They are my thanks and my best wishes for the success of the project.
"made Italy, we must make Italians." The famous phrase, attributed to Massimo D'Azeglio, sounds incredible when compared to the current rumors that give the name of our country in pole position among the possible labels Berlusconi's new party.
Checchi Silvio and I tell her, in fact, the need to find a new name for a new party goes well beyond the legal wrangling between the (dissolved) to PDL and fresh Fli. The "God poll says that's no concern dab the bleeding of votes and voters - the" Italian "in fact - that, want to sex scandals, want to judicial investigations, want to let out-of expulsion Fini, has affected the PDL in recent months. Bleeding that, for the party was born with great fanfare by yet found the political-media and Berlusconi's uncontested ruler of all electoral events of the last 2 ½ years, has begun to concern, requiring, if not a Renziana "destruction" at least a prompt review . There is also a work by
strategic repositioning, on the one hand, fills the area free from politics-driven demise of neo-centrist Fini, on the other hand, give a strong sign of discontinuity between the PDL pre-split, which was smoldering inside the seed of betrayal, and after that of Mirabello.
And what better name for "Italy" could, simultaneously, to (re) gain the votes of conservatives displaced by the centrism of Fini and again gli animi delle frange più calde del “tifo” berlusconiano? Nessuno.
Riappropriandosi della vecchia e (a suo tempo) innovativa trovata di trapiantare il gergo calcistico-sportivo nella retorica politica, Berlusconi conta dunque di scaldare il motore in vista delle possibili elezioni anticipate.
Sfondo azzurro che richiama i colori della nazionale , nastro tricolore nel mezzo e scritta “Berlusconi presidente” ben evidente, il nome “Italia” rappresenterebbe il punto di arrivo di quell’ideale percorso iniziato nel 1994 con il caldissimo “Forza Italia” e proseguito nel 2007 con il più tiepido “Popolo delle Freedom. " A name and logo, as has been suggested that the pollsters and marketing experts hired by the party, winking to the size of the Patriotic 150 year anniversary of the Unification of Italy . A symbol
- Italy - that meets the need to leave the classic patterns of political communication and that, for example, could not be summarized, compressed, or simply reduced all'impronunciabile acronym stands for-turn.
E chiessenefrega So if someone could point out the obvious contradiction between the adoption of a name - Italy - Which seeks to unite, and the use of rhetorical strategies, policies, in fact, to "divide (between Berlusconi and anti-Berlusconi, between liberals and Communists, between party and party love hate, etc ...) . Never mind even if
's closest ally, and one every other day as well, shouting to secession from the rest of Italy and thieving from the capital.
One thing is politics, another is the image.
Which of the two, now counts more?
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