Sunday, January 30, 2011

Fischer Ski Boot 2009

(Pe) rule of law

" The degree of civilization of a society is measured by its prisons "
(FM Dostoevsky)

* The piece can be found even on , portal on free (and youth!) information. Check it deserves!

Four stories. Different circumstances and characters, but dramatically similar to their tragic endings.
Four stories in which the human drama of involuntary protagonists, violence and abuse by the police, the speculations of political forces and the too frequent silence of the media mix in an inextricable tangle, which makes often impossible to ascertain the truth . Four stories, however you think, remember and go depth, along with dozens of stories every year, sadly repeated in prisons and barracks throughout Italy.
not to forget, lest we forget.

The story of Joseph
Joseph that evening, he could not go to die. It was a beautiful day. The game in Italy, a night out, laughing. Qualche bicchiere di troppo . E poi quella frase, nel cuore della notte: “Uva, è proprio te che cercavo”.
L’incubo di Giuseppe Uva , 43enne artigiano varesino, inizia così.
Sono le 3 di notte del 14 giugno 2008 quando, insieme all’amico Alberto, una pattuglia di Carabinieri lo ferma nel centro di Varese. Euforico, stava transennando una via, nel bizzarro tentativo di deviarne il traffico. Portato in caserma, rimane per ore in balia di una decina di uomini tra poliziotti e Carabinieri.
Le urla strazianti , le grida di dolore . Poi, il silenzio .
L’amico Alberto, rimasto nella sala d’attesa della barracks, called an ambulance for help. On the phone with the receptionist, the Carabinieri minimize "They are just two drunks, now we take away the phones." At 5 am, however, the ambulance arrived, called by the same forces. Joseph
dies at 10.30 that morning in the hospital "to move" in Varese. The official version is a lethal combination of drugs and alcohol for the body to Joseph. Body
her sister Lucy, that morning, but finds it hard to recognize : ribs protruding unnaturally, the skin livid with blows, his legs scarred by numerous bruises, the right hand swollen, the fractured spine , bloody private parts.
body of a man who, two and a half years later, has still not received justice .

Stephen's story
I wonder what he thought Stephen, when the Police stopped him on the night between 15 and 16 October 2009. On had 20 grams of hashish, a small amount of cocaine and a tablet Rivotril, which used to fight his daily battle against epilepsy. Stephen was calm: he knew was not a drug trafficker and knew that at his house, the Police did not find anything.
Yet, at 3 am, say they feel bad. When, at 5 di mattina, arriva in ospedale, ha gli occhi tumefatti . Che volete, “ aveva dormito poco e le camere di sicurezza non sono certo alberghi a 5 stelle ”, dichiara il maggiore dei Carabinieri Paolo Unali. Ma il referto dei medici dell’ospedale Fatebenefratelli non parla di occhiaie: Stefano presenta ecchimosi su tutto il corpo, lesioni oculari e lesioni alla schiena, due vertebre spezzate .
Quando il padre di Stefano, la mattina stessa, lo incrocia in Tribunale durante il processo per direttissima, legge in quegli occhi lividi di dolore un disperato grido d’aiuto. Sarà l’ultima volta che vedrà suo figlio.
Tradotto nel carcere di Regina Coeli, Stefano Cucchi dies in solitude at the dawn of October 22, 2009 in the custodial department Pertini Hospital of Rome. It weighed 37 pounds

In spite of the Minister of Justice (Justice) Angelino Alfano, who reported to Parliament (in Parliament) the version of the tragic " fell down the stairs," the judge for a preliminary hearing in Rome he returned to Feedback 12 people, including prison guards, doctors and nurses, condemning first degree in two years Claudio Marchi, director of the inmates of the Regina Coeli prison.

The story of Frederick
To Fred, that was the evening of reggae concert at the "Link" in Bologna. An evening started well - the friends and excitement for the concert - degenerated into some excess - the disappointment of the cancellation of the concert outlet in ' nell'ecstasy and alcohol - and ended in tragedy.
the 5:47 am of September 25, 2005 when a patrol of the State Police crosses the 18 year-old Federico Aldrovandi the streets of Ferrara. There is a struggle. A few minutes later an ambulance arrived, the body of the young man is lying on the ground in a pool of blood. testicles crushed , widespread bruising and hematomas, injury to testa in sede occipitale, una profonda ferita su una natica e graffi sul viso. Due manganelli sfondati .
L’abbiamo bastonato di brutto…è mezzo morto ", si fa scappare il capopattuglia Enzo Pontani in un dialogo con la centrale.
Alle 6.18 Federico muore.
Pochi minuti dopo, come testimonia questo video (minuto 2.33), gli agenti ridacchiano a pochi passi dal suo corpo esanime.

La notizia passa sotto silenzio: qualche trafiletto sui giornali locali e poco più. Nel gennaio 2006 la madre di Federico apre un Blog , attraverso il quale began his personal battle for justice and truth in the name of his son . A first son brutally murdered, then stamped with the label of "addict".
In July 2009, four police officers are convicted at first instance in three years and six months in prison for manslaughter in excess manslaughter.
are all still in service .

Aldo's story (and the future of Rudra)
Rudra gets up early in the morning. Must go to school, study and build a future.
Rudra is left alone in a farmhouse on the hills of Umbria and Marche. Try to help him, with great difficulty, an uncle now a year and a half ago by the Germans. Yeah, because Rudra no longer parents.
all begins one morning in October, when Police officers arrested the father and mother Aldo Roberta . In the field in front of the house the police had found the cannabis plants. Aldo and Roberta were not drug dealers, it's simply not surrendered to the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving to bend to the requirements of laws which they considered hypocritical and interests of criminal organizations that would not in any way foraging.
After a night spent in jail, Roberta sees her husband. For the last time.
The next morning - is Oct. 14 del 2007 – Aldo Bianzino viene trovato morto nella sua cella d’isolamento. Quattro ematomi celebrali , milza e fegato spappolati , due costole fratturate : secondo il referto medico del personale del carcere Aldo sarebbe morto a causa di un infarto.
Prima di morire – nel giugno 2009, uccisa da un tumore e dilaniata da un dolore insopportabile – Roberta lancia una sottoscrizione per il figlio . E’ solo grazie a quest’ultimo, disperato gesto e alla generosa mobilitazione della rete e dei Radicali che Rudra – quando, tra pochi mesi, compirà 18 anni – potrà disporre di una cifra di approximately € 70 thousand .

How much away, Arcore.


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