" Pain is pain, if he is silent "
(G. Pascoli)
(G. Pascoli)
Well yes: agree with the "Journal" .
The Daily Via Negri is the only one of the top 10 newspapers in Italian generals do not open - today, Sunday, Feb. 27 - With the news of the discovery of the corpse of Yara Gambirasio , the little girl mysteriously disappeared three months ago in Bergamo.
Sure, I admit that the interview with Cardinal Bagnasco el'editoriale-river Giuliano Ferrara - which cover almost the entire first page of the "Journal" - to deter the most to venture beyond reading the newspaper. But rather than put up with yet another tragedy pornographic or view the photo naked opponent to turn the master (that Silvio Berlusconi), this and more!
So, at least for now, let's narrow the acute reflections of national giulianone - which reminds us that the great mistake of Napolitano was to contribute to ' abolition of parliamentary immunity - and admire in silence the stunts with which lexical Cardinal Bagnasco riesce a dimostrarci come i macroscopici ed inquietanti risvolti politici, etici, giudiziari ed istituzionali del caso Ruby, in realtà, altro non siano che la dimostrazione di una “ fibrillazione politica ed istituzionale che non avvantaggia la società e rischia di creare un clima avvelenato che rende insicuri e, alla lunga, intolleranti ”. Guai!
Sorvoliamo, dunque, sull’ incredibile intreccio orgiastico tra potere e informazione per cui accade che il direttore di un giornale posseduto dalla (ex)moglie dell’attuale Presidente del Consiglio (Giuliano Ferrara. Il direttore, non la moglie eh…) scriva un editoriale sul giornale (il Giornale) del brother of the Prime Minister (Paul Berlusconi) to defend the prime minister, whose government, however, he (Giuliano Ferrara) was minister from 1994 to 1995. We forget that in a few weeks of that space may Ferrara politician who served as an in-depth Enzo Biagi.
Arrendiamoci willingly even to the idea that the mere fact of a religious institution represent a legacy to those who represent it - in this case Cardinal Bagnasco - virtually unlimited powers in any context, such as to ensure eminence in office spaces almost unlimited in the national media and has enabled him to express freewheeling , un giorno si e l’altro pure, su tutto lo scibile umano (dal federalismo alle rivoluzioni in nordafrica).
Tutto, pur di risparmiarsi l’ennesima manifestazione di quel voyeurismo morboso del delitto che è ormai diventato un genere informativo di successo in un’Italia in cui ci sarebbe ben altro di cui occuparsi. Colpa dei media? Anche. Dei cittadini? Soprattutto.
Se è infatti vero che giornali e televisioni (anche il tg la7, ahimè) dimostrano di anteporre esigenze puramente commerciali ai propri dettami deontologici, che la delicatezza della professione giornalistica imporrebbe di rispettare in modo molto più rigoroso, è anche vero che il pubblico dimostra very fond of these stories of crime, which have nothing to do with the public interest . Even more serious, this passion comes from the need more - typical of the average - to indulge her own nature by viewer sofa, beer and remote control " not by a desire to try, once in a while, a healthy sense of human solidarity, become so anachronistic.
And the tragedy with implications macabre and dark - diluted, as in the most squalid of sit-com, in comfortable and exciting episodes - lends itself perfectly to this type of spectacularized representation: it combines the pathos of waiting for new revelations (the discovery of the corpse, on the murder weapon, the motive, murder) to the pornography of pain. What is nourished by the tears that wash their faces torn by the pain of family and friends of the victim. The one that feeds more gory details on the methods used by the executioner. What ingurgita obsessively all the details on the conditions of the tortured body of murderous madness.
And so, between the inevitable pilgrimage on the scene - now built a place of worship where the followers of the god-tv can carve out their own minutes celebrity - the testimony of friends and family who ensure that the victim "was a good person" - as if to say: "the murderess otherwise would not have had a point" - and moved the memory of the pastor in turn, decreases the curtain, ready to reopen as soon as the investigation ol'autopsia provide new material which satisfy the hunger of the tragedy of bulimia.
background dramatic stories that remain in silence .
are those that take place away from the media spotlight: in prisons, in the corridors of police headquarters, on the cold benches in parks and railway stations, barracks in the suburbs, building sites, water shake that separate Africa from Sicily.
stories that become dead numbers. Stories that should be told and reported to prevent recurrence. Stories that, probably, few listen with the same attention.
Stories that, therefore, are ignored.
It's the market, baby.
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