whether or not to build the barns on Tenchi, after the story of the Pacific is, however, confirmed the belief that this was a haunted mountain.
until you get to this day, when nobody believes in anything and everyone sees only what suits them. Meanwhile the top of the Tenchi were placed repeater for phones and televisions. The usual environmentalists, at the time, had also objected, claiming that the magnetic fields were polluted in the grassy meadows. But since there was no one who was going to mow and collect the hay on Tenchi, protest trailed off just ahead of the needs progress. Were placed in the huge pylons, perhaps unattractive, but protected by powerful lightning rod that attracts all the lightning in the mountains. A
Cercivento it is argued that it was thanks to the sacrifice of Pacific and Father Matthew who, through their death have "averted" witches. A Sutrio where they are more secular, it is argued that the effect of the magnetic field that has driven the lightning. The fact is, that the witches on Tenchi no more. Sleeping on the mountain no longer fear anyone. Indeed, the first who have stayed, have reported beneficial effects. Males seem to feel beautiful in the recall of Agan and thus have the porformaces incredible. Those of Sutrio continue to say that it is only the effect of the magnetism of the lattice. Whatever the reason, it seems that Cercivento registers the highest birth rate in Carnia.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Rubbermaid Wrapping Paper

ie: let the past tell you who you are, but let it be part of what will become.

strange things happen sometimes. It is true, work on the internet but internet did not exist when I was born, at least not as it is today.
internet to tell the truth when I did not even exist 13 years when, without knowing it, I created my first nickname.
was a tag at the time (strange that you call the tag as the tag internet ..), the ones that now blur the walls of Milan, but that's another story.
my first nickname was after a long search and suffering, smoke. Although in those days, big cock, was born with smoked thinking but not to the verb smoke, fog, something intangible, changeable and elusive. I liked it.
smoke did not last long. buying a cd (I told you that the Internet did not exist ...) discover that another had already chosen the nickname, but maybe he wanted more ... also changed because the letter F was a splash. Chopin became
first and, many years later, Chopin. Chopin was born by chance, there was a search there was a choice of letters, just my partner then signed by moz mozart and the balls to do together ... moz & Chopin. [you can laugh]
I never felt this particularly my nick, I felt the need to change and also change because by dint of writing in many different ways on all pages of textbooks, I came boredom. chopin maintaining officially starts having facker , reaction , snowman and a thousand others who were born and died within a few strokes of pen.
in '98 came the 18th, broke the bombing in Milan what I did, and he says, leading me to abandon the sick writing, but especially the Internet came to my house.
nick but I felt I had one thousand of having to find one for internet, my then-girlfriend had given me a so cool blue light in the shape of cactus: bluecactuz . I am now almost 10 years and finally something that brings me to came out, perhaps because not as sick of me calling my name, was born maat , with initials of each post on this blog.
son went from being a mysterious entity that left his signature and to sign them almost ran away with my name. eh you guys, it was not easy.

picture mel

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Buying Liquor Online Ontario

Arriecchime metamorphosis.

no I am not dead and this blog is not dead.
I have a bad habit, often do not tell me what I think until I ruminated 3 times (I had already used the metaphor of the cow?).
result: I have often said "cool I write this and I have not written.

but the beginning of the new year can not pass this way, we celebrate the year 2007:

I burst a lung, I actually had a pneumothorax.
've been left behind, is not me but it is not an event.
I have deleted the discussion of the thesis less than 24 hours earlier.
[ as the beginning of the year was not too bad .. ]
I started out with another girl.
I finished master.
AC Milan won the Champions
I am (finally) graduated in the morning.
I opened this blog.
I found a cool stage.
by intern I did three weeks of vacation.
son went to NY.
I felt the thrill of saying "No".
I started work in the new house.
AC Milan won the European Super Cup
I have taken.
I am leaving.
I bought the bike.
AC Milan won the Club World.
I skied and nobody has overwhelmed.

on my desktop , among other things, there's a sentence that says: "the unforgettable days in the life of a man they are 5 or 6 in all the others are volume" (Ennio Flaiano ) I've lived some of this year.

I must say that apart from the beginning of the year 2007 deserves a good mark. because at school I have always said that if you go to a nice improvement is better than 9 would not let anyone off.

the joys of milan i put them to gnaw a bit Inter .. true Goduria was won by the champions of their league.
aaah ... start to the 2008 ^ __ ^

the photo is Seth Thomas Rasmussen