Saturday, January 8, 2011

Marin Bikes Australia

Menocchio to Romedio. The source of the Tof

From how they reconstructed the events for which the stake is over Domenico Scardella said Menocchio, miller Montereale in 1500, he gained the impression that his was an isolated case. In those years the Inquisition raged in Friuli and not a day passed in a country and there was another who ended at the stake. But it was usually about witches. Menocchio instead was arrested in 1584 and burned some year later, just as heretical. He claimed that "this was crucified was one of the sons of God, because all of God fiol Semo, homo like us but most of dignity." It also sought to profess her faith, even at the cost of leaving the skin. What a miller as he watched the wheels turn his mill powered by water is the idea that "all semo fiol de God," I had always seemed implausible. There had to be to force a current of thought that had come up the blades of his windmill, with this theological theory so original that was connected to that other, no less than the original principle that "everything was chaos and that as a mass volume feze doing the training in milk et deventorno in that those were worms et et anzeli among that number of angels there was ancho God created Anchora him. " These were the years of the Protestant Reformation. Many Friulian attended the "Germanies" as Cramars, it was logical it was common in Friuli the spirit of reform. Even in those years was over Tolmezzo trial that Matthew Bruno to save her from the stake abjured while Vinaio Daniele Dionisio was executed in 1588.
This is the context of the legend of the Hermit Vuerpa, and even in this case the law is to understand better and to rebuild the historic moment. Romina Again, the old me that told it, he argued that a legend but the story of a true story and therefore a historical fact. But to me, as I said before, involving elements of the story to help rebuild the historic moment, I do not make any difference whether the facts actually happened or whether they came from someone's imagination.
However, beyond the usual ramblings, Romina was an old woman I met in Vuerpa, a village just above the village in the municipality of Vinaio Lauco. Were there for the traditional feast of the pastor, held every September to celebrate the return of cattle from the party and over which I had been intrigued by the very four houses situated on a plateau at the foot of the mountain, with a front villa.
There was no one in the small village. They were all at the party. Or so it had seemed, but were close to the houses I was attracted by an old man sitting on a bench next to the entrance of an old house. Property as if it were a statue. He stared in silence, landscape, with the attention of the viewer for the first time a scene, while there was no scene that might be more familiar, since there was no doubt that this was his home.
approached, a little 'I looked at her a little' following his eyes watched the scene that she was staring. Tolmezzina opened out in front of the basin that was lost at noon in an endless series of valleys e di quinte di montagne. Lei continuava a guardare immobile come se non si fosse accorta del mio avvicinarmi, ma quando le fui accanto, quasi fosse un saluto o una riflessione ad alta voce, senza fare un cenno di movimento verso di me disse
Mi stupiva il suo comportamento, ma mi stupì ancor di più il fatto che le parole con le quali mi accolse erano le stesse che avevo nella mente mentre guardavo quel panorama. Come se avesse potuto leggermi nel mio pensiero.
“E mi sovvien l’eterno, e le morte stagioni!” disse tra sé e sé ma a voce alta in modo che sentissi. Pensai ad uno strano modo di salutare, colpito dal fatto che anche a me, mentre guardavo al confondersi dell’orizzonte lontano con l’azzurro the sky, had in mind the verses of Leopardi Infinity: Among the immensity my thought is drowned, and is sweet to shipwreck in this sea. " From there the valleys of Carnia, still covered by a lace of light s'andava fog dissipating in the morning sun, seemed straight out of the primordial Ocean. And the mountains I come back you were just out of the water, lay to dry up last September sun.
She, however, the old woman looked out of an antique print. Flew to the case since before the house, like a cropped image from an old book and pasted on a photo. Among the deep lines that marked his face, you could to read and differentiate well the beauty of the past, the delicate features the harmonious features. The eyes were now sunken almost retreating into the cavities of the skull, they still had the light and liveliness of the eyes of a young girl exuberant and jaunty. But the most striking were the hair. Despite his age were not white: the blond for a time had just faded into a gray with golden hues. And they were entangled in long ringlets, like using certain primitive peoples of Australia. But it was not enough! The curls were gathered in a knot behind the neck, which then branched again radially to form a sort of halo. If I had said it was a fairy or a witch, I could not believe her. It was more difficult to think that she was a woman born and lived among the four houses on the mountain. Instead it was just as well to show that even in the reality of Lauco Vuerpa exceed the imagination.
"What do you look around here?" Asked me when I was in front.
"Nothing particular," I said. "I'm here for the party, em'è got the idea to examine the township to better understand how people can live in four houses on top of a mountain."
"Live, live!" He replied, "as in any other part. One day after another, driven by time until you find la morte” Poi notando il mio stupore alla sua risposta aggiunse: “Non so perché ma pensavo che fosse uno che si interessa di leggende”.
Sorpreso per la sua risposta filosofica, al sentire l’aggiunta restai basito. Mi aveva letto nel pensiero sull’Infinito di Leopardi, ed ora s’immaginava il vero motivo del mio interesse a quelle case anche se non le avevo fatto neppure il minimo accenno…In effetti mi ero inoltrato nella borgata proprio pensando che, isolati come erano vissuti, quando fin lassù non arrivavano che sentieri, certamente avevano prodotto nei secoli qualche favola particolare legata al particolare ambiente di montagna.
“Non so come ha fatto ad immaginarlo,” le dissi. “Ma è vero sto cercando di raccogliere delle leggende, prima che se ne perda la memoria. Fino alla vostra generazione c’è stata una trasmissione continua da generazione in generazione. Oggi anche quassù è arrivata la strada asfaltata. Come l’asfalto ha coperto i sassi della carrareccia, così il progresso sta cancellando ogni memoria del passato.”
“Se è vero!” commentò lei. “E’ arrivato nel posto giusto,” aggiunse poi, “perché qui è la casa stessa ad essere una storia che pare una leggenda”.
Senza aggiungere altro, si alzò tutta arzilla e mi aprì la porta invitandomi a seguirla. Era una tipica casa carnica del primo novecento. Atrium, the floor paved with large irregular stones, gave a two-bedroom on the right and left and set off in front of the wooden stairs to the upper floor. Beside it opened the door to the pantry. He opened it and made me go down some steps. Everything is normal, we were in the cellar. But it was the cellar to be out of the ordinary. It was not true of a brick cellar but in a cave.
'E' in this cave, which begins the story of the house ... "He started telling me about Romina.
He explained that this was a natural cave that the case of the geological evolution had wanted to be formed on the mountain. Perhaps it was inhabited in prehistoric times, but this could be just a guess. He was sure however that was inhabited in 600 from an original heretic hermit named Romedio. In later years he had developed a kind of popular cult that had made a holy friar, capable of great miracles, so the cave was built a church. Then the saint had lost the habit of doing miracles, and so had failed in his devotion to the church was abandoned and ended in rubble.
"With the stones of the Church my grandfather started building this house, incorporating the cave like cellar." He was an immigrant like many other carnici to do the mason and was returned to Bavaria, like many others, especially in Pesarina, all taken from ideas of social anarchism, believing that religion was "the opium of the people." It is glory for all his life he had become the foundation of a church in the basement of his house until he was found hanged, without any plausible reason, for a beam in the attic of the house ...
"The Curse of the parent in some way fell back to me, that I am the last heir without children. The offspring will die with me. Nobody wants to live in a cursed house, and soon there will be only a heap of rubble to cover the entrance of the cave. You do not even know it exists and you will lose your history tied to it, the story of the hermit Romedio”.
Non trovai parole per commentare espressioni così prive di speranza ed in silenzio la seguii di nuovo sull’aia, per sedermi accanto a lei sulla panca di legno a guardare la fuga delle montagne giù nelle valli ed a sentire il racconto della vita di Romedio l’eremita di Vuerpa.
Durante il Seicento molti furono accusati di eresia o stregoneria e bruciati al rogo. Chi si voleva liberare di un nemico non doveva far altro che inventarsi un accusa, e il Tribunale dell’Inquisizione provvedeva al resto. Ma anche se tutti in Carnia sapevano che Romedio era un eretico, nessuno s’arrischiò a denunciarlo. Come si sapeva che era eretico, così si sapeva che aveva dei poteri straordinari, che aveva compiuto miracoli exceptional.
Everyone was wondering from where these powers could be. Since I do not believe in God, could only derive from the devil, and nobody ventured to go against a son of the devil, not even the priest Vinaio which also had the opportunity to confront him in a verbal confrontation of the inn country, having confirmed that it was heretical. "And the worst kind!" Perhaps out of fear, not to stand against the devil, perhaps to estimate a person who could develop very deep thoughts, perhaps only because charmed by his manner of speaking, they were still in a lot of people who every day by Vinaio and the whole Carnia rose to visit the hermit. Among they had formed a sort of secret society, the sect of Friends Romedio and there was no danger that they betray each other in denouncing the Inquisition. The only exception was that of Daniele Dionisio which I have already mentioned the bad end. He was also one of the most frequent visitors of the hermit. But to denounce him for other reasons were other people in the country. Not one of the devotees Romedio.
The hermit when he heard that some people had gathered at the mouth of the cave, and went out the open space that would later become the yard of the house, and then in the place where I was together with Romina, kept the speeches, a bit ' as we read it was some centuries before St. Francis. "Speeches of the contents of which have come down to me from generation to generation," he added my interlocutor, "and that will end with me, not having descendants that I send. With this preamble, as if to be engaged in the task of passing on the thought of Romedio made me the summary of a series of arguments and reflections, I remembered that somewhere in those Menocchio. This is why I said in the introduction that probably in the mountains of Friuli in those years had developed an original form of religion, as something between Catholic and Protestant, a kind of liberation theology.
Romedio questioned the Bible in many ways from the first row. It is not true to say that "in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" at the beginning there was chaos, the formless matter, but unaware of its existence eternal. Then there was the light in the sense that the subject became aware of their existence. The light was God, was in the world and through him made the world, by imposing an order to the matter. Matter is the principle of evil, the devil or from which the ranks of the devils, the consciousness of existence is the principle of good from which develops the hosts of angels. Human history is the war of two principles, made up of many stories of individuals in each of which confronts an angel and a devil. A clearly
cosmogony very close to that of Menocchio. The dispute over the Bible and then moved to the gospels. The apparent contradiction among the four canonical gospels show that can not be taken as a truth of faith, he argued, repeating Menocchio told the inquisitors that "some things are part of the evangelical belief that real et evangelists have made them part of his brain, as shown in "steps" that tells a way to et one says another. "
Ma l’elemento che più avvicinava la teologia di Romedio a quella di Menocchio, era la convinzione che ribadiva in ogni suo discorso che l’uomo è figlio di Dio, che ognuno di noi è figlio di Dio.
Su questi concetti sviluppava poi una sua particolare teoria religiosa che in qualche modo tentava di mediare tra i concetti del libero arbitrio e del servo arbitrio, dando una sua particolare soluzione al problema della predestinazione.
Se lo spirito di Dio è la coscienza di esistere dell’Universo e nel corpo di ogni uomo vive lo spirito che è la sua coscienza di esistere, è evidente che cosa si voglia intendere definendo l’uomo come figlio di Dio, come è evidente che in questa definizione è implicito il concetto della sua immortalità. Il corpo nasce dalla materia e soggiace alle leggi della materia, lo spirito viene dallo Spirito universale e torna allo spirito avendo maturato con il corpo l’esperienza di individuo. C’è un atomo della coscienza universale che si incarna in un uomo e diventa coscienza individuale, per tornare per sempre alla coscienza universale mantenendo la sua individualità.
Nel periodo della convivenza, gli anni della vita dell’uomo, la sua esperienza di vita è quella del conflitto tra il demone della on the angel of the spirit. Man is like a battlefield in which you fight a war that does not depend on him except a little. His demon and the angel that his positive and negative characters that come from nature are fought by generating a series of circumstances that affect their lives. But as in a virtual game, man can participate in changing the conditions of the battlefield, which may affect the outcome of the battle. Life is then a battle between three of a demon an angel and a man, as Menocchio also said, "between a body soul and spirit."
To understand the humanity you have to imagine that the atmosphere is charged seed and drop it a few who live the laws of nature on earth and then again become reproducing seeds capable of hovering in the air again and forever. The laws are not imposed by the atmosphere of the earth, the seed is free to turn, depends on him the process of transformation and the result with features that will be the seed back to live in the air. Romina
would continue indefinitely to speak of the theories of Romedio the Hermit, but I have been waiting for friends who had left the party of the Pastor. With this excuse, I promised that I would be welcomed back to visit with more time and more calm. There is no return. In fact, I thought several times to what I had said and I could not give me an answer. They were fantasies of a madman? Or was there a sense, if Menocchio for these theories had left to die at the stake rather than renounce the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing a child of God? ...


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