There are days when you get up with the best intentions. Despite your children's cough, despite antibiotics Amelia and your tummy virus. Games
a bit 'with Hector in the bed, cuddling Amelia, come down for breakfast. Pull out the butter to make cookies later. Eat breakfast calmly, for once. There is only one detail that
I worried a bit ': the Bigia behaves oddly, as if there was a mouse under the kitchen cabinets. Telephones your mom, ask her if you think you have to worry about and she, knowing the Bigia, says absolutely not, I figured. At that moment
Amelia, on the couch in the living room, screamed: is seeing a mouse that walks around the room. You think that suggestion, and instead there is the mouse. Nights in Rodanthe
send the children upstairs, close all doors as possible, move all the furniture and shelves in which the rat could infrattarsi. And the mouse is infratta under the piano.
call your husband, door to ask if you can just glue from the dairy.
You get all the cats you can find in the yard, even those that are not yours. Do not care about the mouse, just you and you give importance Bigia (which already would be humiliating).
you added in the Bigia. He goes out once and she does not see it. But he sees you and comes back inside.
comes out again, this time the Bigia sees it and if you let get away. He comes back under the piano.
After an hour of this brought her, you decide to take matters in hand: Take a long, flat aluminum profiles and Ravana under the piano (you have no idea how much stuff can lurk under an upright piano? Here). The mouse comes out, right in front of Bigia is left petrified. Then a blow with the soft section, and then another, until you're sure he's dead. Throw it fuori, per la gioia dei gatti del cortile. Hai sporcato un po' di sangue, pulisci il profilato e il pavimento.
Chiami i bambini per dire che possono scendere, metti a posto tutto ciò che hai spostato, passi l'aspirapolvere perché hai tirato fuori lo sporco dei secoli. Ti fanno male le spalle e il collo, ora che ti stai rilassando.
Chiami tua madre, per rassicurarla e farti due risate. Chiami tuo marito, per dirgli che la colla non serve più perché il topo hai provveduto ad eliminarlo con le tue mani.
Lui dice: "Sei grande".
Dovevo ammazzare un topo per sentirmelo dire.
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