" The Italians have only two things on my mind: the other is spaghetti "
(C. Deneuve)
(C. Deneuve)
Strange people, Italians. I can tolerate and support everything, but when you enter bedroom (or kitchen) becomes inflexible.
It indignant, then, but not with the purity of mind advocated by Stéphane Hessel, 93enne hero of the Resistance francese, nel pamphlet di 32 pagine “ Indignez-vous! ” che ha già raggiunto le 650mila copie vendute in meno di 3 mesi. Sana indignazione che rappresenta un'autentica linfa vitale per gli stati civili che vogliano dirsi tali, unico vero anticorpo contro la degenerazione morale di qualsiasi società. Sentimento – l’indignazione – ancora vivo negli animi di quei francesi che hanno saputo custodire e tramandare con cura ed orgoglio le proprie radici resistenziali, tanto che, ancora oggi, il primo giorno di scuola gli alunni leggono la lettera che il giovane partigiano Guy Môquet scrisse ai genitori prima di essere fucilato dai nazisti.
No, l’italiano si indigna per altro . Chiude un occhio – quando non tutti e due – di fronte alle complicità tra mafia e istituzioni ; ingoia taciturno il volgare pressapochismo di quei politici che rispondono al disperato grido d’aiuto degli operai – i nuovi schiavi del 21° secolo – con l’ottusa dicotomia dei “buoni” contro i “cattivi”; risolve il problema dell’imbarazzante e dilagante accoppiata clientelismo-corruzione con l’assolutoria (ed autobiografica?) formula del “così fan tutti”.
Ma, da buon cattolico, non transige sulle questioni dei piaceri carnali .
It does - it shows the debate on the matter ruby/atto2 ° , these days - with a touch of pride in that Italian male who does not have to ask (and pay) ever. That is not outraged, then, for the really serious aspects of the story :
- Premier
- a concept that promotes a objectified women, arranged in blocks in cages like animals and called the fold of Arcore - through the shameful use of human and material resources of the bodies of the State - when it comes to appease the hunger of the sultan;
- a Premier who, at best - That is, if we were to accept the version of the loving father who helps his young daughter to crush strikes notes and jewels - show the total lack of sense of responsibility which should characterize those who not only plays a role similar institutions, and any adult with common sense. In the worst - that is, if the crime will be found of child prostitution and extortion - proves to be what many, many years, accusing him of being: a businessman-politician accustomed to criticizing their iniquities with the 'abuse of power and corruption ;
- a Premier who decides to spend April 25, the Feast of Liberation , including banquets and dinners with his friend Putin , proven leader of freedom.
No, the Italian was outraged because one of the dozens of girls passed through Arcore (there is even talk of a total of 100) had minor . That, in itself, is completely understandable. The problem is that this outrage is not accompanied by the equally sacred feeling of nausea for anyone with a hand legislates against prostitution - with laws that often counter-criminal foraging the slave system - and the other for feeding. And 'the sacrilegious violation of the honor the macho Italian, therefore the true cause of popular resentment. It sees in handful of months, at the time of hypothetical performance of Ruby, separated from the girl coming of age, the 'only real blemish moral of the story.
A famous Chinese proverb says: "When the finger points to the moon, the fool looks at the finger." So: we are not fingers, the moon, much less ...
Go to hell, Chinese communists!
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