Lettera al Presidente del Consiglio
Signor Presidente del Consiglio, Onorevole Silvio Berlusconi.
Nonostante la quantità e la gravità delle accuse che le sono state rivolte – prostituzione minorile e concussione – Lei non ha ritenuto i suoi concittadini (nonché, fino a prova contraria, suoi datori di lavoro) degni di una risposta sincera e leale.
Domenica e mercoledì scorsi, riproponende il triste genere del videomessaggio senza contraddittorio soaked the usual unbearable, nauseating rhetoric, has escaped once again from your responsibilities and political and moral obligation to shed light on the many shadows that surround her more or less recent past. Confirming - once again - the most vulgar contempt for the institutions of that state that you should be the lowest and most consideration for those people She says she loves that.
He thought they could get away - and, perhaps, he would manage again - thanks to the usual surreal, self-celebratory monologue, demonstrating cowardice of those who run away from their responsibilities, the nerve of those who are aware of its exorbitant power, mindedness of those who have nothing to lose.
The following are the simple and timely objections by which an information system would have nailed the free and independent to fulfill its responsibilities by removing the justifications inaccuracy contained in his video message, if only the tentacles of his power had not For years, most of the neutralized.
This outrage the spontaneous and genuine, rational and argued, with which the citizens were forced to resign, if only the models (in) cultural vomited for over twenty years after his media empire they did not sleepy shaped the minds and consciences.
Let us see, then, this outrage. Step by step, minute by minute, frame by frame.
Minute 0:30: pm I have shown a "clear desire persecution against me" maybe you forget who in Italy we have the principle of ' mandatory prosecution. Persecutory or less will also the problem is those who commit crimes rather than those who pursue them.
Minute 1:16: "For prosecutor did not appeal the decision of the Constitutional Court even to the point that, one day after the ruling of the Consulta, with perfect timing, have made public their investigations " His entry in the register of suspects took place December 21, 2010 and was notified the day after the ruling of Look only to avoid influence their decisions, which, however, she did regularly. As at the meeting that a few weeks since the ruling of the Constitutional Court on the Lodo Alfano, she had with the two Constitutional Court judges Luigi Mazzella and Paul Napolitano. That, on time, voted in favor of the Ruling.
Minute 1:25: "And 'unacceptable that, after 15 days, (the prosecutor) have not sent out the acts of these investigations to the Court of Ministers as required by law : President, ministers of the tribunal judges crimes committed by members of the Council of Ministers performance of their duties. Give orders to the police is not for the President of the Council but, if anything, the interior minister. Call the police station and, through deceit, encourage police officers to shorten practices provided for the accommodation of a minor thief without documents, fortunately, not for anyone. At least for now.
Minute 1.2: "The manager Police which would have been extorted denies ever be minor and the person denies ever having had sexual advances nor ": both can have good reason to deny . The first fear of possible retaliation or to flee their possible responsibility (acting against the due process of law). The second to preserve the integrity or, as is clear from the wiretaps, the upside to play with you in the game of blackmail. Up to 5 million euro.
Minute 2:40: "When I try di aiutare chi ha bisogno ”: Lei, con i suoi soldi – la provenienza di buona parte dei quali non ha mai voluto svelare, avvalendosi della facoltà di non rispondere di fronte ai magistrati – può fare ciò che vuole, purchè entro ai limiti della legge (che, in questo come in molti altri casi, sembrano essere stati travalicati). Ma almeno ci risparmi – lo faccia per il rispetto che si deve alle migliaia di persone che quell’aiuto meriterebbero per davvero – la solita barzelletta del filantropo premuroso . O vuole davvero far passare come pura casualità il fatto che le persone da Lei “aiutate” portassero tutte la 4° di reggiseno Beyond all the feet tall and they were all very uninhibited ? Cornuti you, blow no, please.
Minute 3.12 " of people I've helped hundreds. Never in exchange for something, if not of gratitude, friendship and affection "and 420 million disbursed by banks for Fininvest buy the judge Vittorio Metta and he ruled that guaranteed, among other , Mondadori, L'Espresso, Panorama and the Republic? And Massimo Berruti officer of the Guardia di Finanza who turned a blind eye to his inspection Edilnord and was promoted Men's Fininvest and, then, of his parliamentary party? And 21 billion of illegal financing to Craxi to keep it down his television empire? And the € 600 thousand lawyer to persuade him to Mills lie in two trials against you? They were all acts of charity to needy people?
Minute 4:35: " Lele Mora has done an excellent job mediaset ... I am proud to have helped ": the fact that you are proud to have helped Lele Mora, a person who within his repertoire, as well as a bust of Mussolini kissing "all day, "boasts a conviction for a millionaire tax evasion and a bankruptcy declaration pendant , certainly does not bode well in his favor. On the other hand, "who is without sin cast the first stone", a President?
Minute 6:20: "And 'law against this intrusion into people's private lives ... what people do in a liberal democracy at home only affects their ." Defames you with this statement, threatening the foundations of our already shaky rule of law. What do people in the home is like any other crime punishable . Sorry, among others, rapists, pedophiles and murderers, but remains so. Fortunately.
Minute 7:45: " is not a free country one in which, when you pick up the phone, you are not sure of the inviolability of their conversations " No, Mr. President. Ben interceptions for those who are - unlike her and much of our ruling class - has nothing to hide . What is not acceptable in a free state, and - if I may - is not worthy of a civilized and democratic, is that you, prime minister, more 15 years flee before the law and before the serious allegations that the riots are addressed by the judiciary through a parliamentary personal use, the first institution that you have degraded, with more shameful and unconstitutional, and then humiliated, by reducing - thanks to the invasion of recycled racks and favored by you - to a mere cog in the chain of your impunity.
Minute 8:20: " is not a free country one in which a caste of privileged people can commit abuse against other people without ever having to account .
Here Chairman: On this point, I absolutely agree is .
So, resigned.
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