Lake Monte Cucco. From Il bèc d’àur (il caprone d’oro).
La valle del Chiarsò nella quale sorge il Comune di Paularo viene chiamata anche valle di Incaroio. Un nome anche questo probabilmente storpiato nella traduzione dal carnico. Il termine locale Cjaròi infatti, doveva semmai venir tradotto con Caroio. Ma la frase andare “in Cjaròi” per significare l’andare nella valle del Cjaroi, credo alla fine abbia dato luogo alla storpiatura per cui oggi ci troviamo a parlare della valle d’Incarojo invece che di quella del Caròio. Ma comunque la si voglia chiamare la valle di Paularo, l’etimo di Cjaròi nella parlata locale è clear of Celtic.
The indirect confirmation comes from the fact that none have been found downstream of Carnia evident traces of the Celts as this, especially with the discovery of the cemetery Celtic Misincinis. E 'is logical that in the oral tradition of this valley there are many legends that refer to the period erspressamente celitco. Among these, the most famous is undoubtedly that of Bec d'Aur (Golden Goat) which tells the Valley and Rivalpo. Even
of this legend is not a single version, there are different variations that nevertheless agree on some elements. The common element is that the highlands of the mountain in the right half of Chiarsò were once inhabited by pagans. And 'the name by which the Roman conquerors Christian, called the last remnants of the Celtic clan, who continued to live their culture and their religion isolated mountains. In many areas of the meat we are the caves known as the Pagans or Salvàns, in memory of the last groups of pagans or wild men of the woods who lived here. Only in the valley of Cjaròi however, tell of the legends specifically refer to these people.
It is said therefore that Rivalpo Valley over the country, in places Chiaserualis was a village which you can still see the ruins, inhabited by pagans. A village stood in the same plateaus Pornescis, sopra il paese di Cleulis al di là del rio di Valle. Quello di Cjaserualis era il villaggio celtico più importante della valle perchè oltre al solito villaggio con le case dai tetti di paglia, aveva un grande castello. Già questo fatto sarebbe stato sufficiente a distinguerlo dagli altri villaggi, ma il fatto straordinario era che il castello non era stato costruito da mani umane, e che non vi abitavano degli umani. Era stato portato lì da non si sa dove, da essere ultraterreni... Un po’ come si racconta per la casa di Nazareth portata dagli angeli a Loreto. Vi abitava un caprone d’oro, o rivestito d’oro. Qui i racconti si differenziano. Secondo quelli di Valle che sono più portati ad esagerare il Bèc era proprio interamente fatto di oro, secondo quelli di Rivalpo, più realisti il caprone era un vero animale, con il pelo fatto di fili di oro. Che tra le due borgate ci siano due versioni diverse, risulta più che naturale, se si pensa che neppure sul nome della località hanno la stessa versione, ciò che a valle è Cjarsovalas a Rivalpo diventa Cjarasualas. Per non far torto nè agli uni nè agli altri, nel raccontò userò d’ora in poi il termine di Chiaserolis, usato dal Lazzarini che all’inizio del secolo scorso è stato il primo a studiare i resti del villaggio.
Comunque, lasciando perdere la disputa sul nome, nel merito a me onestamente (non me ne abbiano quelli di Valle!) sembrerebbe più credibile l’idea di un animale con il manto d’oro. Se così fosse gli studiosi troverebbero un interessante spunto di ricerca per provare a capire come sia possibile che in una valle della Carnia, si sia diffuso lo stesso mito del vello d’oro che secondo la mitologia greca si trovava nella Colchide, nell’attuale Asia Minore, e che fu rapito da Giasone e Medea. Un collegamento che intriga anche uno come me che, pur non potendosi considerare uno studioso della materia, non può dimentica d’essersi laureato con una tesi proprio sulla tragedia di Medea.
Guarda il caso! Studiare all’Università il mito di Medea che rapisce il vello d’oro, per poi ritrovarsi da vecchio sui monti della Carnia, con lo stesso mito!...
Perchè, caso vuole, che anche la leggenda della valle del Cjaròi si sviluppi sul tema del rapimento del vello d’oro, o del bèc fatto d’oro. Comunque, anche per quelli di Valle che lo credevano fatto d’oro, il bec non era una semplice statua, ma un essere soprannaturale vero e proprio. Tutte le tradizioni orali convengono sul fatto che si trattava di un essere straordinario che proteggeva i Pagàns, privilegiando come è evidente quelli del villaggio dove risiedeva. Aveva una particolare virtù, si diceva che favorisse la fecondazione delle donne...Forse era soltanto una diceria, ma sta di fatto che tutte le famiglie di Cjarsevualis avevano nove o dieci figli, mentre la gran parte delle donne di Pronescis non avevano figli. If he had not reversed the trend was in danger the survival of the village, so those of Pronescis (Desperate times call for extreme remedies!) Got the idea to kidnap the Bec d'Aur, to bring in their own village.
In greek myth Medea accompanied by the Argonauts moved to kidnap the golden fleece guarded by Creon. Those of Pornescis moved en masse, men and women, with every weapon at their disposal, led by their Druid. They crossed the river valley at night to take by surprise in their sleep those Chiarsevualis. But those were the Bec d'aur Chiarsevualis that what was to be supernatural, he sensed danger and began to play wildly in the night the bell which, from the highest tower of the castle, usually played at dawn and when the first shadows of sunset stretched across the valley. The Druid who had visited the castle to ask the reason of quell'allarme, was informed of the danger they were running the village and immediately organized an expedition that took steps to stop those Pornescis before they could bring to the huts used as house to burn ....
according to a version where the fight took place today stands the hut of Albareit low, which takes its name from the white that you could see even from a great distance today, where they lie the pastures of the hut, which was given from the bones of the dead bodies of the carnage in cui era finita la battaglia. . Secondo un’altra versione invece lo scontro avvenne sui prati di malga Plombs e mentre “nel castello il Bec d'Aur assisteva allo scontro fra i Pagans l'ira crebbe in lui. Come potevano quei miseri uomini pretendere di trattare un dio come se fosse qualcosa di loro proprietà? Così il Bec d'Aur si animò ed uscì dal castello per punire la presunzione degli uomini. Corse verso il crêt che sovrastava Cjaserualis, e con i colpi delle sue potenti corna fece saltare in frantumi la roccia, questa franò improvvisamente con un enorme boato, e precipitò sul campo di battaglia uccidendo gran parte dei Pagans impegnati nello scontro. Anche il castello fu travolto e distrutto in un solo istante, con tutte the walls which had challenged the centuries intact.
to me, I confess, this second version is not convincing ... The hut Plombs and the crack that would be formed for the wrath of the b and c, which has shattered the mountain, is located beyond the village of Chiaserolis Coming from Pronescis. If this really should be the source of the crack, that is the anger of the Bec d'Aur for the war between the Pagans, it must be assumed that there was another assault on Chiaserolis by inhabitants of the village located on the plateau Ciagnòn above the present town of Cabia. With those of the inhabitants of Ciagnon Cjarsevalis, they could meet halfway around Suart, and there the Bec d'aur could shatter the rock, giving rise to the clay Plombs still visible, but not with those who were Pronescis the other side ...
If the Gospels are four different versions of how the Apostles have discovered that Jesus was resurrected, is not surprising that there are uncertainties about how the war is over and Chiaserolis Pronescis ... The only thing certain is that in addition there is a hut Plombs crevasse that would be formed following the horns of the Bec d'Aur.
"Believe it or leave it, my grandfather used to say. All agree however on the last part of the legend in which he tells how after this fratricidal battle, the few survivors scattered in the mountains of Carnia, in woods and caves, so much so that mothers threaten their children by telling them more restless "Cjale vegnin that the Pagans, and if you puartin no way you fas the BRAF (be careful that the pagans and you away if you're good) .. The Bec d'Aur
offended by what they had done the Pagans did not return for men and still roams the mountains without anyone could ever meet. Walking left deep imprints in the ground and where it stops to rest its shape is marked on the grass scorched by the power that emanates from his body. Each time the mountaineers are these tracks and know that they are those of the Bec d'Aur who once lived in the castle of Cjaserualis.
To confirm that these are not a true story and a legend of the inhabitants of the Valley is that of Rivalpo are agreed that, in Rio Plombs, so it is called the first stretch of the river Then, a tributary of Chiarsò, was found The bell from the tower of the castle, the alarm sounded in the famous night of the fight. It can still be seen in the church of S. Martino. It 's the bronze bell on the door of the sacristy in the church entrance that warns of the priest, for the start of religious services.
Here, however, the witness of this bell, the story ended with the Bec d'Aur scattered no one knows where the mountains of Carnia. It would be so even finished my story, if I had met by chance at the Rivalpo Sepe. that he knew of stories galore. It was an old age undefinable. Very small, with the face that resembled a skull on which it had dried up the skin as seen in the mummies of Venzone. His body was that of a ten year old girl, had also been shrunken and stooped with age, so it seemed even smaller. Not a woman, but one of the "little guys" that according to legend she was telling, they lived in before Carnia of meat. He lived in a hut above the village, which seemed made to his measure. Upon entering, even to me who also are not high, it was instinctive to lower his head to avoid the risk of nock in the ceiling.
I had brought a bottle of brandy as a gift because they told me that she liked and that the facilitation in the story. She opened drank a few sips barrel. But not yet decided to answer my question about what he knew about the Bec d'Aur and kept me on tenterhooks for more than a quarter of an hour. Then, finally, as if the brandy had managed to free it of holding a lump in my throat: "It's nothing to the legend of the abduction of Bec, who already know," he began, "comparing his entourage."
"What next?" Incalzai the curious. He brought out to tell me that it is not true that the Bec d'Aur has left the Valley and Rivalpo, and called me the explanation why in his small house could be seen constantly visiting young couples. According to what I was told Sepe, the Bec d'Aur Chiaserolis still lives in the size of the invisible, and still has all his powers in helping women to bear children. He reported that a number of cases of young couples who for years had no children, who had tried to consult the leading specialists in gynecology with no result, and that following his advice had gone to make love in the forest between Chiaserolis remains of the village, drinking water from the river Plombs and invariably after nine months had come to thank accompanied by tears of a child in swaddling clothes.
"But one day just to make love in Chiaserolis?" In spite of myself I had to stop it surprised, "to solve all the problems of artificial insemination, or heterologous! Can you imagine we would have crowds of people from all over the world! "
" I do not know what these inseminations "estrologhe," I replied her undeterred and beaten "and I would not even stand that people in droves to the Valley accorresse Rivalpo I I just told you how things are ... "
" But because you have no recourse to the fertilization of the Bec d'Aur? " la provocai allora, sapendo che non aveva avuto figli. Mi vergognai di me stesso, per la battuta infelice. Ma oramai m’era uscita di bocca. Lei non parve particolarmente offesa, mi rispose tranquillamente che il Bec d’aur non è lo Spirito santo, ci vuole comunque un uomo, perchè la sua l’influenza abbia effetto, e lei era invece come Maria Vergine che per tutta la vita non aveva conosciuto uomo.
Quasi a chiedere scusa per la mia impertinenza, dimostrando interesse per il racconto le chiesi se bastava una visita a Chiaserolis per godere del miracolo. “No!” mi rispose precisa e convinta, guardandomi fisso negli occhi, quasi a sfidare la mia incredulità. Si deve tornare per quindici giorni di seguito. E dopo aver made love to the woman must drink water to ferruginous spring which is located under the "ciampùs" small fields, which are nothing more than the tombs of the cemetery of the Celts ...
Adding to the legend that Sepe was running, I had confirmed the idea that the Bec d'Aur was the most important laws of the meat, which in some way linked to the Celtic culture in Greek. Therefore wished to hear about the opinion of Dalco Diver, the author has managed to invent a story about a stay in Carnia antiquity of that Pythagoras.
I found him rummaging in the countryside behind the houses in the village of Misincinis, per trovare conferma d’una sua teoria nella quale la leggenda del Bec d’àur aveva un riferimento di assoluto rilievo. “Scusi,” gli chiesi a bruciapelo, “lei che ha persino immaginato Pitagora tra queste montagne cosa mi dice d’una possibile relazione tra le leggende del Bèc d’Aur a Valle Rivalpo e del Vello d’Oro in Grecia?”. All’udire la mia domanda, si fermò di scatto, come se qualcosa l’avesse ferito. Aveva in mano una punta di freccia e prese a pulirla. Puliva la freccia e mi parlava, come se la sua attenzione fosse rivolta alla freccia e non alle parole che mi diceva.
“Lei è più intelligente di quanto può sembrare!” iniziò. Non I said and I do not offended because I knew that to speak with him you had to suffer the attacks of his originality and let him speak, leaving from the recorder. Affected by his words, a rant than a story, I thought it was crazy to come to give as the architect of his novel about the Celts. However, without assuming any responsibility, just for the record, I think it right to report what he said.
to him, in pre-Roman times the link between Greece el'Altoadriatico was normal. For connection to the salt mines of Halstatt and Bavaria, he preferred the sea link, easier than the difficulties that would have involved crossing foot of the Balkan Peninsula. He then went back over and then that of Tiliaventus Chiarsò and crossed the Alps with the step of Meledis. If we agree on this theory is clearly important that from the earliest antiquity had Cjaròi the valley, the valley of rest before traveling through the Alps along with meats why they settled in the valley of the Greek colonies, and between these, the most famous was the one who settled on the plateau at the foot of Mount Tersadia. Although this name has been mangled. Thessaly was called in those days, a reminder of the region of Greece from which the settlers had arrived, and the level of Chiaserolis is the same story of Medea!
"This then," I could not help but exclaim with the exclamation closed recorder, thinking that the party I had drunk the brain.
But then thinking back to what I said, the recorder is off, I repent of having done so. I was able to document at least the fantasy of unlimited Diver ...
He took me to think about the fact that the houses in the village had a rectangular base, while Celtic, as one can see the mountain in Raveo Sorantri are round. And this, according to him was sufficient evidence that the village was not Celtic.
I remembered how in the Greek legend it is said that Medea and Jason returned from Colchis, points Jupiter, lost the route and end up Adriatic and then up through the Po and the Rhone reach Liguria and Sardinia, and then finally the Monte Circeo, to purify themselves from the sorceress Circe. According to Diver transcribers do not know the geography made a mistake the georeferencing. In fact, the river routes, coming from the Adriatic, and it is precisely the Tiliaventus Cjaròi, and the sorceress Circe lived in the lake which was at that time on top of the mountain just across the Tersadia Cucco. There were purified Jason and Medea the sorceress Circe who had committed the murders, and in gratitude, they left the inhabitants of Chiaserolis who had hosted a small piece of the Golden Fleece who had the power to promote fertility women but also animals and all nature.
When you leave take the imagination and mixes love for your country, you end up imagining his country at the center of the world. In this perspective one can understand the reconstruction fantastic Diver. Although, to tell the truth, I also found some response in the stories that made me Sepe linked to the mountains of Valle Rivalpo.
She in fact told me that there was a lake on Mount Cucco. The mountain was a volcano, as there are others in the world, where the crater was filled with water to form a lake. Then as a result of an earthquake had broken one side of the bank and the water rushed taking behind the mountain, giving rise to the crevices of the Lander, and finally overthrew the Roman municipium Iulium Carnicum. Sepe also told me that on the lake of Mount Cucco, lies a fairy who occasionally went out to sunbathe as they do now large colonies of marmots that inhabit the valley in which stood the lake. A fairy who appears to have fallen in the form of an angel to warn people of impending danger of Zuglio. But even then, as now you do not believe in fairies, nor angels, nor, so when the wave of the lake rushed to the country destroyed homes and swept all the inhabitants, as recently happened to Longarone overwhelmed by ' wave of the artificial lake Vajont invaded by a huge landslide.
remains the problem of explaining how the term Circe has been mangled to become Cucco, but if Cjaròi Incaroio and become everything is theoretically possible ...