Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Stomach Flu Going Around Az

in his underwear, but free?

Article written for friends of Bread & Politics ( http://www.panepolitica.itwww.panepolitica.it/ ), a portal dedicated to the communication and the political marketing. Let us jump truly deserves!

The flesh is weak, the man well: between betrayals, clandestine affairs and escapades more or less normal, the history of Western politics saw the thread of life of the public were frequently intertwined with the private story of sex and love their leaders, creating a tangle that threatened to score - and, at times, he scored - the political fate of the protagonists and their home countries. From the love affair between

Cleopatra and Anthony - whose infidelity against the sister of Octavian caused the reaction Triumvir of the Roman Empire and military - to the non-recognition by the Catholic Church the marriage of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn - real casus belli of the Anglican schism -, there are many historical examples of this dangerous overlap between public and private.
Why, then, unspeakable love, betrayal and sex scandals are of a stir in public opinion that threatens the political survival of the characters involved? What not to tread on the turf in the minefield of politics?
To understand this we must distinguish between the various possible manifestations of the sex scandal and analyze, from time to time, major political repercussions, operando una sorta di fenomenologia del sexy-gate .

Una prima manifestazione del fenomeno è la relazione extraconiugale , evocatrice della dimensione nobile e romantica del sentimento, della passione e, talvolta, dell’amore. Dall’appassionata e tragica relazione tra Claretta Petacci e Mussolini , alla love story tra Marilyn e i Kennedy (JFK prima e Robert poi), fino alla segretissima relazione di Mitterand con Anne Pingeot , da cui nacque la piccola Mazarine, la relazione extraconiugale risulta il genere di sexy-gate più “frequentato” dai politici del ‘900. Addirittura, si dice che Mitterand, nel tentativo di nascondere the identity of an illegitimate child, he delivered a small white coffin in front of the house of Jean Hallier, writer new father who threatened to expose the shameful secret presidential.
Why so scared? Why is infidelity, as well as being a possible source of instability private life of a leader who threatens to adversely affect their political action is a violation and betrayal of that bond of trust - in this case between the person concerned and his wife - who, from time to time, may reflect negatively on the relationship of trust between politicians and voters, undermining the foundations.

A second manifestation of the gate-sexy about the sex scandal in the strict sense . In this case, the size sinful and Boccaccio's "under the sheets" to take center stage, revealing the weaknesses and (unexpected) and the sexual habits of the powerful will for ever, more than they can make dozens of campaigns ad hoc, the image of public-policy.
Although the "vice" brings together several generations of politicians (unforgettable, for example, the wrath of the wife of Crispi that, in a furious letter to the secretary of her husband, asking him to "cease to bring sluts to the President "), in recent years, also because of the growing media interest in the private lives of political sex scandals become public knowledge has increased.
They add to the danger of a possible breaking of the bond of trust with the electorate - the same Clinton was saved only because, technically, not lied to the nation - the threat to make the policy inconsistent with the positions previously incurred.
Republican Senator Larry Craig of Idaho , for example, was forced to resign after he tried to have sex with an undercover policeman in a public bathroom. He was a fierce opponent of the marriages gay.
These scandals also raise awareness "puritanical" in regard to sins of the flesh are unable to wake from the state of drowsiness that generally in a gripping moment, showing a sudden and pugnacious combative. Enough to force the resignation of the politician involved in the sex scandal, as happened with the Finnish Foreign Minister Ilkka Kanerva in March 2008, when the contents of "hot" of the 200 text messages were sent to a stripper to the surface. Finally there is the

sex scandal, assuming criminal law, represents a personal threat - is in fact at risk the freedom physical individual - for the politician involved.
A recent example concerns the Israeli President Moshe Katsav , autosospesosi after being charged with, among other things, rape.

Bacchettoni, morals, or simply a desire for more consistency and fairness on the part of politicians, voters, therefore, show some sensitivity to sexual-political scandal, making him a real threat for representatives of the institutions. Who, by virtue of the consequent need to conceal the unmentionable, that arise in blackmail condition representing the common denominator of three different manifestations of the sexy-gate.

The case is bringing Ruby to Berlusconi just seen all the possible threats: compromise of the bond of trust with voters, inconsistent with their political positions, immorality, blackmail and criminal implications.
The fact that the Premier, surveys show they have not been affected in terms of electoral support, is already a great victory .

for him.


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