If you do not speak
If you do not speak of the Holocaust, it is indifference. Indeed.
is an event that touches me very deeply, but I do not feel qualified to talk about it. I'm not Jewish, I'm not gay are not Gypsies.
I can not understand how it could be based on the genetics of people to kill.
on ideas and religion, yet even so, I understand. Genetics seems to me crazy, although it was very profitable for those madness seized the assets of the deportees.
Even the Inquisition, which objected on the basis of the claim, leaving a path of salvation (maybe in some cases it was preferable to death or was embodied in a more merciful death): If you converted, where abjure, if you kissed the crucifix and take communion, if you confess. But genetics
leaves no way out: Conversions will not save you, you can just go and die. And really the choice to kill people on the basis of their birth affects us all, and if tomorrow they decide to exterminate those who are under one meter and sixty? I'd be screwed.
For many Jews died in concentration camps, being jew was not much different from my being low, many of whom were descendants of converted Jews or indifferent to their religion, some have ignored or have not cared to have Jewish ancestry until the promulgation of racial laws.
The thought of the absurdity that has been perpetrated the Holocaust (as well as with the genocide of the Armenians and many other massacres that do not concern us so close) it saddens me and frightens me.
's why I do not speak willingly of the Holocaust, but I prefer to listen to others.
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