In meat, such as in gender in all the mountain villages, until not long ago, people lived mainly in livestock farming. Around the village there were cultivated fields from which we drew the forage for the winter. Higher up there was the "mountains", the mountain, ie the meadows of middle or high mountain, with stavoli in which they admitted the cows before or after the period of the alps. How to use the "mont" varied from country to country. In some countries stavoli were supplemented by a small house where we stopped to sleep during the hay, in others there was only the stable and barn. Where the "mountains" was close enough to the country Stavolo was reduced to the barn, (the staipe), where it was harvested hay, which was then brought to the barn in the country during the fall or spring. The Tenchi, the "mountains" of the country di Cercivento era l’unica a non avere né stavoli né staipe, perché a Cercivento a differenza di tutti gli altri paesi c’era l’usanza di portarsi il fieno in paese, di giorno in giorno, d’estate nel periodo delle fienagione.
Non era perché quelli di Cercivento fossero meno organizzati o meno intelligenti degli altri. E’ che a Cercivento si guardava con paura al Tenchia! Se non fosse stato perché del fieno dei suoi prati si aveva assolutamente bisogno, per mantenere le bestie e far vivere la famiglia, tutti avrebbero fatto volentieri a meno d’andare a falciare sulla montagna. Era una fatica improba doversi caricare i fasci di fieno sulla slitta e scendere fino in paese per poi risalire con la slitta shoulder under the July sun, two or three times in one day!
But to stop there at night, there was no need to think about it! It was not even the case to leave the hay up there for a long time ... It would have been bewitched because the witches danced Tenchi! Nobody had seen them. But all they could see for themselves the circles that had left the grass with their circle. On the plateau named precisely plan the witches often happened in the morning after the night when a storm had raged, to see strips of burnt grass in a circle.
It was as if there was a ring of many people, the grass under their feet was not only crushed but had avvizzita, bruciacchiata.
Non c’era altra spiegazione possibile che nel girotondo delle streghe!
“Deve esserci un’altra la spiegazione! Per forza! Non fosse altro perché le streghe non esistono”, continuava a ribattere Pacifico. I suoi compaesani lo prendevano per pazzo e lo lasciavano dire. Pacifico che da giovane aveva fatto per molti anni l’emigrante in Romania, insisteva spiegando che anche lì aveva potuto constatare di persona come tutte le storie sul conte Dracula, fossero sole delle favole.
Ma se anche quella dei vampiri poteva essere solo una favola, perché non poteva corrispondere a verità la storia delle streghe, confermata peraltro da quei cerchi nell’erba?
Pacifico che a dispetto del nome era un uomo deciso e cocciuto si mise in testa di sfatare la leggenda. Visto che con le parole e con il ragionamento otteneva soltanto il risultato di essere preso per pazzo, decise di passare ai fatti: si mise a costruire sul Tenchia quello che oggi si chiamerebbe uno chalet. Cominciò i lavori a primavera. Da solo. Perché nessuno aveva voluto lasciarsi coinvolgere in quella che, si capiva, voleva essere una sfida alle streghe, da bravo muratore quale era, in un paio di mesi tirò su una casetta niente male. Ai primi di giugno cominciò ad abitarvi.
In paese evidentemente non si parlava d’altro, tutti l’avevano sconsigliato, avevano cercato di fermarlo, perché di certo si stava mettendo in un Now that was serious trouble then even went to live on Tenchi, everyone had expected every day to know what would be the revenge of witches. Even
Cercivento Paularo as it was said (something to be talked to Pacific)
... Despite all the stories in the Pacific, however, did not happen at all. Down to the village every two or three days, but spoke only of the beautiful sunsets and nights full of stars that could cover up there. The villagers, however, were certain that their wait could not get disappointed, it was just a matter of time ... and in fact one morning at dawn after a night in which there was a strong temporal and Tenchi had unleashed iraddidio a lightning, they saw him get out of breath.
"I've seen!"
"What? The witches? "
" No, Agan "
" What? "
" I do not know "
was the time that was coming from the houses to get people to mow in the mountains, and at a time when the country was around him that told.
"Did you see the storm?"
Sure! She had never seen so many lightning! All the women stood up to light a blessed olive branch on the door, and had looked at that seemed to catch fire and Tenchi to him that there had been madness to stop and sleep in the midst of the fire.
"Well! High up the mountain every lightning seemed to tremble as if struck by an earthquake. You had the impression it could pierce, go in pieces ... "
Pacific had always been good at telling, and how hunters could run even though they were only hares rabbits! But it certainly should not have been very nice to be in the midst of all the weapons!
"I am not exaggerating! It was a riot! I looked out the window and I must say that I was afraid. Do not witches, but of lightning that I fell on the house and I incenerisse. I was afraid to die! And at some point I became convinced of ed'essere already be dead in the afterlife, when a lightning stronger the others are just dumped on the lawn in front of me, turning on itself like a pencil that draws a circle. Was a moment in time, but it was as if I were already in eternity, and that moment lasted an infinite time. The lightning I became a sort of procession of angels or do not understand well, coming down from heaven and was about to circle on the lawn.
As the weather had become eternity, so the space had become infinite. It was a circle, but was made up of an infinity of points of light, and every point of light was actually a beautiful woman. The circle began to move sharply left out, as if it were a disk, a sweet melody. They sang. But I did not understand the meaning of words. I understood only in a sort of chorus that said "we are the Agan" ... "
When the story finally came to the Pacific ear of the priest Don Mattia Sutra was an educated man and he knew all about the history of the flesh, old priest rushed to Cercivento to hear him tell in person.
"Agan What do you know?"
"It 's a name, if I understand correctly, I heard for the first time tonight on Tenchi."
And you, Father Matthew? "
" It 's the name of the water fairies. In the traditions of many countries of Carnia tells of their presence. But before the Council of Trent. Dopo nessuno ne ha mai più viste. Nessuno ne ha mai più parlato.”
Don Mattia era un uomo di fede, ma a lungo andare a forza di discutere con i suoi parrocchiani di Sutrio, era diventato anche un uomo di scienza. Come uomo di fede avrebbe dovuto limitarsi a dare a Pacifico una buona benedizione, come uomo di scienza voleva invece riuscire a capire. Se anche quel cristiano si fosse inventato tutto, come aveva potuto inventarsi persino quel nome, che diceva di non aver mai sentito prima! Gli chiese così se poteva passare la notte con lui lassù, ad aspettare il prossimo temporale.
Si era alla fine di giugno, il periodo in cui in Carnia i temporali si ripetono quasi quotidianamente. Infatti la sera stessa sul Tenchia ci fu un infuriare Lightning and thunder is a ferment of the more frightening the mayhem of the previous night.
Pacific and don the window when Matt was at one point shouted Pacific:
"sees the"
"My God, forgive me," murmured Don Matt, it is the witches. They are horrible! "
" How horrible does not see that they're beautiful "
" Horrible! "He kept repeating staring Don Mattia.
"How horrible?" Repeated the Pacific and took her hand as if to convince the priest shaking.
in contact with the hand of Father Matthew the scene suddenly changed for him. Those who had seen such beautiful girls. had become as if by magic with the crippled old withered face that looked like the mummies of Venzone.
dawn, because in any case had to climb to mow, the country was all in front of the house of the Pacific to hear what had happened.
feel that even if Don Mattia confirmed the version of the Pacific, however, said he saw the witches, and hear the speech of the Pacific that had turned into witches do when he took the hand of the priest, the people of Cercivento did not know what to think, if you do not get to recite incantations "testiculis tactis" litany ... as if they were
Don Matteo asked them to say nothing to anyone, at least for that day. Would stop once night to sleep on the Tenchi to confirm what he had seen, and then he would talk with his superiors and the bishop.
The next night was that of St. John. Tenchi on all hell broke loose. The people of Cercivento looked up and prayed Fulgur et studded, repeated in an endless litany, liberainus domine. At some point in the plane of the witch kindled a huge bonfire. There was no doubt "thought everyone was the burning of Matthias Stavolo struck by lightning ...
aftermath unearthed from the rubble the remains of Father Matthew and the Pacific, found them side by side near the window. I wonder if they had revised the scene? I wonder if Don had seen Matt the Agan?
Whatever the case, where the first inhabitants of Cercivento had doubts whether or not to build the barns on Tenchi, after the story of the Pacific is, however, confirmed the belief that this was a haunted mountain.
until you get to this day, when nobody believes in anything and everyone sees only what suits them. Meanwhile the top of the Tenchi were placed repeater for phones and televisions. The usual environmentalists, at the time, had also objected, claiming that the magnetic fields were polluted in the grassy meadows. But since there was no one who was going to mow and collect the hay on Tenchi, protest trailed off just ahead of the needs progress. Were placed in the huge pylons, perhaps unattractive, but protected by powerful lightning rod that attracts all the lightning in the mountains. A
Cercivento it is argued that it was thanks to the sacrifice of Pacific and Father Matthew who, through their death have "averted" witches. A Sutrio where they are more secular, it is argued that the effect of the magnetic field that has driven the lightning. The fact is, that the witches on Tenchi no more. Sleeping on the mountain no longer fear anyone. Indeed, the first who have stayed, have reported beneficial effects. Males seem to feel beautiful in the recall of Agan and thus have the porformaces incredible. Those of Sutrio continue to say that it is only the effect of the magnetism of the lattice. Whatever the reason, it seems that Cercivento registers the highest birth rate in Carnia.
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