Monday, January 31, 2011

Skate Sharpening Machine For Sale

Another market

Poco prima di Natale, ho comprato su eBay alcuni albi della Marvel: si tratta della trasposizione a comic stories of Anita Blake .
These rolls of thin plates 22, made very little type of coated paper TV guide, which cost more or less like a Bonelli and out on a monthly basis. This means that an American reader, faced with the same cost of a fan of Dampyr, reads about a fifth. Otherwise it can arm themselves with patience and holy buy the entire volume completed and published, the modest sum of $ 35 for 320 pages (think about it, the next time we complain of a graphic novel than 6 €).
If we count only one chapter of 120 pages costs about $ 20, exactly the same as a volume of Age of Bronze , beh, direi che mi sono spiegata.
Fin qui, non avrei nulla da obiettare: la storia di Anita Blake è tosta e originale. Non la solita storia d'amore tra il vampiro romantico e l'umana. Non la classica storia d'avventura in cui la fanciulla si fa salvare dal cavaliere di turno. Adoro il suo strano legame con Edward , che mi ricorda molto il modo in cui ho impostato il rapporto tra Viola e Stefan. Mi fa molto ridere il modo in cui tratta Jean-Claude , da cui è attratta ma che considera poco più che un vampiro sociopatico.
Insomma, Anita Blake è un giocattolone divertente, almeno fino al nono romanzo. Più in là non ho letto, ma, visti i riassunti degli sviluppi successivi, temo that we are degenerating.
So I am not surprised that the author of Anita is trying to exploit it in every way: I'd do the same, if only for the satisfaction of seeing my novels are transposed into comics or TV series.
What amazes and irritates me is the context in which this develops. First of all, the books from newsstands are full of advertisements: 10 pages out of 22 tables. And we're not talking about the advertising of Mickey Mouse, placed between a story and the other: here the advertising is very intrusive and unpleasant. Especially since the book does not give it to you.
addition, the type of advertising irritates me and at the same time it seems to me misleading: it is of other products or Marvel (and here I would also) and toys like Big Jim engaged in wrestling or advertising in the U.S. Army. But then who are we addressing? Anita Blake - the novel is read mostly by women, it is assumed that comics are for kids? It's just mental laziness or a conscious attempt to broaden its target? And how do you reconcile the mark "Adult content" with toys? And how do you reconcile the toys with the army?
I'm not writing this to say that the Italian comic book publishers are more accurate and sensitive to the quality or to denigrate the American public.
It's just that, long ago, there was a debate on the net: e-books may contain advertising? If so, this should lower the cost? There can be either e-book full of free advertising and e-book fee but virgins?
A debate of this kind has a different meaning, when applied to our situation or the other. The Americans accepted the things that are unthinkable for us, but then maybe pulling their hair in front of the consequences.
For example, if only I knew the comics by American publishers, I would think that they are intended for an audience of deficient children. So if I were an American author who agrees to be part of this system, I could not complain too much if my work was debased.
course, read 100 pages of Bonelli StarComics or no advertising (or at least with some reports of books to buy) completely changes the perspective. Especially when you consider that the big publishing houses in Italy are considered disgustingly commercial, as opposed to small publishers authorship. But what if in order to publish comics copyright StarComics Aurea or put an ad every 3 pages of a newsstand bonellide?
This is not a matter that concerns only the world of comics: Let's keep in mind when we talk about marketing in general and the phenomenon of professional blogs.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Fischer Ski Boot 2009

(Pe) rule of law

" The degree of civilization of a society is measured by its prisons "
(FM Dostoevsky)

* The piece can be found even on , portal on free (and youth!) information. Check it deserves!

Four stories. Different circumstances and characters, but dramatically similar to their tragic endings.
Four stories in which the human drama of involuntary protagonists, violence and abuse by the police, the speculations of political forces and the too frequent silence of the media mix in an inextricable tangle, which makes often impossible to ascertain the truth . Four stories, however you think, remember and go depth, along with dozens of stories every year, sadly repeated in prisons and barracks throughout Italy.
not to forget, lest we forget.

The story of Joseph
Joseph that evening, he could not go to die. It was a beautiful day. The game in Italy, a night out, laughing. Qualche bicchiere di troppo . E poi quella frase, nel cuore della notte: “Uva, è proprio te che cercavo”.
L’incubo di Giuseppe Uva , 43enne artigiano varesino, inizia così.
Sono le 3 di notte del 14 giugno 2008 quando, insieme all’amico Alberto, una pattuglia di Carabinieri lo ferma nel centro di Varese. Euforico, stava transennando una via, nel bizzarro tentativo di deviarne il traffico. Portato in caserma, rimane per ore in balia di una decina di uomini tra poliziotti e Carabinieri.
Le urla strazianti , le grida di dolore . Poi, il silenzio .
L’amico Alberto, rimasto nella sala d’attesa della barracks, called an ambulance for help. On the phone with the receptionist, the Carabinieri minimize "They are just two drunks, now we take away the phones." At 5 am, however, the ambulance arrived, called by the same forces. Joseph
dies at 10.30 that morning in the hospital "to move" in Varese. The official version is a lethal combination of drugs and alcohol for the body to Joseph. Body
her sister Lucy, that morning, but finds it hard to recognize : ribs protruding unnaturally, the skin livid with blows, his legs scarred by numerous bruises, the right hand swollen, the fractured spine , bloody private parts.
body of a man who, two and a half years later, has still not received justice .

Stephen's story
I wonder what he thought Stephen, when the Police stopped him on the night between 15 and 16 October 2009. On had 20 grams of hashish, a small amount of cocaine and a tablet Rivotril, which used to fight his daily battle against epilepsy. Stephen was calm: he knew was not a drug trafficker and knew that at his house, the Police did not find anything.
Yet, at 3 am, say they feel bad. When, at 5 di mattina, arriva in ospedale, ha gli occhi tumefatti . Che volete, “ aveva dormito poco e le camere di sicurezza non sono certo alberghi a 5 stelle ”, dichiara il maggiore dei Carabinieri Paolo Unali. Ma il referto dei medici dell’ospedale Fatebenefratelli non parla di occhiaie: Stefano presenta ecchimosi su tutto il corpo, lesioni oculari e lesioni alla schiena, due vertebre spezzate .
Quando il padre di Stefano, la mattina stessa, lo incrocia in Tribunale durante il processo per direttissima, legge in quegli occhi lividi di dolore un disperato grido d’aiuto. Sarà l’ultima volta che vedrà suo figlio.
Tradotto nel carcere di Regina Coeli, Stefano Cucchi dies in solitude at the dawn of October 22, 2009 in the custodial department Pertini Hospital of Rome. It weighed 37 pounds

In spite of the Minister of Justice (Justice) Angelino Alfano, who reported to Parliament (in Parliament) the version of the tragic " fell down the stairs," the judge for a preliminary hearing in Rome he returned to Feedback 12 people, including prison guards, doctors and nurses, condemning first degree in two years Claudio Marchi, director of the inmates of the Regina Coeli prison.

The story of Frederick
To Fred, that was the evening of reggae concert at the "Link" in Bologna. An evening started well - the friends and excitement for the concert - degenerated into some excess - the disappointment of the cancellation of the concert outlet in ' nell'ecstasy and alcohol - and ended in tragedy.
the 5:47 am of September 25, 2005 when a patrol of the State Police crosses the 18 year-old Federico Aldrovandi the streets of Ferrara. There is a struggle. A few minutes later an ambulance arrived, the body of the young man is lying on the ground in a pool of blood. testicles crushed , widespread bruising and hematomas, injury to testa in sede occipitale, una profonda ferita su una natica e graffi sul viso. Due manganelli sfondati .
L’abbiamo bastonato di brutto…è mezzo morto ", si fa scappare il capopattuglia Enzo Pontani in un dialogo con la centrale.
Alle 6.18 Federico muore.
Pochi minuti dopo, come testimonia questo video (minuto 2.33), gli agenti ridacchiano a pochi passi dal suo corpo esanime.

La notizia passa sotto silenzio: qualche trafiletto sui giornali locali e poco più. Nel gennaio 2006 la madre di Federico apre un Blog , attraverso il quale began his personal battle for justice and truth in the name of his son . A first son brutally murdered, then stamped with the label of "addict".
In July 2009, four police officers are convicted at first instance in three years and six months in prison for manslaughter in excess manslaughter.
are all still in service .

Aldo's story (and the future of Rudra)
Rudra gets up early in the morning. Must go to school, study and build a future.
Rudra is left alone in a farmhouse on the hills of Umbria and Marche. Try to help him, with great difficulty, an uncle now a year and a half ago by the Germans. Yeah, because Rudra no longer parents.
all begins one morning in October, when Police officers arrested the father and mother Aldo Roberta . In the field in front of the house the police had found the cannabis plants. Aldo and Roberta were not drug dealers, it's simply not surrendered to the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving to bend to the requirements of laws which they considered hypocritical and interests of criminal organizations that would not in any way foraging.
After a night spent in jail, Roberta sees her husband. For the last time.
The next morning - is Oct. 14 del 2007 – Aldo Bianzino viene trovato morto nella sua cella d’isolamento. Quattro ematomi celebrali , milza e fegato spappolati , due costole fratturate : secondo il referto medico del personale del carcere Aldo sarebbe morto a causa di un infarto.
Prima di morire – nel giugno 2009, uccisa da un tumore e dilaniata da un dolore insopportabile – Roberta lancia una sottoscrizione per il figlio . E’ solo grazie a quest’ultimo, disperato gesto e alla generosa mobilitazione della rete e dei Radicali che Rudra – quando, tra pochi mesi, compirà 18 anni – potrà disporre di una cifra di approximately € 70 thousand .

How much away, Arcore.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

How Many Shots Equal One Beer

If you do not speak

If you do not speak of the Holocaust, it is indifference. Indeed.
is an event that touches me very deeply, but I do not feel qualified to talk about it. I'm not Jewish, I'm not gay are not Gypsies.
I can not understand how it could be based on the genetics of people to kill.
on ideas and religion, yet even so, I understand. Genetics seems to me crazy, although it was very profitable for those madness seized the assets of the deportees.
Even the Inquisition, which objected on the basis of the claim, leaving a path of salvation (maybe in some cases it was preferable to death or was embodied in a more merciful death): If you converted, where abjure, if you kissed the crucifix and take communion, if you confess. But genetics
leaves no way out: Conversions will not save you, you can just go and die. And really the choice to kill people on the basis of their birth affects us all, and if tomorrow they decide to exterminate those who are under one meter and sixty? I'd be screwed.
For many Jews died in concentration camps, being jew was not much different from my being low, many of whom were descendants of converted Jews or indifferent to their religion, some have ignored or have not cared to have Jewish ancestry until the promulgation of racial laws.
The thought of the absurdity that has been perpetrated the Holocaust (as well as with the genocide of the Armenians and many other massacres that do not concern us so close) it saddens me and frightens me.
's why I do not speak willingly of the Holocaust, but I prefer to listen to others.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How To Tighten The Laces On My Baseball Glove

Video ... amateur!

Article written for friends of Bread & Politics ( ), a portal dedicated to communication and political marketing. Let us jump truly deserves!

In the beginning was to announce the " descent into the field" against "the cartel of the left", the "nostalgic for communism" and the corrupt of the First Republic. Today, 17 years later, il genere del videomessaggio viene rispolverato da Berlusconi per lanciare un feroce j’accuse contro i magistrati “politicizzati” e i pm “persecutori”.

Qualche rughe in più, viso più rotondo – ma stessa identica capigliatura rispetto a quella del 1994, fanno notare i maligni – il faccione del Cavaliere è infatti riapparso nelle case degli italiani per ben due volte nel giro di pochi giorni.
Per uscire dall’angolo del ring a cui parte della stampa sembrava averlo inchiodato nei giorni immediatamente successivi all’esplosione del Caso Ruby-parte seconda, il Cavaliere ha infatti riabbracciato il genere comunicativo che, diciassette anni fa, gli spalancò le porte della politica italiana . Era l’ormai lontano gennaio del ’94 quando l’allora filiforme imprenditore brianzolo annunciava la sua candidatura alla guida del paese attraverso un monologo di una manciata di minuti in cui, da un lato, spiegava le ragioni della sua scelta, dall’altro, cercava di convincere gli elettori sull’opportunità di votarlo.

Due situazioni apparentemente slegate tra loro che il filo comune del videomessaggio sembra invece riavvicinare , evidenziando lo stesso, preciso obiettivo che sta alla base di queste scelta comunicativa: quello che i sociologi della comunicazione americani chiamano “ going public ”. The term identifies the 'communicative approach is direct and im-mediate - that is, without intermediation of the media - typical of the communication made in U.S. presidential politics. An approach that seeks to deprive the media of their traditional role as a bridge of communication between politicians and citizens, thus promoting direct communication - even if one way - between these two actors.

What changes, and many are the reasons the basis of that strategic choice. If
94 the main objective of the video message from Mr Berlusconi was to make known to the voters Silvio "political" and to establish con essi un rapporto all’insegna della familiarità e dell’empatia, le ragioni della scelta questi giorni solo molto diverse.

In primo luogo c’è la volontà/esigenza di evitare il contraddittorio . Troppo delicata la questione, troppe e troppo imbarazzanti le rivelazioni trapelate sui giornali per risponderne dettagliatamente in pubblico – magari in un faccia a faccia televisivo – senza correre il rischio di uscirne con le ossa rotte. Il videomessaggio, invece, dà pieno spazio alle qualità retoriche e comunicative di Berlusconi e gli consente di tenere ben saldo in mano il timone della propria strategia difensiva. Che infatti – ed è questo la seconda ragione alla base della choice - immediately turns on the theory of a plot Pm of investigative and judiciary, allowing Berlusconi to shift the terms of the debate from rough seas interception of the disturbing, to calmer waters and in favor of the thesis of the "will of persecution" of pm. If
positively digested by the public and its voters, the argument could then allow the persecution Knight - and in this case we would be in front of ' yet another blow to champions by Berlusconi - to revive the mail in the card table of Italian politics.
First, because it provides good arguments to the much-vaunted "reform of justice ", enabling the rider to get away from any unexpected record.
Second, because it would allow Berlusconi to polarize the electorate , setting the discussion of the increasingly likely election campaign within a framework of meaning in his favor: that attack joint axis attorney-Fini -Casino-Left (cited in the newspaper) would be fielding to dethrone.

The success of the strategic choice of Berlusconi is likely to depend on two factors .
The first concerns the degree of effectiveness fire with which the media "friend" will reassure the electorate's center-right (mainly Catholic), accredited to the public and isolating the thesis complottistica / antiberlusconiano dividing the front.
The second concerns the keeping of ' alliance with the League, whose voters are increasingly irritated by the immobility of the government and the continued protracted approval of the divine-federalism.

The match, therefore, has only just begun.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How To Make Custom Mcfarlane Figures

Consistency effortlessly

MdiMS praises my consistency. And I think that comes from not me to do a lot of effort to maintain my consistency in matters of religion: my husband and I are atheists, we have not found a dilemma enroll our children to a denominational school (out of necessity or comfort), the maternal no-one has ever done because we choose to make use of IRC pressure, my children are young or immature and I do not make big questions about the Two Chief World Systems.
In addition, my children are not the only religion not to attend, so do not feel isolated. And, even if they felt "different", I do not believe that, with the character they have, what would become a widespread problem. From my point of view, they may feel different because they have a family as an atheist because they have a weird dad or a mom who does not put his heels. Indeed, at least in some quarters to be atheists is cool, and clean up the remains of mice from the floor or not antiOGM activities and attitudes are more out.
The fact is that I am consistent because from this point of view are a bad mother, I can not think much to the consequences of my beliefs on my children's lives. Or maybe, if I should find an excuse to my indifference to this point, I would say that I find more educational keep up a certain position (but not fanatical, but clear) rather than attempting a reconciliation.
Anche perché non sono una pecorella pigra che non va più a messa o una persona dilaniata tra spiritualità e chiesa: sono atea. Dio per me è come Babbo Natale o la fatina dei denti: una bella favola raccontata per consolare o per passare valori positivi. Ma non riesco a crederci. E non ne sento neppure il bisogno, perché l'esistenza di uno o più dei non cambierebbe per niente né la mia vita né il modo in cui la vivo: se un domani dovessi morire e scoprire che hanno ragione i credenti, penso che un'eventuale divinità non avrebbe molto da rimproverarmi, se non il fatto che non ho creduto in lei.
Per i morti stesso discorso: a parte che credere in Dio non significa necessariamente credere all'immortalità dell'anima e viceversa, io non riesco proprio a pensare che, danneggiato il corpo, qualcosa possa sopravvivere. Sopravvivrà il mio ricordo, magari legato a oggetti che possano aiutarlo (foto, cose che ho scritto, cose che ho posseduto). Ma penso proprio che la mia coscienza si spegnerà per sempre, e ciò mi mette addosso una paura fottuta della morte, ma anche una grande determinazione a vivere la mia vita al meglio.
Ovvio che ai miei figli non dico "il tale è volato in cielo" ma "il tale è morto". Non mi sono ancora trovata nella necessità di spiegare la morte di qualcuno che loro hanno conosciuto da vivo e spero di trovarmici il più tardi possibile, ma non penso che potrò edulcorare la realtà per i miei figli.
It is indifference? Laziness? Sincerity? A mixture. After all, I think the worst thing is losing the trust of my children, why even one small betrayal like that many do (see the "hidden away from school at the request of the teacher") annoys me to death.
For the same reason, no Santa Claus in our house for my children is a figure that you see at school and in the street, but the gifts they bring people who love us. Santa Claus is a symbol and a story, period.
I repeat: it can be lazy, just because I do not want to pretend. But because in our world sincerity is so important, except that with kids?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Queens Boro Community College Information

cannoli I am finished!

"When Cuffaro will be acquitted of all charges, many of these hours will be jackals in the front row to ask excuse "
(Pier Ferdinando Casini, 26 January 2008)

* Article also published by , portal on free (and youth!) information. Check it out!

Until a few days ago was around with her nice big face in the corridors of the Palazzo Madama, seat of the Senate . Since yesterday, his home is a cell on the ground floor of the prison Rebibbia , Department G12, Rome. Italy. I wonder if

Salvatore "Toto" Cuffaro by Raffadali (Agrigento), former President of Sicily Region , former deputy secretary and former national UDC (until yesterday, to be precise) of the Italian Republic Senator , expected when an inglorious fate as September 26, 1991, with the proverbial timing, on his debut national television screens sweaty and foaming with rage hurling fiercely against the judge Giovanni Falcone , a few months before an attack Mafia did it blow up.
stronger than that amazing performance, the young shoots ahead Cuffaro: in the past few years a promising member of the Regional Assembly (net DC) as President of Sicily Region. Not yet elected governor the island - we are in the spring of 2001 - Cuffaro sets to work. To help its citizens? No, to promote mafia.
This is the verdict of the judges of the Second Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court who have sentenced to 7 years imprisonment for aiding and abetting Cosa Nostra .

The facts show that in 2001, Cuffaro is aware of a bug installed by the Carabinieri's ROS (Special Operations Department) internal Palermo's Giuseppe Guttadauro , Mafia boss of Brancaccio of the district. Cuffaro, perhaps concerned about the fate of the boss and incriminating conversations that took place in the house, informa della notizia Mimmo Miceli , un altro politico siciliano che, a sua volta, informa Guttadauro. Il gioco è fatto: il 15 giugno 2001 si interrompono le conversazioni “compromettenti” che il boss intratteneva nella sua abitazione. Tre giorni dopo la cimice viene individuata e distrutta, mandando in frantumi una promettente indagine sui rapporti e le connivenze politico-mafiose in Sicilia.
Ma l’attivismo di Totò “Vasa-vasa” (ovvero “bacia-bacia”, soprannome che deriva dalla sua proverbiale propensione ad elargire baci ai suoi interlocutori) non si ferma qui.
Celebre è l’incontro tra lui e Michele Aiello – imprenditore ritenuto molto vicino Provenzano to - occurred in the back of a sporting goods store Bagheria, during which Cuffaro had agreed the regional tariff reimbursements to the clinic "Villa Teresa", of which Aiello is the owner.
Nor visited in "hazardous" Cuffaro stop there. Friend and best man (along with Clemente Mastella, a former justice minister) of Francesco Campanella, regretted that the power of attorney to the Provenzano false passport which allowed the boss of bosses of exile in France, attended Cuffaro Vincent also Greek and Salvatore Aragona , both sentenced for the Mafia. But woe to let him out: "I have to do - goals amazed Toto - sidelining? I'll have to listen to everybody, talk to everyone. " God forbid.

In fact, neither the initial investigations, neither the trial, nor the conviction at first instance to facilitate "easy" on a single mob, stop the political climax of Toto .
course, the cannoli which in 2008 celebrated the conviction at first instance (or rather not: "I was just moving them", he defends Cuffaro), forced him to leave the chair as President of the Region as soon as the elections confirmed . But it's worth a good seat in parliament. To ensure this, ironically, the election law to League's signature and the firm will of Pier Ferdinando Casini , whereas the definition of Totò a "political persecution" and violating a promise not to nominate anyone in the general election had been convicted, the gives the gift of a chair Senator. In January 2010
, however, things get complicated: the Court of Appeal sentenced him to seven years for aiding and abetting aggravated by 'Cosa Nostra have favored, suggesting the real possibility of jail. Yesterday, the final sentence in prison entrance .

Cuffaro bequeaths un posto da Presidente della Regione Sicilia, oggi occupato da Raffaele Lombardo , già arrestato un paio di volte e tutt’ora sotto inchiesta per concorso esterno in associazione mafiosa , e un seggio da Senatore della Repubblica, già assegnato a Maria Pia Castiglione . La quale, unendosi alla solidarietà bipartisan (nel PD si segnala il dispiacere di Follini) tributata dalla politica al povero Totò, ha subito precisato: “per me resta un amico dotato di grande umanità, disponibilità e generosità. Tutti gli dobbiamo tanto ”.

Tutti chi?

Friday, January 21, 2011

Fruit Juice Recipe Vodes

I do not understand

Warning: This is a post of hand mental narrative, full of spoilers. So if you are not interested and move on, you have all my understanding.

As you may have guessed from my order Amazon, the cycle I am reading David Gemmell's Troy . I'm not a big fan of fantasy, but I knew Gemmell to have read 5-6 years ago one of his few novels autonomous (ie not part of a series or cycle), "Eco of the great singing." I liked it enough, although it was more of my comfort zone in adolescent and adult: a beautiful melodrama of adventure with seasoning of love, bravery, friendship and other lofty values.
Thus, a scrittore così mi sembrava adatto a ri-raccontare la guerra di Troia. Mi sbagliavo.
Già la recente rilettura dell'Iliade avrebbe dovuto suggerirmelo: Omero è molto meno retorico di quanto ci ricordiamo (probabilmente colpa della traduzione di Vincenzo Monti). Sotto gli strati del linguaggio epico e dei suoi tic (gli epiteti, gli elenchi, le divagazioni), i personaggi di Omero emergono nella loro verità. Sono eroi in battaglia (ma molto meno di quanto ci aspetteremmo, abituati come siamo a supereroi e videogiochi), ma nella vita di tutti i giorni sono esseri umani che cercano di fare del loro meglio. Sono persone dai rapporti poco complicati, che vivono a tutto tondo la loro umanità. Probabilmente ciò è il risultato del fatto che la società di allora era ancora molto semplice e poco stratificata: parliamo di un tempo in cui il principe Anchise da ragazzo faceva il pastore e i lavori specializzati spesso erano appannaggio di chi non poteva fare altro (i ciechi diventavano aedi e gli zoppi facevano i fabbri o i vasai). Parliamo di un tempo in cui, non potendo andare alla fiera del bianco a comprare la biancheria di casa, regine e popolane tessevano e cucivano ciò che serviva.
Nel mondo di Omero, gli stereotipi del nostro tempo sembrano sfumare l'uno nell'altro. Ettore è un forte guerriero, ma non si vergogna di essere tenero con suo figlio né si fa problemi a rimproverare suo fratello Paride. Achille è un eroe, ma si impunta per una questione d'onore e si abbrutisce fino alla follia per la morte di Patroclo (salvo poi intenerirsi di fronte a un padre che lo implora di restituirgli il cadavere di Ettore). Insomma, nessuno sembra essere troppo stretto nella sua figurina.
Altra cosa importante: nel mondo di Omero, la gente vive nel presente. Paride è stato abbandonato perché un indovino disse che avrebbe portato rovina a Troia, ma non lo rinfaccia a nessuno. Elena è l'unica che ogni tanto ravana nel passato, chiamando se stessa "cagna" e ricordando di essere la causa della guerra, ma Ettore la tratta come se niente fosse, tanto sa benissimo che son tutte scuse per attaccare Troia. Se sono stati fatti degli errori, la gente cerca di rimediare superandoli: la sega mentale è bandita.
Perhaps that is why the Anglo-Americans are genetically incapable of telling the story Homer: If there is a conflict or sad childhood with his father, writer / Anglo-American writer does not feel satisfied. And here in
Gemmell Anchises becomes a wise paterfamilias, the guardian of Lari and Penati, in ruthless manipulator father, who despises and tries to kill Aeneas, leaving him the pen. Why? The hero could not to love her father and have had a happy childhood? Obviously not. It should be 'to understand why.
Same thing with Priam, who becomes a king greedy and smart, hated (rightly) for almost all the children except Hector. There is that among all the children there was someone who was plotting, but because the justification dovergli give moral / emotional? Although Priam was kind and gentle, was entirely plausible that one of his minor children or bastards conspired against him, to have power.
Then, like so much other shit supreme the Anglo-Americans: the marriage of love. If you want to see two people who marry for love, your environmental history in the twentieth century or in a fairytale world. In 1200 BC, we got married by proxy and none had no objection. Love came later, it was the case. If not, we are comforted with their children. Instead
Aeneas swears that if you do not marry for love. Ulysses and Hecuba's mention that love is not anticipated before the wedding, but he behaves like a teenager (see under Twilight). Then he falls in love with Andromache.
And this gives me the opportunity to tell you the last reason why I do not like the operation of Gemmell: behaves as a writer of fanfiction. Does not respect the true spirit of the events, and Homeric Greek mythology, or search for historical truth beyond the myth (as I say do The Age of Bronze ). Use Homer's characters as figurines, stirring often reversing mirror and its features. Even in small things, like make a blond Hector Homer describes us as dark.
is a game that is there, but at this point why not transfer it entirely on a pure invention? Why keep il riferimento alla guerra di Troia, quando ormai hai stravolto tutto? La storia in sé non è brutta né scritta male. Però, leggendo quei nomi familiari, mi sento come se qualcuno un giorno raccontasse la storia della mia vita cambiando i miei sentimenti e le mie relazioni con tutte dico tutte le persone che ho conosciuto. Per carità, quando sarò morta chiunque potrà dire qualunque cosa su di me, ma mi scoccerebbe se raccontassero che ho avuto una relazione lesbica con la mia maestra di danza e che disprezzavo mio marito: se vuoi raccontare la storia di una che ha avuto certe vicende, non usare il mio nome perché questa non è la mia storia.
Comunque penso che nemmeno gli dei abbiano gradito l'operazione di Gemmell, che sadly died in a similar way to what the Greeks called "the arrow of Apollo." He jokes with the soldiers ...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pete Dunne Scope Reviews

Allow me, President

Lettera al Presidente del Consiglio

Signor Presidente del Consiglio, Onorevole Silvio Berlusconi.

Nonostante la quantità e la gravità delle accuse che le sono state rivolte – prostituzione minorile e concussione – Lei non ha ritenuto i suoi concittadini (nonché, fino a prova contraria, suoi datori di lavoro) degni di una risposta sincera e leale.

Domenica e mercoledì scorsi, riproponende il triste genere del videomessaggio senza contraddittorio soaked the usual unbearable, nauseating rhetoric, has escaped once again from your responsibilities and political and moral obligation to shed light on the many shadows that surround her more or less recent past. Confirming - once again - the most vulgar contempt for the institutions of that state that you should be the lowest and most consideration for those people She says she loves that.

He thought they could get away - and, perhaps, he would manage again - thanks to the usual surreal, self-celebratory monologue, demonstrating cowardice of those who run away from their responsibilities, the nerve of those who are aware of its exorbitant power, mindedness of those who have nothing to lose.

The following are the simple and timely objections by which an information system would have nailed the free and independent to fulfill its responsibilities by removing the justifications inaccuracy contained in his video message, if only the tentacles of his power had not For years, most of the neutralized.

This outrage the spontaneous and genuine, rational and argued, with which the citizens were forced to resign, if only the models (in) cultural vomited for over twenty years after his media empire they did not sleepy shaped the minds and consciences.

Let us see, then, this outrage. Step by step, minute by minute, frame by frame.

Minute 0:30: pm I have shown a "clear desire persecution against me" maybe you forget who in Italy we have the principle of ' mandatory prosecution. Persecutory or less will also the problem is those who commit crimes rather than those who pursue them.

Minute 1:16: "For prosecutor did not appeal the decision of the Constitutional Court even to the point that, one day after the ruling of the Consulta, with perfect timing, have made public their investigations " His entry in the register of suspects took place December 21, 2010 and was notified the day after the ruling of Look only to avoid influence their decisions, which, however, she did regularly. As at the meeting that a few weeks since the ruling of the Constitutional Court on the Lodo Alfano, she had with the two Constitutional Court judges Luigi Mazzella and Paul Napolitano. That, on time, voted in favor of the Ruling.

Minute 1:25: "And 'unacceptable that, after 15 days, (the prosecutor) have not sent out the acts of these investigations to the Court of Ministers as required by law : President, ministers of the tribunal judges crimes committed by members of the Council of Ministers performance of their duties. Give orders to the police is not for the President of the Council but, if anything, the interior minister. Call the police station and, through deceit, encourage police officers to shorten practices provided for the accommodation of a minor thief without documents, fortunately, not for anyone. At least for now.

Minute 1.2: "The manager Police which would have been extorted denies ever be minor and the person denies ever having had sexual advances nor ": both can have good reason to deny . The first fear of possible retaliation or to flee their possible responsibility (acting against the due process of law). The second to preserve the integrity or, as is clear from the wiretaps, the upside to play with you in the game of blackmail. Up to 5 million euro.

Minute 2:40: "When I try di aiutare chi ha bisogno ”: Lei, con i suoi soldi – la provenienza di buona parte dei quali non ha mai voluto svelare, avvalendosi della facoltà di non rispondere di fronte ai magistrati – può fare ciò che vuole, purchè entro ai limiti della legge (che, in questo come in molti altri casi, sembrano essere stati travalicati). Ma almeno ci risparmi – lo faccia per il rispetto che si deve alle migliaia di persone che quell’aiuto meriterebbero per davvero – la solita barzelletta del filantropo premuroso . O vuole davvero far passare come pura casualità il fatto che le persone da Lei “aiutate” portassero tutte la 4° di reggiseno Beyond all the feet tall and they were all very uninhibited ? Cornuti you, blow no, please.

Minute 3.12 " of people I've helped hundreds. Never in exchange for something, if not of gratitude, friendship and affection "and 420 million disbursed by banks for Fininvest buy the judge Vittorio Metta and he ruled that guaranteed, among other , Mondadori, L'Espresso, Panorama and the Republic? And Massimo Berruti officer of the Guardia di Finanza who turned a blind eye to his inspection Edilnord and was promoted Men's Fininvest and, then, of his parliamentary party? And 21 billion of illegal financing to Craxi to keep it down his television empire? And the € 600 thousand lawyer to persuade him to Mills lie in two trials against you? They were all acts of charity to needy people?

Minute 4:35: " Lele Mora has done an excellent job mediaset ... I am proud to have helped ": the fact that you are proud to have helped Lele Mora, a person who within his repertoire, as well as a bust of Mussolini kissing "all day, "boasts a conviction for a millionaire tax evasion and a bankruptcy declaration pendant , certainly does not bode well in his favor. On the other hand, "who is without sin cast the first stone", a President?

Minute 6:20: "And 'law against this intrusion into people's private lives ... what people do in a liberal democracy at home only affects their ." Defames you with this statement, threatening the foundations of our already shaky rule of law. What do people in the home is like any other crime punishable . Sorry, among others, rapists, pedophiles and murderers, but remains so. Fortunately.

Minute 7:45: " is not a free country one in which, when you pick up the phone, you are not sure of the inviolability of their conversations " No, Mr. President. Ben interceptions for those who are - unlike her and much of our ruling class - has nothing to hide . What is not acceptable in a free state, and - if I may - is not worthy of a civilized and democratic, is that you, prime minister, more 15 years flee before the law and before the serious allegations that the riots are addressed by the judiciary through a parliamentary personal use, the first institution that you have degraded, with more shameful and unconstitutional, and then humiliated, by reducing - thanks to the invasion of recycled racks and favored by you - to a mere cog in the chain of your impunity.

Minute 8:20: " is not a free country one in which a caste of privileged people can commit abuse against other people without ever having to account .
Here Chairman: On this point, I absolutely agree is .

So, resigned.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Best Spinning Bikes Brands

Selling joy

Yesterday I had a very nice experience: I worked at a kiosk that within Eataly , handing out samples of cheese ' company where he works Luca. We were in 4: he and I, the owner and his wife.
We sold a lot (but it seems that in this kind of promotion would sell 5 times more than normal), we talked to a lot of people and discovered a world I had been nominated several times but I had only touched upon.
For the uninitiated, is a kind of Eataly superstore of quality food, legato ai presidi Slow Food e a iniziative di promozione dei prodotti tipici e genuini. Da pochissimi giorni, Eataly vende anche i formaggi delle Cascine Orsine ed è per presentare i nostri prodotti che ci è stata data la possibilità di promuoverli nello scorso weekend.
Eravamo posizionati ovviamente nella zona salumi&formaggi, al confine con la zona della carne e con una buona visuale sul banco delle verdure.
Ecco, io non so chi sia Farinetti e perché al proprietario dell'acqua Lurisia possa convenire mettere su Eataly invece di vendere tutto alla prima multinazionale e andare a godersi i soldi alle Bahamas. E non voglio neppure stare a speculare sul giro d'affari di Slow Food, di cui condivido la filosofia di fondo ma non sempre how it is implemented, let alone the battles.
I will just tell you what I have seen yesterday and tell you why I felt good, despite standing 6 hours and grind to come and go in 24 hours from Turin with dependent children (kindly grandparents babysitting local).
My first impression on entering the store at 10 am, was peace and harmony . Mutatis mutandis, comparing him to IKEA, a calm communication, attention to detail also have onions, the explanation of corporate decisions (for example, to not put the numerino the cheese counter).
The second impression given by the space of "reconnaissance" before he began to get the bulk of the people, was to be in toyland: that lovely flesh, what a beautiful fish, beautiful vegetables, many cheeses, which cool the angle of the books (some of the other very cheap, despite being bound ), oh how wonderful tool, I go crazy for the bitter orange and lemonade Lurisia that scent from the corner pizza and focaccia, the ice cream kiosk in San Pè .
Then we started to give us below with tasting and sales: between 10.30 and 12.30 there was an influx of people crazy, it seemed that everyone wanted our cheeses. I believe that if we auctioned the last trays of disheveled or the last slice of ours, we would have sold for a lot of money.
contact with people was of two types: first, customers and other employees Eataly. These were all young and on average gave the impression of being really good to work there, although it was Sunday: smiling, kind, never failed to have a chat with customers (like the girl in the bank vegetables, seeing me pull out the bag Decathlon-ball: "That's cool! Where did you get?"), seemed to form a good team. They reminded me of the atmosphere at my master or my first job . Customers
I do not seem very different from what I see in supermarkets, but with one difference: all of their children, from babies to big kids, they seemed polite, happy and curious. Atmosphere very different from the whining of children transported in shopping carts at the Bennet or all'Esselunga. In short, children were able to not arouse Herod in me, although it was almost lunch time (and then some 'nervousness would go by myself and them).
lunchtime, drawn to a beautiful cut, I insisted briefly with Luke to go to the restaurant of the flesh. I took the famous cut (very good, but I think the quality ever so slightly less than that Cascine Orsini) and I appreciate that it was not accompanied by a leaf of lettuce symbolic, but some baked potato and a nice salad of lettuce (commonly called "Galinette" in the dialect of Pavia). Luca took the goulash, but it was a bit 'disappointed (stuck in my stews and casseroles, he found it a bit' duretta).
At the end of the day, I found myself thinking I was wrong my entire professional career: I would not be cut to produce food, but really my job is to sell it. I see it as a mission, that sell good food means ensuring others a moment of pleasure and joy.
And I found myself thinking back nostalgically to the butcher of my grandfather.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Butterfly Quotes Sayings

Indignatevi! But no

" The Italians have only two things on my mind: the other is spaghetti "
(C. Deneuve)

Strange people, Italians. I can tolerate and support everything, but when you enter bedroom (or kitchen) becomes inflexible.

It indignant, then, but not with the purity of mind advocated by Stéphane Hessel, 93enne hero of the Resistance francese, nel pamphlet di 32 pagine “ Indignez-vous! ” che ha già raggiunto le 650mila copie vendute in meno di 3 mesi. Sana indignazione che rappresenta un'autentica linfa vitale per gli stati civili che vogliano dirsi tali, unico vero anticorpo contro la degenerazione morale di qualsiasi società. Sentimento – l’indignazione – ancora vivo negli animi di quei francesi che hanno saputo custodire e tramandare con cura ed orgoglio le proprie radici resistenziali, tanto che, ancora oggi, il primo giorno di scuola gli alunni leggono la lettera che il giovane partigiano Guy Môquet scrisse ai genitori prima di essere fucilato dai nazisti.

No, l’italiano si indigna per altro . Chiude un occhio – quando non tutti e due – di fronte alle complicità tra mafia e istituzioni ; ingoia taciturno il volgare pressapochismo di quei politici che rispondono al disperato grido d’aiuto degli operai – i nuovi schiavi del 21° secolo – con l’ottusa dicotomia dei “buoni” contro i “cattivi”; risolve il problema dell’imbarazzante e dilagante accoppiata clientelismo-corruzione con l’assolutoria (ed autobiografica?) formula del “così fan tutti”.
Ma, da buon cattolico, non transige sulle questioni dei piaceri carnali .

It does - it shows the debate on the matter ruby/atto2 ° , these days - with a touch of pride in that Italian male who does not have to ask (and pay) ever. That is not outraged, then, for the really serious aspects of the story :
  • a concept that promotes a objectified women, arranged in blocks in cages like animals and called the fold of Arcore - through the shameful use of human and material resources of the bodies of the State - when it comes to appease the hunger of the sultan;
  • a Premier who, at best - That is, if we were to accept the version of the loving father who helps his young daughter to crush strikes notes and jewels - show the total lack of sense of responsibility which should characterize those who not only plays a role similar institutions, and any adult with common sense. In the worst - that is, if the crime will be found of child prostitution and extortion - proves to be what many, many years, accusing him of being: a businessman-politician accustomed to criticizing their iniquities with the 'abuse of power and corruption ;
  • a Premier who decides to spend April 25, the Feast of Liberation , including banquets and dinners with his friend Putin , proven leader of freedom.

No, the Italian was outraged because one of the dozens of girls passed through Arcore (there is even talk of a total of 100) had minor . That, in itself, is completely understandable. The problem is that this outrage is not accompanied by the equally sacred feeling of nausea for anyone with a hand legislates against prostitution - with laws that often counter-criminal foraging the slave system - and the other for feeding. And 'the sacrilegious violation of the honor the macho Italian, therefore the true cause of popular resentment. It sees in handful of months, at the time of hypothetical performance of Ruby, separated from the girl coming of age, the 'only real blemish moral of the story.

A famous Chinese proverb says: "When the finger points to the moon, the fool looks at the finger." So: we are not fingers, the moon, much less ...

Go to hell, Chinese communists!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Why Should I Add Reducer To Primer?

Customer satisfaction

I confess: I succumbed to the charms of murderess
am was drawn by subscription cancels annual shipping costs. And from the fact that you can have a much wider choice than on ibs or bol. Besides the fact that on Amazon, I spent a lot of extra time on his Italian counterparts, so I feel more at ease.
In my first order, however, I fucked up: I have noticed that the shipment was the default in brackets (ie: instead of a single shipment, you send the stuff as it is ready). Score: 3 packages for 4 items (3 books + 1 DVD). Moreover, the 3 packets have arrived and all three today, despite the "attempted delivery" yesterday.
I say "so-called" because the site was that the courier yesterday the carrier was switched to 12 and, not found, had left the warning. Too bad that in my mailbox the warning was not there. And shame on my door there is an A4 size sign that says "If we are not at home, and family packs for Lantern must be delivered to the cheese factory or shop 'with a cell of Luke. Needless to say, delivered in an office or shop involves the same effort that would correspond to deliver in a residential concierge. Otherwise I do not dare to ask such a thing.
To report that the courier had left the warning, I go on the UPS site. My case is not covered: Every time I try to point out something about my package, I provide only the information that already I know and does not give me the opportunity to make anything.
Then call, after trying myself resigned and a toll free number to call directly the Milan branch. On the first attempt, and I am wrong path to receive new information on the package, unable to report anything. Then I go to a generic "other problems" and finally speak with an operator. Very kind and professional.
this happened and I'll also say it is strange that the carrier did not follow the signs for the door: they all do, if only to avoid to make up the dirt road the next day. She initially gave me the standard answer ("Our drivers are not required to follow directions che non vengano dalla ditta"), in seguito quando riaccenniamo alla cosa le scappa un "eh, ma sa, molti sono stranieri". Boh, a me questa scusa l'hanno data un po' troppe volte. Capisco se uno facesse il bracciante o l'uomo delle pulizie. Ma, se fai il trasportatore, non ci credo che non sai leggere il cartello ben visibile sulla mia porta.
In sostanza, io credo che il trasportatore non avesse tempo/voglia di arrivare a casa mia e abbia detto la balla di essere passato. Lo dico anche all'operatrice, e lei in parte concorda in parte mi dice che, se domani il trasportatore trova un'altra scusa per la mancata consegna, si segnala la cosa in direzione.
L'operatrice si segna le indicazioni da dare al trasportatore (identiche a quelle sulla port) and terminating the call.
On the one hand, I am satisfied because I spoke with a kind and attentive, which has effectively solved my problem.
Second, I make two requests:
1 - Why was it so hard to find a way to make this my problem? To me there were other ways, without necessarily having to speak to an agent (which, I realize, increases the cost of customer care)
2 - because the carriers of the couriers are so hideously unprepared and unprofessional compared to carriers of all other categories (and mind you, by Luca who works in a cheese factory, we are aware of transport)? These two dilemmas
Hamlet se ne somma un altro. Premetto che i 3 pacchetti erano trasportati 1 da UPS e 2 da SDA. Quello di UPS, come detto, è stato consegnato al secondo tentativo e dopo il mio intervento, mentre quelli di SDA sono arrivati al primo colpo. Che cosa significa? Che il singolo corriere UPS era meno sveglio o meno volenteroso del singolo corriere SDA? Che le istruzioni date ai corrieri UPS sono più rigide e meno orientate al risultato? Che UPS ed SDA hanno diverse politiche di retribuzione e/o "premio", e quindi magari il corriere UPS ha meno interesse a consegnare al primo colpo?
Fatto sta che la mia prima esperienza di consegna con Amazon Italia non è stata perfettamente felice e che sicuramente, se ne troverò l'occasione, segnalerò che mi sono trovata meglio con SDA. Sarebbe bello che anche le aziende online (e gli acquirenti online) avessero i punteggi di feedback come su ebay...

PS: in tutto questo, ho preso la trilogia di Troy di David Gemmell . Questo vi da un piccol(issim)o indizio su ciò che sto scrivendo adesso. Il prossimo passo saranno alcuni volumi della Osprey .

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Always Bound And Gagged

Italy, what else?

Below is the article I had the pleasure writing for children Bread & Politics, a portal dedicated to communication and political marketing (by the way: have a look at this link !).
They are my thanks and my best wishes for the success of the project.

"made Italy, we must make Italians." The famous phrase, attributed to Massimo D'Azeglio, sounds incredible when compared to the current rumors that give the name of our country in pole position among the possible labels Berlusconi's new party.

Checchi Silvio and I tell her, in fact, the need to find a new name for a new party goes well beyond the legal wrangling between the (dissolved) to PDL and fresh Fli. The "God poll says that's no concern dab the bleeding of votes and voters - the" Italian "in fact - that, want to sex scandals, want to judicial investigations, want to let out-of expulsion Fini, has affected the PDL in recent months. Bleeding that, for the party was born with great fanfare by yet found the political-media and Berlusconi's uncontested ruler of all electoral events of the last 2 ½ years, has begun to concern, requiring, if not a Renziana "destruction" at least a prompt review . There is also a work by
strategic repositioning, on the one hand, fills the area free from politics-driven demise of neo-centrist Fini, on the other hand, give a strong sign of discontinuity between the PDL pre-split, which was smoldering inside the seed of betrayal, and after that of Mirabello.
And what better name for "Italy" could, simultaneously, to (re) gain the votes of conservatives displaced by the centrism of Fini and again gli animi delle frange più calde del “tifo” berlusconiano? Nessuno.

Riappropriandosi della vecchia e (a suo tempo) innovativa trovata di trapiantare il gergo calcistico-sportivo nella retorica politica, Berlusconi conta dunque di scaldare il motore in vista delle possibili elezioni anticipate.
Sfondo azzurro che richiama i colori della nazionale , nastro tricolore nel mezzo e scritta “Berlusconi presidente” ben evidente, il nome “Italia” rappresenterebbe il punto di arrivo di quell’ideale percorso iniziato nel 1994 con il caldissimo “Forza Italia” e proseguito nel 2007 con il più tiepido “Popolo delle Freedom. " A name and logo, as has been suggested that the pollsters and marketing experts hired by the party, winking to the size of the Patriotic 150 year anniversary of the Unification of Italy . A symbol
- Italy - that meets the need to leave the classic patterns of political communication and that, for example, could not be summarized, compressed, or simply reduced all'impronunciabile acronym stands for-turn.

E chiessenefrega So if someone could point out the obvious contradiction between the adoption of a name - Italy - Which seeks to unite, and the use of rhetorical strategies, policies, in fact, to "divide (between Berlusconi and anti-Berlusconi, between liberals and Communists, between party and party love hate, etc ...) . Never mind even if
's closest ally, and one every other day as well, shouting to secession from the rest of Italy and thieving from the capital.
One thing is politics, another is the image.

Which of the two, now counts more?

Response Card Wording, Vegetarian

Just a ray of sunshine on the first day

Non è stato un brutto rientro, questo. A parte l'inserimento di Ettore, che dopo quella brutta impressione iniziale sembra andar bene, il lavoro c'è ma non è frenetico, gli orari non sono da cardiopalma, tutto è serenamente inquadrato nel suo tran tran. Ho due cose da scrivere al più presto, ma non sono ancora in ansia da scadenza.
Oddio, forse qualcuno direbbe che sono troppo rilassata. Può darsi. Probabilmente, da quando ho il part-time e Ettore non va più al nido, non sento più quell'eterna morsa ai garretti, tipica di chi in 15 km deve fermarsi almeno 2 volte e quindi finisce a metterci quasi un'ora ad arrivare a casa/lavoro, nonostante non debba andarci a piedi.
Oppure può essere semplicemente che 19 giorni di vacanza (uniti al fatto che per tutto dicembre i bambini sono stati a casa) mi abbiano fatto davvero bene. Mi sono goduta mio marito, i figli, gli amici e i parenti, la casa, il mare. Nonostante i 6 giorni di antibiotico in mezzo, oltretutto. Mi sono anche goduta una botta di creatività che lévati.
In addition, today the sun is able to pierce the fog and we hope that the weather be with us for a while '. Yes, I know that I have seen the sun in Levanto, well for 3 days, but this last year and a half has been so bad and rainy that I cling to every ray of sunshine.
And we hope that the next few months are a bit 'drier, pace of farmers and bonsai of my husband.

Monday, January 10, 2011

White And Chunky Cervical Mucus After Ovulation

Behold, I am back in the office and I'm here, waiting for a phone call. That Luke has gone to take Ettore after the first day of kindergarten.
I am a bit 'anxious, because this morning it did not go as I wanted. I arrived at school with two children and the new teacher Hector did not give me much room to handle the situation as I wanted. I am "due" to go away almost secretly, in a time when he was not ready (and we had arrived by 2 minutes at most, according to the clock). A treason against my principles (and against what I saw with my children to be effective). But I thought it was counterproductive to argue with the teacher.
If I know my son well, I think I can say that for him this episode will be without serious consequences: a child is accustomed to the nest, there is his sister, there are several children that he knows. And plus it has a mother bastard, that tomorrow it fregherà indications of the teachers and bring the two children at 8.30, which is an hour when they will be together for a while 'in the common room (and I'm almost certain that in this way the gap will be quite different from that of today, much more natural and sunny).
But I will not judge this good teacher, to be considered arrogant and incompetent. It makes me wonder why did not confide in a mother who already has a daughter at school and brought her children to the nursery for 4 years without any problem of integration. It makes me wonder why I did not complete the rite of small insertion (ie the transfer of Hector's stuff in his locker) would have reminded Hector that the rite of entry of the nest (where his Things went into the drawer): it was the stuff of 30 seconds, then I would have welcomed and I would have gone.
So, I find myself having to find a way to enter my Hector, despite the teachers and not because of them. Because then I know that Hector will fit without problems, I saw him many times and I know him well. But I wonder why, when there is half of a public facility, you are always having to do contortions and sacrifices, when the simple way would be there before us.

PS: for the next school year, I thought to repeat Hector first, since that would change the school and finds himself on a par with his peers in 2008. But just now, thinking having re-examined a placement, I feel so wanted to enter it directly to the second and fuck the world ...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Marin Bikes Australia

Menocchio to Romedio. The source of the Tof

From how they reconstructed the events for which the stake is over Domenico Scardella said Menocchio, miller Montereale in 1500, he gained the impression that his was an isolated case. In those years the Inquisition raged in Friuli and not a day passed in a country and there was another who ended at the stake. But it was usually about witches. Menocchio instead was arrested in 1584 and burned some year later, just as heretical. He claimed that "this was crucified was one of the sons of God, because all of God fiol Semo, homo like us but most of dignity." It also sought to profess her faith, even at the cost of leaving the skin. What a miller as he watched the wheels turn his mill powered by water is the idea that "all semo fiol de God," I had always seemed implausible. There had to be to force a current of thought that had come up the blades of his windmill, with this theological theory so original that was connected to that other, no less than the original principle that "everything was chaos and that as a mass volume feze doing the training in milk et deventorno in that those were worms et et anzeli among that number of angels there was ancho God created Anchora him. " These were the years of the Protestant Reformation. Many Friulian attended the "Germanies" as Cramars, it was logical it was common in Friuli the spirit of reform. Even in those years was over Tolmezzo trial that Matthew Bruno to save her from the stake abjured while Vinaio Daniele Dionisio was executed in 1588.
This is the context of the legend of the Hermit Vuerpa, and even in this case the law is to understand better and to rebuild the historic moment. Romina Again, the old me that told it, he argued that a legend but the story of a true story and therefore a historical fact. But to me, as I said before, involving elements of the story to help rebuild the historic moment, I do not make any difference whether the facts actually happened or whether they came from someone's imagination.
However, beyond the usual ramblings, Romina was an old woman I met in Vuerpa, a village just above the village in the municipality of Vinaio Lauco. Were there for the traditional feast of the pastor, held every September to celebrate the return of cattle from the party and over which I had been intrigued by the very four houses situated on a plateau at the foot of the mountain, with a front villa.
There was no one in the small village. They were all at the party. Or so it had seemed, but were close to the houses I was attracted by an old man sitting on a bench next to the entrance of an old house. Property as if it were a statue. He stared in silence, landscape, with the attention of the viewer for the first time a scene, while there was no scene that might be more familiar, since there was no doubt that this was his home.
approached, a little 'I looked at her a little' following his eyes watched the scene that she was staring. Tolmezzina opened out in front of the basin that was lost at noon in an endless series of valleys e di quinte di montagne. Lei continuava a guardare immobile come se non si fosse accorta del mio avvicinarmi, ma quando le fui accanto, quasi fosse un saluto o una riflessione ad alta voce, senza fare un cenno di movimento verso di me disse
Mi stupiva il suo comportamento, ma mi stupì ancor di più il fatto che le parole con le quali mi accolse erano le stesse che avevo nella mente mentre guardavo quel panorama. Come se avesse potuto leggermi nel mio pensiero.
“E mi sovvien l’eterno, e le morte stagioni!” disse tra sé e sé ma a voce alta in modo che sentissi. Pensai ad uno strano modo di salutare, colpito dal fatto che anche a me, mentre guardavo al confondersi dell’orizzonte lontano con l’azzurro the sky, had in mind the verses of Leopardi Infinity: Among the immensity my thought is drowned, and is sweet to shipwreck in this sea. " From there the valleys of Carnia, still covered by a lace of light s'andava fog dissipating in the morning sun, seemed straight out of the primordial Ocean. And the mountains I come back you were just out of the water, lay to dry up last September sun.
She, however, the old woman looked out of an antique print. Flew to the case since before the house, like a cropped image from an old book and pasted on a photo. Among the deep lines that marked his face, you could to read and differentiate well the beauty of the past, the delicate features the harmonious features. The eyes were now sunken almost retreating into the cavities of the skull, they still had the light and liveliness of the eyes of a young girl exuberant and jaunty. But the most striking were the hair. Despite his age were not white: the blond for a time had just faded into a gray with golden hues. And they were entangled in long ringlets, like using certain primitive peoples of Australia. But it was not enough! The curls were gathered in a knot behind the neck, which then branched again radially to form a sort of halo. If I had said it was a fairy or a witch, I could not believe her. It was more difficult to think that she was a woman born and lived among the four houses on the mountain. Instead it was just as well to show that even in the reality of Lauco Vuerpa exceed the imagination.
"What do you look around here?" Asked me when I was in front.
"Nothing particular," I said. "I'm here for the party, em'è got the idea to examine the township to better understand how people can live in four houses on top of a mountain."
"Live, live!" He replied, "as in any other part. One day after another, driven by time until you find la morte” Poi notando il mio stupore alla sua risposta aggiunse: “Non so perché ma pensavo che fosse uno che si interessa di leggende”.
Sorpreso per la sua risposta filosofica, al sentire l’aggiunta restai basito. Mi aveva letto nel pensiero sull’Infinito di Leopardi, ed ora s’immaginava il vero motivo del mio interesse a quelle case anche se non le avevo fatto neppure il minimo accenno…In effetti mi ero inoltrato nella borgata proprio pensando che, isolati come erano vissuti, quando fin lassù non arrivavano che sentieri, certamente avevano prodotto nei secoli qualche favola particolare legata al particolare ambiente di montagna.
“Non so come ha fatto ad immaginarlo,” le dissi. “Ma è vero sto cercando di raccogliere delle leggende, prima che se ne perda la memoria. Fino alla vostra generazione c’è stata una trasmissione continua da generazione in generazione. Oggi anche quassù è arrivata la strada asfaltata. Come l’asfalto ha coperto i sassi della carrareccia, così il progresso sta cancellando ogni memoria del passato.”
“Se è vero!” commentò lei. “E’ arrivato nel posto giusto,” aggiunse poi, “perché qui è la casa stessa ad essere una storia che pare una leggenda”.
Senza aggiungere altro, si alzò tutta arzilla e mi aprì la porta invitandomi a seguirla. Era una tipica casa carnica del primo novecento. Atrium, the floor paved with large irregular stones, gave a two-bedroom on the right and left and set off in front of the wooden stairs to the upper floor. Beside it opened the door to the pantry. He opened it and made me go down some steps. Everything is normal, we were in the cellar. But it was the cellar to be out of the ordinary. It was not true of a brick cellar but in a cave.
'E' in this cave, which begins the story of the house ... "He started telling me about Romina.
He explained that this was a natural cave that the case of the geological evolution had wanted to be formed on the mountain. Perhaps it was inhabited in prehistoric times, but this could be just a guess. He was sure however that was inhabited in 600 from an original heretic hermit named Romedio. In later years he had developed a kind of popular cult that had made a holy friar, capable of great miracles, so the cave was built a church. Then the saint had lost the habit of doing miracles, and so had failed in his devotion to the church was abandoned and ended in rubble.
"With the stones of the Church my grandfather started building this house, incorporating the cave like cellar." He was an immigrant like many other carnici to do the mason and was returned to Bavaria, like many others, especially in Pesarina, all taken from ideas of social anarchism, believing that religion was "the opium of the people." It is glory for all his life he had become the foundation of a church in the basement of his house until he was found hanged, without any plausible reason, for a beam in the attic of the house ...
"The Curse of the parent in some way fell back to me, that I am the last heir without children. The offspring will die with me. Nobody wants to live in a cursed house, and soon there will be only a heap of rubble to cover the entrance of the cave. You do not even know it exists and you will lose your history tied to it, the story of the hermit Romedio”.
Non trovai parole per commentare espressioni così prive di speranza ed in silenzio la seguii di nuovo sull’aia, per sedermi accanto a lei sulla panca di legno a guardare la fuga delle montagne giù nelle valli ed a sentire il racconto della vita di Romedio l’eremita di Vuerpa.
Durante il Seicento molti furono accusati di eresia o stregoneria e bruciati al rogo. Chi si voleva liberare di un nemico non doveva far altro che inventarsi un accusa, e il Tribunale dell’Inquisizione provvedeva al resto. Ma anche se tutti in Carnia sapevano che Romedio era un eretico, nessuno s’arrischiò a denunciarlo. Come si sapeva che era eretico, così si sapeva che aveva dei poteri straordinari, che aveva compiuto miracoli exceptional.
Everyone was wondering from where these powers could be. Since I do not believe in God, could only derive from the devil, and nobody ventured to go against a son of the devil, not even the priest Vinaio which also had the opportunity to confront him in a verbal confrontation of the inn country, having confirmed that it was heretical. "And the worst kind!" Perhaps out of fear, not to stand against the devil, perhaps to estimate a person who could develop very deep thoughts, perhaps only because charmed by his manner of speaking, they were still in a lot of people who every day by Vinaio and the whole Carnia rose to visit the hermit. Among they had formed a sort of secret society, the sect of Friends Romedio and there was no danger that they betray each other in denouncing the Inquisition. The only exception was that of Daniele Dionisio which I have already mentioned the bad end. He was also one of the most frequent visitors of the hermit. But to denounce him for other reasons were other people in the country. Not one of the devotees Romedio.
The hermit when he heard that some people had gathered at the mouth of the cave, and went out the open space that would later become the yard of the house, and then in the place where I was together with Romina, kept the speeches, a bit ' as we read it was some centuries before St. Francis. "Speeches of the contents of which have come down to me from generation to generation," he added my interlocutor, "and that will end with me, not having descendants that I send. With this preamble, as if to be engaged in the task of passing on the thought of Romedio made me the summary of a series of arguments and reflections, I remembered that somewhere in those Menocchio. This is why I said in the introduction that probably in the mountains of Friuli in those years had developed an original form of religion, as something between Catholic and Protestant, a kind of liberation theology.
Romedio questioned the Bible in many ways from the first row. It is not true to say that "in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" at the beginning there was chaos, the formless matter, but unaware of its existence eternal. Then there was the light in the sense that the subject became aware of their existence. The light was God, was in the world and through him made the world, by imposing an order to the matter. Matter is the principle of evil, the devil or from which the ranks of the devils, the consciousness of existence is the principle of good from which develops the hosts of angels. Human history is the war of two principles, made up of many stories of individuals in each of which confronts an angel and a devil. A clearly
cosmogony very close to that of Menocchio. The dispute over the Bible and then moved to the gospels. The apparent contradiction among the four canonical gospels show that can not be taken as a truth of faith, he argued, repeating Menocchio told the inquisitors that "some things are part of the evangelical belief that real et evangelists have made them part of his brain, as shown in "steps" that tells a way to et one says another. "
Ma l’elemento che più avvicinava la teologia di Romedio a quella di Menocchio, era la convinzione che ribadiva in ogni suo discorso che l’uomo è figlio di Dio, che ognuno di noi è figlio di Dio.
Su questi concetti sviluppava poi una sua particolare teoria religiosa che in qualche modo tentava di mediare tra i concetti del libero arbitrio e del servo arbitrio, dando una sua particolare soluzione al problema della predestinazione.
Se lo spirito di Dio è la coscienza di esistere dell’Universo e nel corpo di ogni uomo vive lo spirito che è la sua coscienza di esistere, è evidente che cosa si voglia intendere definendo l’uomo come figlio di Dio, come è evidente che in questa definizione è implicito il concetto della sua immortalità. Il corpo nasce dalla materia e soggiace alle leggi della materia, lo spirito viene dallo Spirito universale e torna allo spirito avendo maturato con il corpo l’esperienza di individuo. C’è un atomo della coscienza universale che si incarna in un uomo e diventa coscienza individuale, per tornare per sempre alla coscienza universale mantenendo la sua individualità.
Nel periodo della convivenza, gli anni della vita dell’uomo, la sua esperienza di vita è quella del conflitto tra il demone della on the angel of the spirit. Man is like a battlefield in which you fight a war that does not depend on him except a little. His demon and the angel that his positive and negative characters that come from nature are fought by generating a series of circumstances that affect their lives. But as in a virtual game, man can participate in changing the conditions of the battlefield, which may affect the outcome of the battle. Life is then a battle between three of a demon an angel and a man, as Menocchio also said, "between a body soul and spirit."
To understand the humanity you have to imagine that the atmosphere is charged seed and drop it a few who live the laws of nature on earth and then again become reproducing seeds capable of hovering in the air again and forever. The laws are not imposed by the atmosphere of the earth, the seed is free to turn, depends on him the process of transformation and the result with features that will be the seed back to live in the air. Romina
would continue indefinitely to speak of the theories of Romedio the Hermit, but I have been waiting for friends who had left the party of the Pastor. With this excuse, I promised that I would be welcomed back to visit with more time and more calm. There is no return. In fact, I thought several times to what I had said and I could not give me an answer. They were fantasies of a madman? Or was there a sense, if Menocchio for these theories had left to die at the stake rather than renounce the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing a child of God? ...