Friday, January 18, 2008

How To Fix Cable Cords That Have Been Cut

The poet of the basket. The

( first draft)
Continuing to rummage among the papers of Floriano Piute from which I drew the story of sull'Agana Tarlessa, I found a chart that shows how even our Floriano knew the story of Gan Trava. But that it is false. Because according to him at the time that the story dates back dell'Agana had not yet been invented basket. I do not know what to say ... I tried to consult with leading experts in the history of Friuli, but nobody has been able to tell when was the discovery of the basket. Instead, my ancestor Piute, has no doubts: just at the time of dell'Agana Tarlessa, he says, just as mentioned in historical quale il paese di Trava si era diviso in due fazioni. Quelli di Trava di sopra si mantenevano fedeli alla religione celtica dei padri, quelli di Trava di sotto si erano invece lasciati convincere dai predicatori del cristianesimo. Quelli di sopra continuavano a onorare Beleno nel tempio ove sorge la Chiesa della Madonna, quelli di sotto avevano cominciato ad andare a Messa nella chiesa che si erano costruiti al centro del paese. Avvenne in quei tempi che fu mandato a Trava un prete che odiava le donne. Era di una misoginia patologica. Quando parlava delle donne sembrava il diavolo che parla dell’acqua santa. E’ ora di finirla, diceva di trattarle come fossero delle fate. Sono streghe, messe al mondo dal diavolo per farci finire all'inferno!. Un vero cristiano le must submit, as St Paul says. They must be, do not you men, to make hard wearing weights on your shoulder, around the mountains.
This reasoning took hold immediately, and maybe that was favored, conversions and development of Christianity on the Plateau Lauco.
Until then ... and this is where we get the second Piute falsity of the story of Gan, were the men to come to bear. The Celts in fact, said Floriano, had a great respect for women. As you could see in nature, so do their wives considered. The sources for them were populated by fairies water, the Agana. From a fairy vulva of rock the water flows, as from the womb fairy of a woman's life gushes, sang their poets. After all their women were blonde and very beautiful, but also small and thin, they could not carry heavy weights. That was the normal plateau of Lauco meet a couple formed by a male with his back full of stuff, accompanied by a woman who kept him company without taking anything. Like today may be normal to meet a couple formed by a woman bent under the weight of a large basket, accompanied by her husband who does not wear anything. What times! ...
Males of the Celts, however, did not yet know the basket, used as a means of transport a sort of rudimentary back that reminds "CRAME" of Cramars, or "thread" which is still used in some countries. A rudimentary short sling to which they could tie things to carry.
To return to our story, however, to hear screaming from the pulpit that the priest would have finished in hell if you do not treat women like beasts of burden, all men were more than happy to go with their wives the task of bringing the their "CRAME", and as I said the conversions to Christianity grew exponentially. A
Trava lived in those times such a Sclisizzo James, (name still very common on the plateau) that obeyed the priest not to go to hell, but at the same time he felt he had lost all the poetry of women, to see it bent under the weight of that ugly contraption that was "CRAME" .. All right religion! He said, but also the eye wants its part, the aesthetic must have its weight ... And so it was invented for women with a tool such as the elegant basket.
James, who took the nickname "the Jacumã geis", cut in autumn "in a good moon" a few plants of stone, brought her into the stable to heat because it softens the beasts. The first day of snow, set to work. After scraping the bark with a knife taken to affect the plant's core. Then bending it, and by force against the knee, it falls apart. Si stacca dal resto la parte di pianta cresciuta nell’ultimo anno, formando una striscia di legno molto flessibile. In friulano una "sclese" o una "sclèndare". Da qui pare sia derivato il cognome di Sclisizzo. il "poeta che faceva le sclese". Dopo aver impostato la gerla con la base di legno e lo scheletro fatto con le bacchette di vimini, si intrecciano le strisce di nocciolo e si forma l’elegante contenitore che ha preso il nome di gerla. Se ne possono fare di ogni tipo, per ogni circostanza: per portare la dote delle spose, o per portare il letame dalle stalle nei prati e nei campi, più grandi per portare il fogliame, o più piccole e resistenti per portare i sassi per costruire la casa.
Fu così che iniziò la storia of the basket, and women with the basket. To learn more, go to
For me, I do not know if it went really well, because this version, as I have said is contrary with that of Gan beams. Unless there have also been an evolution in the time of the Celts. It may be that the story and that of Gans are dell'Agana past thousand years. And it can happen in a thousand years of things ... It could be that the Celts also beginning they used women as bearers, and that in later centuries, these have been emancipated and have subjected the men to act as porters ... It took the cristianesimo a rimettere le cose a posto portando le donne ad essere nuovamente sottomesse… La teoria potrebbe trovare una conferma nel fatto che anche ai tempi nostri al diminuire del peso del cristianesimo, fa riscontro l’aumento del ruolo e del peso delle donne nella società! ...
D’altra parte che ci possano essere stati dei cambiamenti sul ruolo della donna nei secoli è fuori discussione. Basti vedere i cambiamenti che genera una donna nel breve spazio della vita di un uomo. Scrive infatti il poeta che quando sono giovani sono come farfalle, e i giovani le rincorrono per portarsele a casa. Ma quando si sono accasate, come per magia si trasformano in croci, sempre più pesanti, al passare degli anni…e la farfalla che hai struggled to chase, is a cross from which you can not disconnect "until death do you divide." So at least now continues to thunder from the pulpit the priest Lauco when he finds the time to say Mass even Trava ...
will historians to reconstruct how things really went! However there is some truth in the story of Piute is demonstrated by the fact that Trava has remained a passion to build the baskets. Every Friday, the congregation meets in the schools of the poets of the baskets to teach young people to repeat the actions from which comes the basket. The poets describe how the wood is something that lives, that you must know how to take, knowing it to understand, to make it work as desired. E ti pare di sentire ancora un Druido dei Celti che parla di come tutto in natura ha una vita, una voce, di come si possa sentire il respiro del bosco, ma anche il differente respiro di ogni pianta, dell'erba, dei fiori...


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