Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Symptoms Of Kiddy Stones

yet (something) moves

" Then they came for me, and it was no one left to speak out ..."
(Martin Niemhöller)

"Because the woman is not heaven and earth". It 's almost dark when, on the lines of "Ballad of Women", a square castle still pretty crowded dissolves into a long and exciting applause full of dignity. to thousands of women , young and old, which by early afternoon, white scarf around his neck, invaded the center of Milan, Via Dante in Largo Cairoli, to the foot of the Castello Sforzesco. But also that of many men , convinced that the battle for the respect of the body and figure of the woman should be fought on the ground cultural more than on the gender issue.

And so, in Milan of the intangible asset, a short walk from the triangle of fashion, the verses of the late Edoardo Sanguinetti are charged with more meaning in a voice choked with emotion Ottavia Piccolo, accompanied by respectful silence of the square. A square
that during the three hours of the event knows excited, listen, be heard - to cries of "shame" and "resign" - and be noticed, as when the waving of thousands of white scarves the color 'dreary Sunday in Milan, giving a glance from chills.

Other shocks coming from the stage, where a brilliant Teresa Mannino accompanies the activities of the various guests, expressions of civil society that today - with very few exceptions - took to the streets trimmed with flags of the party and wrapped in the flag. Among other Franca Rame, Gad Lerner, Massimo Cirri, Dario For and a representative of the prison notes, which, in a letter, shows how they sound mocking, the ears of the prisoners, giving money to the Premier unspecified "persons in difficulty. "

mocking are also a number of posters, banners and banners emerging with difficulty from the stream of people - there some say sixty thousand, one hundred thousand people who actually - who filled in an extraordinarily peaceful and composed of the square.
There are those (self-) ironic - that phenomenal reading "Silvio , 'm pregnant!" - The most explicitly feminist - " free to act, capable of reacting " - and the most forcaioli, addressed to the President of Council - " in jail!" - to confirm the multiplicity and diversity of entries in the square. A diversity in social, political and generational you notice the little things: a keffiyeh crumpled next to a soft silk scarf, stylish heels next to a trendy "dancer", a "nail" the rebel side in a warm double-breasted. But you see disappear in the kiss on the forehead with an elegant and old teacher in Milan salutes his old pupil, now father and ask him to give of yourself. Or when one great voice rises from the square to the tune of "Scandal" by Gianna Nannini and the repartee between the stage and the audience " If not now, when? - Now! . A voice that reaches in Largo Cairoli, where the enthusiasm of the crowd came to lapped the statue of Garibaldi, a symbol of that ' Unit that Italy, at least today, seems to have found.
data on turnout in the streets, who come from all over Italy, are indeed impressive. The organizers, from the stage, they read the general euphoria: one hundred thousand in Rome and Naples, fifty thousand in Turin, Bologna twenty thousand, ten thousand in Palermo and in many other Italian and foreign cities, from London to Hawaii. At the end of the day will be even one million worldwide .

And so, to the tune of "Hello Beautiful " adapted from Modena City Ramblers, Milan melts into a liberating dance, found those 'soul Resistance the square, with its thousand voices, now has wanted to enrich with new meanings: resistance to cultural degradation, resistance adrift of a power system often misogynistic and sprawling.
Above all, resistance to the idea that the meaning and scope of this major event can be impoverished by their interpretation in moralistic, which distorts the real nature

that of a genuine and spontaneous motion of charged culture.


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