Sunday, January 27, 2008

What Is A Good Starter Business

The Decapitator.

as you know, we've been in London last year, it seems that a new jack the ripper has shouldered cartridge and razor and is terrorizing half city.
It is said that roams the night in the east side, surely nothing is as often happens with many c ereal killer. Only Dexter has a hand (the left hand of God) that drives him.
the Decapitator chooses victims seemingly at random: it seems to have a predilection for Gallinelle and poultry in general, and I, in the role of a butcher, I can not appreciate. decapitated chickens and poulterers (and here we WOULD BE good Mastella & Co.) but does not spare even young and carefree fancazziste bees.

I like what he is doing The Decapitator, its being mysterious (some sites talking about him but no one knows absolutely nothing at the moment, with him) and his professing a form of expression (if you call it art then someone I break) I like a lot, all as is often beyond the boundaries of my patri, with education and respect.

I realize this post you splatter a bit, be glad to invite you to visit another gallery, Filthyluker too English, too unbelievable.

you know, I did not mention a famous from sticking of posters and stencil artist "London's always just happened ...
from easy, finished well on the courier and his works are freely photographed and sold (if someone wants to give you one to hang in the room ...)
Have you figured out who it is?

(I have also invented a way for you to leave comments!)


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