At that time, the time in which the meat was the land of meat, the mountains were populated by too many elves. They are fantastic! someone will say. But it is a truth. The Celts believed that it convivessereo together two worlds: the visible and invisible. The invisible is the world in another dimension in which they live those who have left their bodies in some cemetery on the Mount, but also many beautiful elves and Agan.
on a succession of small plateaus and peaks from the summit dell'Arvenis, slope toward the Tagliamento had settled the tribes of Leuchars, which is named today the City of Lauco, which covers all villages of the picturesque plateau, which juts out on Villa Santina. They occupied all the land where it was possible to graze their flocks, but the village of reference was higher than the current countries, was the village of chaise in the basin where today there are few houses in Tristchiamp. On the other side of the cut on the plains that slope of the Loaves and Valdir Col Gentile had settled the tribes of raves, which had its reference point in the village of Sorantri. The two tribes were in connection with a walkway through the cut at the village of Chiassis, who crossed to the other side the road that still connects with Raveo Muin. On this Chiassis link from a chaise, the Leuci had established a kind of transport service learning. For there were women who transferred to the baskets each day in the highlands of the products that women Sorantri brought down to the Tagliamento. The system was organized with a group of women carrying products from the current Chiassis Trava, another group from here to Tarlessa and then from there to the valley of the chaise.
not believe it! But it is history! Although it still has no book collection. To help were the Gans. They are the elves that help people in the mountains when they make a great effort. As John also tells in his book on Piella "Sbilfs" were crude and massive physique. Pectorals, biceps and calves well developed by the continuous exercise, gave it an Herculean strength. Of peaceful nature and especially helpful were great friends of the lumberjacks, the menàus. Helped them to unravel the dangerous tangle of wood which were formed in the narrows during rafting (Stue) or in releasing the logs that fit in the catch along the Risen (edges). Of the mountain. There being no
menàus between Leuchars, the Gans, accommodating as they were, had committed to helping women who are carriers. Helping in the effort to load the basket on his back, or in case of maximum gradient, were put behind them by helping to support the weight. Even them, as women were divided into teams, and every day at dawn they left the small cave called just Ciasa by Gans and reached the group of women who had to help.
In the group from the highlands down to the Tagliamento, at the time of our history, there was a beautiful girl with long blond hair behind his neck in two long braids, with two eyes of a blue so intense that it seemed the mirrors' Mount Arvenis blue sky sunny days of September. It was not great, but it was all so perfectly proportioned that looked like a doll, escaped from the hands of a great artist, and for whatever spell become a woman. Was almost impossible not to fall for her and in fact for his smile would make an eye on all the guys on the plateau. They did not mention that she also Gans, in the evening when they retired to their cave. Falling in love is normal, but Avaglio which was the most romantic of Gans, had a crush that he seemed to be unable to live without the girl's smile. He had followed him all the time, helped her carry the basket continuously and not only on the steepest hills. On the uphill climbs up to the present village square we put it all, he seemed to be able to lift the basket with the girl, then when it supported the basket on the appropriate perch beside him door of the house, was put in front of a begging smile ... But you all!
He lived a beautiful girl in a small house located where now is the village inn, on the road that had to travel several times a day in his work as a carrier. He had the advantage of being able to stop a moment to rest, take a drink of water. Avaglio followed her like a shadow. Every now and then with a click of the crossroads at you and smile with the hope of being returned. But she did nothing! Every moment with her since the first light from behind the mountain Damara, broke the black veil of night, until you turn the last blade of light behind the Dolomites Ovens ... In exchange for a smile, could ask her anything. But she did nothing! Not a smile but not a word addressed to him.
Nothing! She had a mouth that opened like a flower Genzianella at sunrise. For just a kiss, all the guys would have given the soul of the plateau, and she never even opened that bloom in pink, at least once to say "thanks" to the poor that were made in four Avaglio for her.
"doi You às dos stelis you are about, and about a bociute Bombon" murmured the inspiration for a day like all that Gan was also a romantic poet and end up making a phrase that would remain in history. But nothing!
"I bring you the edelweiss Arvenis the mountain? Want to fall in the ravines of Vinadia? I want to throw in the fire? For you I would go even to steal ... "The word made him come to the idea of \u200b\u200bextreme action, before which also beams would have to give way.
"Tomorrow, he said, I'll take the treasure of Gans," the Gans
In their cave houses a bronze pot full of gold coins. He was there from time immemorial. No one knew how he got there. Someone said it came from India, others from Egypt. Perhaps he had been brought by the Celts in the first migration from the east and somehow had ended up in the cave by the Cjase Gans. For those goblins coins had no value in itself. But that pot full of gold had become the symbol of their people, a sort of deity. Take it out of the cave, would be a sacrilege. Most of sacrilege. Here
luio was willing to do the most terrible sacrilege even to capture the beautiful beams!. He explained what was going to do for her, explained what was egregious action that was going to do, just to get his due. But she did nothing!
"Maybe not believe her! He thought it was a braggart! "
No! Avaglio was speaking!
While the others slept Gans tired, he took the cup with coins and went out into the night.
Looking at the starry sky, he thought that to sacrilege was doing. But he felt no remorse. He had with him the stolen gold in the cave! The coins he had in the pot were the stars who gathered for his sweetheart. He walked into the night on the trail crossing the plateau, but he seemed to star across the sky like a lawn, and then and there invented a different song, with which he thought was presented to Trava.
But when he arrived at the hut, she was not there. He knocked. He called. Made under the door and managed to enter, but she was not there. He shut himself in and began to wait. He spent the whole day and night came again, but she had not yet returned. Avaglio then realized that would not be tornata mai più. Con il suo gesto estremo invece di conquistarla l’aveva persa definitivamente. Chissà dove era andata pur di non vederlo mai più…
Il Gan innamorato si decise allora per il gesto veramente estremo. Si sarebbe lasciato morire nella casa di Trava, per poterla incontrare almeno nel mondo degli invisibili.
Scavò una buca in corrispondenza del focolare che c’era in mezzo alla capanna, e vi nascose il tesoro di monete d’or e si mise in attesa…
Quando dopo alcuni giorni al villaggio s’accorsero della scomparsa di Trava, forzarono la porta della capanna ma non trovarono nulla. La bella ragazza si era come volatilizzata…Dal momento che anche i Gans lamentavano la scomparsa di Avaglio, Trava ruled that the Druid had been transformed in spirit from the evil power of Gan in love with her that did not want to share with anyone ...
The hut remained empty for so long. Everyone was afraid of the spirit that hovered in the House of beams and kept it away ... Then with the passage of time, we forgot the story of the beautiful girl. The name of beams, the house passed to the whole village. Hidden treasure by Gan, nobody ever knew anything. Perhaps he is still in the ground where the hut once stood and where now stands the inn at Gan!
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